PO 1. Acquiring knowledge of legal methodology alongside sufficient theoretical knowledge to resolve legal disputes.
PO 2. Gaining a general understanding of national and international legal regulations, court precedents, and their applications in fundamental areas of law (e.g., Commercial Law, Tax Law, EU Law).
PO 3. Developing the ability to resolve unique legal problems in areas covered by the undergraduate program using acquired theoretical legal knowledge and legal methodology.
PO 4. Acquiring the ability to balance mutual rights and interests within the framework of an advanced sense of justice.
PO 5. Gaining the capacity to enhance and innovate positive law by utilizing insights from other disciplines (such as political science, economics, etc.).
PO 6. Developing teamwork skills through in-class activities, moot court exercises, courthouse practices, and other professional and academic visits, alongside individual academic success.
PO 7. Acquiring in-depth knowledge in specific areas of law through elective courses and adopting innovations in these fields.
PO 8. Gaining computer skills to collect and analyze research data and adopting technological advancements in legal studies.
PO 9. Acquiring a sufficient level of English to comprehend articles and books, interpret legal texts, analyze national and international judicial decisions, and express legal opinions.
PO 10. Developing oral and written communication skills.
PO 11. Internalizing universal ethical and cultural values while fostering awareness of environmental protection, occupational health, and safety.