Gülmez, M., Yaşa Özeltürkay, E., & Sağtaş Tutkunca, S. (2014). Avapreneurship Avatar Girişimcilik Second Life Sanal Yaşam Dünyasında Girişimcilik Sürecine İlişkin Bir Süreç Önerisi. Presented at the II. Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Kongresi, İSTANBUL.
Gülmez, M., Gür, D., & Güler, G. (2024). Metaverse-based Marketing Education: Perspectives of Higher Education Students. Presented at the ICSIMAT 2024 (the 11th International Conference).
İnal, E. (2024). VR Project - Second Life Experience. Presented at the EL@RA CONFERENCE “Technologies and Techniques to Support Sustainable Education in the Academic Sphere” VR Dimension Towards Pedagogy 5.0 - Learning Experience Reconstruction.
İnal, E. (2024). Student Project about Sustainable Development Goals in a Virtual World. Presented at the UN 2.0: Our Common Agenda and the Role of Higher Education in Conflict, Peace, and Development.
Koçak, G. (2024). Use of Virtual Exhibits to Enrich the Learning Experience/Virtual Reality Demonstrations. Presented at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas/JohISA ELIAS-CIDE Applied and Experiential Learning Workshop and Outreach Event.
O'Connor, J., Gülmez, M., Hill, V., Barrios, R.I., İnal, E., Koçak, G., Alzankawi, A., Madi, I., & Morales, L. (2024). VR, AI, Educators, Student Voice and the Future of Education. Presented at the UN 2.0: Our Common Agenda and the Role of Higher Education in Conflict, Peace, and Development.