Law Faculty

Program Description

Qualification Title

Bachelor’s Degree in Law

Credit Range


Standard Duration of the Program

4 Years

Language of Instruction

Turkish / 30% English

Program Director

Prof. Dr. Yücel Ertekin

Erasmus Program Coordinator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sami Doğru

Program Profile

The Faculty of Law at Çağ University was established with the aim of educating legal professionals who are proficient in at least one foreign language, possess a broad general culture, have a deep understanding of legal knowledge and reasoning, and contribute to legal science at both national and international levels.(Official Gazette: 18.11.1997, No.(R): 23174)

Learning Environment

Education is conducted in a formal (on-campus) setting. Due to sufficient technological infrastructure, distance learning methods are also partially implemented. Additionally, practical training is provided through research centers and other relevant units within the university.

Program Outcomes (Competencies)

Key Competencies

  1. Literacy skills

  2. Multilingual competence

  3. Mathematical competence and proficiency in science, technology, and engineering

  4. Digital competence

  5. Personal, social, and learning-to-learn competence

  6. Civic competence

  7. Entrepreneurship competence

  8. Cultural awareness and expression competence

Assessment and Evaluation Methods

  • Assessment and evaluation methods, including types of exams and their contribution to course success, are determined by the provisions of Çağ University’s Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations and Senate decisions.

  • Various methods such as assignments, projects, practical applications, mid-term exams, and final exams are used for assessment and evaluation.

  • A grading system based on letters and/or numerical values is applied in evaluating student performance

Quality Assurance

To ensure the quality of higher education programs:

  • The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) is responsible for the planning, regulation, management, and supervision of education, training, and other activities in higher education institutions.

  • “University Monitoring and Evaluation Reports” are published annually, prepared according to the criteria set by YÖK. These reports include both quantitative and qualitative assessments of higher education institutions and are shared with the public.

  • The "Foundation Higher Education Institutions Report", which includes academic, administrative, and financial data of foundation universities, is published annually by YÖK and shared with the public.

Quality Assurance of the Law Undergraduate Program

Program Development and Approval

  • YÖK establishes the minimum standards and criteria for opening undergraduate programs in higher education institutions.

  • The curriculum and learning outcomes of each undergraduate program are determined by Çağ University Senate in accordance with the fundamental principles set by YÖK.

Assessment and Evaluation

  • The assessment and evaluation of the learning outcomes gained in the Law Undergraduate Program are carried out according to Çağ University’s Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, which comply with YÖK’s fundamental principles.


  • Students enrolled in the Law Undergraduate Program receive an associate or bachelor's degree upon successfully completing the required course credits and other obligations set by the university.

Self-Assessment and External Evaluation

  • At the beginning of each year, Çağ University submits its “Institutional Internal Evaluation Reports” from the previous year to the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) via its Information System.

  • YÖKAK publishes the "Institutional Feedback Report" on external evaluations of higher education institutions and shares it with the public.

  • Accreditation decisions made by authorized or recognized accreditation bodies serve as proof of the quality assurance of the programs.

  • Regular review activities are conducted in accordance with YÖKAK regulations

Admission Requirements

Students must be placed in the Çağ University Law Program through the central exam conducted by ÖSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center).

Graduation Requirements

The graduation requirements for the Law Program are stated in the Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations. Accordingly, students must:

  • Successfully complete all courses in the curriculum with at least a DD grade, and

  • Achieve a minimum 2.00 GPA out of 4.00 to graduate

Progression Opportunities

  • Graduates of the Law Undergraduate Program may apply for master’s and doctoral programs.

  • Graduates of the Associate Degree in Justice Program may apply for undergraduate programs through the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) conducted by ÖSYM.

Legal Basis of the Qualification

  • Higher Education Law No. 2547

  • Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations

  • Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Board Regulations

Website for Qualification Access