Law Faculty

Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (THEQF) – Law Core Field Qualifications Law Program Outcomes (PO) PO Definitions
      PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11  


1-Develops and deepens expertise-level knowledge of concepts, institutions, and methods related to public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines.

- PO 3. Developing the ability to resolve unique legal problems in areas covered by the undergraduate program using acquired theoretical legal knowledge and legal methodology.
2-Understands and establishes connections between the concepts, institutions, and methods of public law, private law, their sub-disciplines, and related social science fields.  X  X  X  X PO 4. Acquiring the ability to balance mutual rights and interests within the framework of an advanced sense of justice.
Skills Cognitive&Practical 1- Utilizes the advanced-level knowledge acquired in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines to analyze topics and issues related to legal theory and practice.  X  X  X  X  X  X  X PO 1. Acquiring knowledge of legal methodology alongside sufficient theoretical knowledge to resolve legal disputes.
2- Evaluates and interprets the advanced-level knowledge acquired in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines in conjunction with knowledge from other disciplines, and generates new insights based on this synthesis.  X PO 7. Acquiring in-depth knowledge in specific areas of law through elective courses and adopting innovations in these fields.
3- Resolves issues encountered in legal theory and practice by utilizing research methods specific to the field of law.  X  X  X PO 9. Acquiring a sufficient level of English to comprehend articles and books, interpret legal texts, analyze national and international judicial decisions, and express legal opinions.
 Competencies     Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility  1- Independently conducts a study requiring expertise in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines.  X PO 5. Gaining the capacity to enhance and innovate positive law by utilizing insights from other disciplines (such as political science, economics, etc.).
2- Develops new strategic approaches and takes responsibility for solving unforeseen and complex problems requiring expertise in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines; leads efforts aimed at achieving this goal.  X PO 2. Gaining a general understanding of national and international legal regulations, court precedents, and their applications in fundamental areas of law (e.g., Commercial Law, Tax Law, EU Law).
Learning Competence 1- Critically evaluates the advanced-level knowledge and skills acquired in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines and directs their own learning process.  -  -  - PO 8. Gaining computer skills to collect and analyze research data and adopting technological advancements in legal studies.
Communication and Social Competence   1-Systematically conveys advanced-level knowledge acquired in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines, as well as current developments in legal theory and practice, to both field-specific and non-field-specific groups in written and oral form.  X  X  X PO 6. Developing teamwork skills through in-class activities, moot court exercises, courthouse practices, and other professional and academic visits, alongside individual academic success.
 2- Critically examines legal concepts, institutions, established legal practices, and legal rules, and takes initiative to improve or modify them when necessary.  X  -  X  -  X  -  X  X  X PO 5. Gaining the capacity to enhance and innovate positive law by utilizing insights from other disciplines (such as political science, economics, etc.).
3- Uses a foreign language at least at the B2 General Level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to follow developments in the field of law and communicate with colleagues. PO 10. Developing oral and written communication skills.
 4- Utilizes computer software, as well as information and communication technologies, at an advanced level as required by the field of law.  X  -  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X PO 7. Acquiring in-depth knowledge in specific areas of law through elective courses and adopting innovations in these fields.
Field-Specific Competence  1- Internalizes social, scientific, and ethical values in the processes of acquiring, processing, and evaluating knowledge related to public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines.  X  -  -  - PO 10. Developing oral and written communication skills.
 2- Develops and promotes the principles of honesty, justice, and ethics required by the legal profession and instills them in others..  -  -  -  -  - PO 3. Developing the ability to resolve unique legal problems in areas covered by the undergraduate program using acquired theoretical legal knowledge and legal methodology.