Mission |
The mission of the International Trade and Logistics Department is; To train students equipped with knowledge, skills and competencies in line with the needs and expectations of the business world in the field of international trade and logistics. |
Vision |
To be one of the leading departments in education, research, and societal contribution in the field of international trade and logistics. |
Broadly Defined Learning Objectives: |
To accomplish this task (mission), the Department of International Trade and Logistics; |
Qualification Code |
TR0030033002 |
Qualification Title |
International Trade and Logistics Undergraduate Diploma |
Awarding Body |
Cag University |
Awarding Body Contact |
Cag University Baybogan Campus Adana Mersin Highway 33800 Yenice /Mersin / TÜRKİYE |
Awarding Body Url |
EQF Level |
6 |
TQF Level |
6 |
Thematic Areas |
Transportation Services |
National Occupation Classification |
- |
Category |
Main |
Credit Value |
240 |
Program |
4 Years |
Program Profile |
International Trade and Logistics Program is designed to equip the students with both theoretical and practical knowledge along with management skills and self- confidence for the rapidly changing business world as qualified staff members needed to perform a particular job in international trade and logistics sector. This program is thought in English. |
Learning Environments |
Education and training are carried out in a formal way. Since the University’s technological facilities are sufficient, distance education method is also partially implemented. In addition, applied training is provided through research centers etc. units within the University. |
Learning Outcomes (Definition) |
1.Graduates master the theories and principles related to the field of international trade and logistics and can critically question these theories and principles. |
Key Competencies |
1. Competence on reading and writing |
Further Info |
Grading System Point Grade (letter) GPA coefficient 90- 100 AA 4.0 85- 89 BA 3,5 80- 84 BB 3,0 75- 79 CB 2,5 70- 74 CC 2,0 60- 69 DC 1,5 50- 59 DD 1,0 40- 49 FD 0,5 01-39 FF 0,0 |
Quality Assurance |
In order to monitor the quality of higher education programs; • Higher Educational Board (YÖK) is responsible for the planning, organization, administration and supervision of education, training and other activities carried out in higher education institutions. • "University Monitoring and Evaluation Reports" of higher education institutions, prepared every year within the framework of the criteria determined by YÖK, are published. YÖK publishes and shares with the public a report that prepared according to these reports, containing quantitative and qualitative evaluations for higher education institutions. • YÖK also publishes every year the "Foundation Higher Education Institutions Report", which includes academic, administrative, and financial data of foundation higher education institutions. These reports, which include quantitative and qualitative evaluations of foundation higher education institutions, are shared with the public by YÖK. • Quality assurance of the International Trade and Logistics undergraduate program is provided as follows: Creation and Approval of Curriculum: - YÖK determines the minimum standards and criteria required for the opening of associate/undergraduate programs in higher education institutions. - The curriculum of associate/undergraduate programs in higher education institutions and the learning outcomes that each program will provide to the student are determined by YÖK. Cag University Senate has prepared its own regulation in accordance with the basic principles determined by YÖK. Assessment and evaluation: - The measurement and evaluation of the learning outcomes that International Trade and Logistics undergraduate program will provide to the student is carried out in accordance with the “The Regulation for Education, Teaching, and Examination Rules for Associate and Undergraduate Degrees of Cag University” , which are prepared in accordance with the basic principles determined by YÖK on these issues. Certification: - Students who enrolled to International Trade and Logistics undergraduate program obtain associate/bachelor’s degree if they successfully complete the course credits and other obligations determined by higher education institutions. Self-Assessment-External Evaluation: - In the context of continuous monitoring, Cag University enters the "Institutional Internal Evaluation Reports" of the previous year into the Information System prepared by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) at the beginning of each year. The "Institutional Feedback Report", prepared by YÖKAK regarding the external evaluation of higher education institutions, is shared with the public. In addition, accreditation decisions made by accreditation bodies, authorized or recognized by YÖKAK, also show that the quality assurance of the qualifications of the programs is ensured. It carries out regular review activities regarding the qualifications determined in accordance with the YÖKAK legislation. |
Access Requirements |
Being placed in Cag University International Trade and Logistics Program as a result of the central exam conducted by Measurement Selection and Placement Center. |
Conditions for Success |
Conditions graduating from International Trade and Logistics Program is determined by “The Regulation for Education, Teaching, and Examination for Associate and Undergraduate Degrees of Cag University”. According to the Regulation, a student is required to have pass the courses minimum DD grade and minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00 in order to graduate from Program. |
Progression Paths (Relationship Type) |
Graduates from International Trade and Logistics Program may apply to graduate (second cycle) programs. |
Legal Basis |
1. Higher Education Law No. 2547 |
Validity Period (If Any) |
The qualification is valid indefinite times. |
Url |
A student who successfully completes the program; |
1. Expresses oneself professionally by using written and verbal communication skills effectively in different environments of business life, |
2. Uses current and widespread information technology products, |
3. Defines the basic concepts of business administration, |
4. Takes social responsibility awareness and ethical values into consideration in the decisions taken in business life, |
5. Contributes to the development of the system in which it works by integrating the theoretical knowledge it has acquired with practice, |
6. Uses leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal communication skills, |
7. Questions the basic functions of the business such as marketing, production, human resources, accounting and finance, research & development and management and the dynamics between these functions, |
8. Coordinates the planning, organizing, execution and control functions of business management, |
9. Solves problems with analytical and creative approaches in changing business conditions. |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-101 | International Trade Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
TUR-101 | Turkish I Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
UNI-101 | Introduction to University Life Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 1-0-1 | 01 | ||
FLE-103 | Vocational English I Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 4-0-4 | 06 | ||
ECO-105 | Economics Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAT-105 | Statistics for Business Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
OSD-110 | OSD (Common Elective Courses) Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
Total Credit | 18 | 31 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-102 | International Logistics Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 07 | ||
TUR-102 | Turkish II Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
FEA-104 | Career Planning Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 1-0-1 | 02 | ||
FLE-104 | Vocational English II Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 4-0-4 | 06 | ||
MAN-110 | Business Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAT-112 | Mathematics for Business Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 16 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
HIS-201 | Atatürk's Principles & History of Turkish Revolution I Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
ITL-201 | Transportation Systems Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
LAW-201 | Law - I Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLE-203 | Vocational English III Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 4-0-4 | 06 | ||
MAN-203 | Principles of Accounting Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
OSD-210 | OSD (Common Elective Courses) Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
Total Credit | 17 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-200 | Transportation Procedures Department Elective Courses | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
HIS-202 | Atatürk's Principles & History of Turkish Revolution II Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
LAW-202 | Law - II Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLE-204 | Vocational English IV Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 4-0-4 | 06 | ||
MAN-204 | Financial Accounting Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-401 | Fourth Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 18 | 33 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-301 | Supply Chain Management Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ITL-303 | International Trade Applications Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAN-331 | Comtemporary Marketing Issues Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLX-303 | Second Foreign Language I - Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-501 | Fifth Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 15 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-306 | International Trade Regulations Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
IFN-310 | Finance in International Trade Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
IFN-314 | E-Commerce Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLX-304 | Second Foreign Language II - Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-601 | Sixth Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 15 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ECO-403 | Turkish Economy Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ITL-409 | Logistics İnformation Systems Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLX-403 | Second Foreign Language III - Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-701 | Seventh Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 6 | ||
ITL-000 | Capstone Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 15 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ECO-400 | Global Economy Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAN-406 | Business Ethics & Social Responsibity Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAN-446 | Business Simulation Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLX-404 | Second Foreign Language IV - Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-801 | Eighth Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 15 | 30 |
UNI 101 – Introduction to University Life
Introduction to University Life Course covers the subjects of newly registered students getting to know Çağ University and university life with its social-cultural-academic aspects and students' adaptation to university life.
ITL-101 International Trade
In the course, which also discusses the prominent theories in international trade, basic concepts of international trade, the trade environment within countries, political and economic climate, multinational enterprises, and current situation analyzes of countries such as SWOT, regional trade blocks, global trade trends, the potential to affect international trade activities. Variables are processed together with current developments.
TUR-101 Turkish I
The aim of the course is to teach students Turkish language rules. Thus, students will be able to explain themselves clearly and efficiently. Panel discussions, symposiums, conferences, etc. techniques are discussed within the scope of the development of listening skills in this course. Within the scope of oral and written expression studies, students are given presentations, novels, stories, essays, poems, compositions, magazine and newspaper reviews and applications, book introductions, spelling and punctuation marks, sentence elements, sentence types, expression disorders, written expression types, opinion pieces, Types of oral expression are taught and prepared and unprepared speaking activities are carried out.
ECO-105 Economics
The aim of this course is to teach students the basic concepts of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Economic problems encountered in daily life, supply and demand; Topics such as price determination and market equilibrium, flexibility, production and cost concepts, market structures, economic inequality, economic growth, GDP and measurement of economic growth will be explained.
MAT-103 Statistics for Business
This course focuses on collecting and managing data in economics, management science, finance, business, international trade, and other fields. It is based on data description, that is, the display and exploration of data. The role of probability information in the decision-making process is conveyed with the aim of understanding probability as a numerical measure of the probability of occurrence.
FLE-103 Vocational English I
This course aims to enable students to expand their vocabulary for business life by creating unique contexts consisting of new words, phrases, and conversations, to structure their language knowledge by providing understandable language input during the semester, and to improve their reading and listening skills.
OSD-111 Diction
This course aims to provide students with strong and effective oral communication skills. This course teaches you to control the correct pronunciation of words, stress, intonation, speed and volume. In addition, diction lessons help students overcome speaking anxiety and gain the skills to communicate clearly and effectively. In this context, it offers students the opportunity to prepare for public speeches, presentations, meetings, and other communication situations.
OSD-109 Theater
The theater course aims to provide students with the opportunity to explore the basic principles, history, and practices of theater art. This course aims to provide a general introduction to the performing arts while also developing skills in preparing, directing, and analyzing stage performances. It provides students with knowledge and experience in exploring the creative and expressive aspects of theater art, character analysis, text interpretation and stage performance.
OSD-147 Green Social Work
The main aim of the Green Social Work course is to enable students to develop an innovative approach that combines environmental sustainability and social welfare. This course aims to help students understand how to better serve the needs of societies while tackling environmental problems. Various methods, policies and practices will be taught to students in order to provide them with skills on issues such as effective use of natural resources, development of environmental protection strategies and observance of social justice. This course aims to simultaneously support the welfare of the environment and society by providing students with leadership skills in the field of green social work.
OSD-145 Tennis
Tennis course aims to teach students the basic principles, techniques, and strategies of tennis. This course teaches students ball control, hitting techniques, foot mobility, playing strategies, tennis equipment selection and player physical preparation. It also provides students with the opportunity to learn discipline, concentration and sports ethics while playing tennis.
OSD-143 Management Skills
The Management Skills course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge, skills and understanding required to effectively assume leadership and management roles. This course offers students the opportunity to develop communication, problem-solving, decision-making, time management, teamwork, and leadership skills. Additionally, it helps students understand ethical responsibilities and management principles in the business world. The Management Skills course supports students in gaining the competencies needed to address and manage complex challenges in the business world, while aiming to become effective leaders in organizations. This course provides students with a strong foundation to prepare them for leadership roles in their careers.
OSD-131 Financial Literacy
The Financial Literacy course aims to provide students with the skills to understand financial issues, manage individual and family finances, and develop general financial awareness. This course covers topics such as personal finance management, borrowing, savings, investing, retirement planning and risk management. It also offers students the opportunity to develop critical thinking and analytical skills when making financial decisions.
OSD-139 Communication Skills
The Communication Skills course aims to develop students' effective communication skills. This course includes oral and written communication, listening skills, non-verbal communication, and effective communication strategies. It helps students communicate more successfully in their personal and professional lives.
OSD-141 Health Literacy
The aim of this course is to increase students' level of health-related knowledge and skills, and to increase their competence in decisions about basic health concepts, diseases, healthy lifestyle behaviors and access to health services. In addition, by providing information about basic health rights, our aim is to support students in making informed decisions about health and adopting a healthy lifestyle.
OSD-135 Volunteering Activities
This course, within the framework of the concept of volunteering, aims to enable students to gain awareness about various issues and problems by using the knowledge, skills, and knowledge they have acquired throughout their educational lives, and to develop human, social, cultural and moral values and skills through various volunteer activities in which they will participate. In line with this purpose, the aim is to ensure that students take part in volunteer work throughout the semester in a volunteer area they will create themselves, within the scope of a plan to be prepared in advance and share their results.
OSD-133 Disaster Management
Individuals and families, which are the basis of society; Basic disaster awareness training, first aid knowledge, amateur radio knowledge, knowledge about debris removal tools, disaster psychology knowledge, prescribed by AFAD in order to overcome disasters with the least damage, are given by taking into account national and international standards.
FEAS-104 Career Planning
To train registered students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences departments who have successfully completed the Orientation I course in a way that will enable them to grow up as individuals equipped with knowledge, skills, and competencies in line with the needs and expectations of the contemporary and competitive international business world. In this context, it is planned to support students with training, projects and assignments that allow them to start their career planning from the right place.
ITL-102 International Logistics
This course provides information about international physical distribution and logistics, modes of transportation, contracts, packaging, loading, insurance, free zones, ports, and the impact of the environment on distribution costs.
TUR-102 Turkish II
Giving theoretical and practical information about rhetoric, spelling rules, punctuation marks and composition, which enable emotions and thoughts to be expressed in a purposeful and harmonious manner.
FLE-104 Vocational English II
This course covers dictionary words and structures related to business life. Aim: To introduce students to the language used in the business sector and to improve their ability to read and understand articles or articles related to business.
MAN-110 Business
The main purpose of this course is to teach practical tools for managing a business. For this purpose, subjects such as taking risks and making profits in a dynamic business environment, understanding how the economy affects the business world, doing business in global markets, ethical and socially responsible behaviors, and business management are discussed. It also aims to provide students with theoretical and practical skills in applying core business functions such as managing human resources, motivating employees to produce goods and services, handling employee-management issues, developing and implementing customer-focused marketing plans, financing, and investment opportunities.
MAT-112 Mathematics for Business
This course aims to provide students with an introductory course in mathematics and business science. Within the scope of the course, Real numbers, inequalities, functions and their graphic representation, linear functions, linear equations, quadratic functions, logarithmic and exponential functions are emphasized.
ITL-201 Transportation Systems
It is aimed to focus on analyzing transportation systems and designing them according to optimum cost, time, and flexibility criteria. It involves determining the relationships between customers regarding transportation and provides customers with insight into the transportation services offered (e.g., shipping, travel) and how transportation decisions are made.
HIS-201 Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution I
In this course, the establishment, rise, decline and collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the causes and consequences of the First World War, the preparation, conduct and results of the War of Independence, Ataturk's principles and reforms are explained and students are expected to define the basic topics. At the same time, "Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution", that is, "Ataturkism", is discussed and especially the content of the "Ataturk’s Thought System" is included.
LAW-201 Law I
In this lesson, the function of law in society, comparison of the rule of law with religious, traditional and moral rules, distinction between public law and private law, legal relations and the concept of legal rights, types of rights, right holders and types, legal rights, acquisition, loss and protection of legal rights, legal operations and processes are explained.
MAN-203 Accounting Principles
This course focuses on how companies prepare financial statements within the accounting process, teaches the accounting of transactions specifically for current and fixed assets, and enables students to apply the accounting rules and principles required to obtain financial statements as they are done in practice. Students are directed to make a general evaluation after preparing the financial statements.
FLE-203 Vocational English III
This course has been prepared to significantly improve students' oral and written communication skills in technical areas and report presentation. At the end of the course, students will have learned how to give advice in formal and informal ways, the use of indefinite pronouns, expressing past habits, expressing a request in a formal way, the difference in usage of noun verbs, passive sentence structure and usage.
OSD-213 Critical Thinking and Social Sciences
When social phenomena/applications are examined/done with the approaches, assumptions and methods used by natural sciences, a misleading objective, scientific and impartial reality image is produced, and the phenomena/applications are accepted as existing in the outside world, even if they are wrong and incomplete. However, the social world is not a physical object that exists and is waiting to be discovered like the natural world, but a social reality that is affected by the individual (researcher or practitioner) and affects the individual, thus being created, and mutually constituted. In this regard, in order to explain and predict social reality, a critical review of the approaches, assumptions, and methods used to explain physical reality and the development of new approaches, assumptions, and methods that explain and predict social phenomena/practices within their specific social, historical, political, cultural, and economic contexts are required. needs to be introduced. This course examines critical thought comparatively with functionalist, interpretivist, humanist, and structuralist thoughts, because critical thought is a constructivist approach of the researcher or practitioner (subject) that discusses not only what is, but also what can be and should be, in researching and realizing social phenomena/practices. It has a higher potential for explanation and prediction than traditional and mainstream thought, as it offers a road map that determines will and consciousness and thus bridges the gap between the virtual social world and the real social world.
OSD-205 Disadvantaged Groups
The aim of this course is to inform students taking the elective course about groups and communities that are disadvantaged in society due to various social problems. The main focus of the course is to address social problems affecting society such as poverty, disability, old age, gender inequality, disasters, migrations, crime, addiction, and to examine disadvantaged groups that need special needs in society depending on these problems.
OSD-211 Understanding Economy with Numbers
In this course, it is aimed to explain the basic concepts of microeconomics and macroeconomics to students with numerical examples. Understanding the economic problems encountered in daily life, the importance of supply and demand, basic information on the price system, balance, production and production costs and market structures and gross domestic product calculations, economic growth, employment/unemployment, inflation, economic stability, and economic policies ( fiscal and monetary policies) are the topics that will be discussed in this course.
OSD-201 Individual Entrepreneurship
The aim of this course is to explain the concept of entrepreneurship to students, specifically the concept of individual entrepreneurship, and to raise awareness in students about individual entrepreneurship. Within the scope of the course, topics such as the concepts of entrepreneurship and individual entrepreneurship, the characteristics of the individual entrepreneur, the factors that make the individual entrepreneur stand out and the factors that lead the entrepreneur to success will be explained.
OSD-203 Family Sociology
Topics such as the formation of family and family types, changes in family structure with industrialization, intra-family relations (power and authority relations within the family, horizontal and vertical communication in family relations), gender and the value of the child in different societies are discussed. In addition to family structures in different societies; The transformations that occurred in family structures throughout the historical process are examined comparatively. Problematic issues such as domestic inequality, violence, sexual abuse, divorce, single-parent families, stepparents, spouse preferences are discussed and resolved within the scope of the course.
OSD-207 Our Seas, Blue Homeland
Our Seas: Blue Homeland course aims to help students understand the importance of seas and oceans, their sustainable management and protection of marine resources. This course provides students with basic knowledge of topics such as marine biology, marine geography, maritime history, and international maritime law, while emphasizing the ecological, economic, and strategic importance of the seas. It also aims to raise awareness among students about marine pollution, overfishing, climate change and other marine environmental problems. Our Seas: Blue Homeland course provides students with the knowledge, skills, and perspective they need to become conscious and responsible citizens on protecting marine resources, career opportunities in the maritime industry and the safety of our seas. This course provides an important foundation for understanding the richness and critical role of our seas.
OSD-209 Social Responsibility Project
The Social Responsibility Project course offers students the opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate projects addressing social problems in their own communities or around the world, in order to contribute to meeting social needs. This course aims to develop students' empathy, leadership, communication, and collaboration skills. At the same time, it increases students' sensitivity to social problems by addressing issues such as sustainability, environmental awareness, and ethical responsibility. The Social Responsibility Project course aims to educate students as active and responsible citizens while providing them with the skills to benefit society and promote social change. This course helps them understand the value of social responsibility and develop skills in executing effective projects.
OSD-215 Sustainable Development Studies
The Sustainable Development Studies course aims to enable students to understand and apply sustainable development principles at the global and local level. This course emphasizes the concept of sustainability, which includes environmental, economic, and social dimensions, and teaches students how to achieve sustainable development goals. Additionally, it raises awareness on issues such as social justice, environmental protection, resource management and economic development. While the Sustainable Development Studies course aims to develop students' sensitivity to global problems and provide them with the skills to cope with these problems, it strives to raise them as conscious leaders in protecting the welfare of future generations and the sustainability of the planet. This course helps students understand the importance of sustainable development and create comprehensive solutions.
ITL-200 Transportation Procedures
By explaining the concepts, terms and definitions used in transportation, and logistics methods, students will be able to; It is aimed to compare the economic, social, political, and technical aspects of road, sea, railway, and air transportation.
HIS-202 Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution II
Efforts towards the establishment of a modern state from 1923 (Treaty of Lausanne and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey) to 1938 (Atatürk's death); legal, social, and cultural reforms; economic and foreign policy, economy, and foreign policy during the republican period; Domestic politics and political parties, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's thought system, principles and goals, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's main policies and reforms are discussed.
LAW-202 Law II
The aim of this course is to give students information about commercial enterprise law and the concept of company. Classification of trading companies; ordinary, collective, limited partnership, limited and joint stock companies; The concept of negotiable instruments and the types of negotiable instruments regulated in the Turkish Commercial Code are some of the topics covered in this course.
FLE-204 Vocational English IV
At the end of this course, students will have learned how to give formal and informal advice in the English language, the use of indefinite pronouns, expressing past habits, expressing a request in a formal way, the difference in usage of noun verbs, passive sentence structure and usage.
MAN-204 Financial Accounting
This course focuses on how companies prepare financial statements within the accounting process, teaches the accounting of transactions, especially short and long-term foreign resources, and equity, and enables students to apply the accounting rules and principles required to obtain financial statements as they are done in practice. Students are directed to make a general evaluation after preparing the financial statements.
FEAS-200 Critical Thinking
In this course, students will develop a basic understanding of critical thinking. In the course, logical concepts, reasoning, logical errors, etc. Basic topics such as will be discussed. These concepts will also be evaluated in the field of law. Since this course is taught in English, it is also aimed to improve students' vocabulary.
IFN-202 International Financial Markets II
To introduce students to foreign exchange and derivative markets in detail and to teach them how to use the information they have acquired in managing exchange rate risk. To explain the concepts of accounting and transaction risk, that is, economic and operational risk, and to have practical studies on how to manage these risks. To understand the risks brought by investment in foreign markets and country risk management. To provide practical work to enable them to work with international financing and risk management tools.
IRE-216 International Organizations
The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of how international organizations function. In this course, the emergence and development of the United Nations and the envisaged reforms in the structure and functions of the Organization will be discussed in detail. Problems related to European defense will also be examined. During the course, students will be introduced to theoretical concepts, debates and ideas that support the work of international organizations. To analyze international organization, some organizations such as UN and NATO will be analyzed.
ITL-301 Supply Chain Management
Within the scope of introduction to Supply Chain Management and introduction to logistics, basic concepts, purchasing, and planning decisions are mentioned. The drivers that determine the performance of the supply chain and the obstacles that affect it are discussed. Models are put forward with various network design methods and supply chain distribution network design. The method showing how to determine the most suitable location by selecting facility location from network models is explained. The subject of planning, mass production, stock, and inventory systems and how to plan are shown with various methods. Considering that transportation is one of the factors affecting performance in the supply chain, various methods of transportation models are shown.
MAN-331 Contemporary Marketing Issues
The content of this course is to increase the student's knowledge and understanding of the basic principles and terminology of Marketing, and to gain the necessary practice in business life, thanks to the courses taken in the classroom.
MAN-329 Customer Relations Management
Being able to establish real relationships with your customers is directly proportional to the rate at which you know them. Relationships between consumers, producers and other people and organizations are important. What many businesses care about is that real customers have the most important place in the company's success. At the end of this course, students learn the ways and importance of developing better and lasting relationships with customers.
ITL-305 New Technologies for Businesses
The course provides an examination of the technology aspects of digital transformation, as well as the market and business aspects, and the policy and regulatory initiatives affecting digitalization processes. This includes examining business processes and services, including network infrastructures, management and processing of data and digital services and applications made available, business models and ecosystems. Additionally, policy initiatives and regulatory measures operating at this point, including EU policies in the region, will be discussed. Thus, after one semester of study, students will be able to understand the impact of digitalization in today's society.
ITL-313 Virtual Worlds
The course will be taught through Second Life, an online virtual environment through avatars. Students will see how the virtual environment works and evaluate the way virtual content is created. This lesson; students cultural differences, language barriers, time difference, technological problems, etc. It aims to teach students how to manage effective teamwork in a virtual and intercultural environment while dealing with many obstacles. This course will also provide the opportunity for collaboration and networking among participants and lecturers from different disciplines, institutions and cultures. Technological components of Virtual Worlds, ethical and social issues related to Virtual Worlds will be covered in this course. Thus, after one semester of study, students will be able to understand the role of Virtual Worlds in today's society.
ITL-315 International Trade Applications
The main purpose of this course is to teach the philosophy, concepts, and application tools of foreign trade operations. For this purpose, foreign trade issues, customer satisfaction, employee participation, operational process improvement and supplier partnership issues are discussed in the field of leadership. Benchmarking, quality management systems, environmental management systems, quality function deployment, quality in design, product responsibility, management tools, statistical process control and similar topics are covered within the scope of the course.
IRE-333 EU Policies
In this course, the historical development and political-economic integration process of the European Union since 1945 is examined. This course, which examines the EU integration process historically, focuses on EU institutions such as the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament and the role of these institutions in the integration process. By examining the current structure and problems of the Union, expansion strategies are emphasized. It also examines common policy areas such as EU Security and Defense Policy and Economic and Monetary Union. At the same time, the stages, and current problems on Turkey's path to membership in the European Union are discussed in the light of current developments.
ECO-305 Money and Banking
The course focuses on the functioning of the financial system, determination of money and interest rates, money supply, aims and tools of monetary policy, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, monetary theory, and monetary transmission mechanisms.
FLF-303 Second Foreign Language I (French)
It is aimed for students to be able to make simple sentences while expressing themselves. Speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the classroom environment.
FLG-303 Second Foreign Language I (German)
It is aimed for students to be able to make simple sentences while expressing themselves. Speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the classroom environment.
FLR-303 Second Foreign Language I (Russian)
Students are expected to use simple sentences in Russian while expressing themselves. In the classroom environment, by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the lesson; Russian speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced. At the same time, it is aimed for the student to be able to use simple daily Russian conversations through dialogue in the classroom where a Russian speaking environment has been prepared.
FLS-303 Second Foreign Language I (Spanish)
In this course, there are structures in which students can use simple sentences to express themselves. In the learning environment, reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities are implemented using the necessary materials and information to maximize the student's participation in the course.
IFN-314 E-Commerce
This course focuses on the relationship between technology and business so that students can have a comprehensive understanding of the basic terms, concepts and definitions related to electronic commerce. Basic topics such as e-commerce terms and concepts, e-markets, technological structure of e-commerce, e-supply chains, establishing and operating a successful electronic company and security will be taught to students.
IFN-310 Finance in International Trade
Commercial bank activities, International Banking and Money Market, Global Financial Crisis, International Trade Finance, Letter of Guarantee, Bank Acceptance, Forfaiting, Mutual Trade and Eximbank, FED, Central Bank, Monetary Policy and Interest Rates, Financial Markets and Instruments, Financial Institutions, Foreign Exchange Exchange Rates, Balance of Payments.
MAT-304 Data Analysis and Reporting
This course will cover all stages of business research processes, as well as the collection and analysis of data in a real research project. A variety of methods, both quantitative and qualitative, will be used to collect and interpret data for a specific problem. Ethical issues that arise during the research process will also be addressed. In addition, this course aims to develop students' critical thinking problem-solving skills as well as their use of computer-based programs to analyze research data.
ITL-306 International Trade Regulations
The course aims to examine the cultural, political, economic, and ethical issues facing today's global business managers. It examines three basic ways of doing business in a foreign country, focusing on trade, licensing of intellectual property, and foreign direct investment. Additionally, issues such as trying to manage the legal relationship between parties in an international commercial transaction and the special challenges of doing business in developing countries are addressed.
ITL-310 New Technologies for Businesses
The course provides an examination of the technology aspects of digital transformation, as well as the market and business aspects, and the policy and regulatory initiatives affecting digitalization processes. This includes examining business processes and services, including network infrastructures, management and processing of data and digital services and applications made available, business models and ecosystems. Additionally, policy initiatives and regulatory measures operating at this point, including EU policies in the region, will be discussed. Thus, after one semester of study, students will be able to understand the impact of digitalization in today's society.
ITL-314 Virtual Worlds
The course will be taught through Second Life, an online virtual environment through avatars. Students will see how the virtual environment works and evaluate the way virtual content is created. This lesson; students cultural differences, language barriers, time difference, technological problems, etc. It aims to teach students how to manage effective teamwork in a virtual and intercultural environment while dealing with many obstacles. This course will also provide the opportunity for collaboration and networking among participants and lecturers from different disciplines, institutions, and cultures. Technological components of Virtual Worlds, ethical and social issues related to Virtual Worlds will be covered in this course. Thus, after one semester of study, students will be able to understand the role of Virtual Worlds in today's society.
IRE-340 Social Movements
This course examines the causes of social movements, their emergence conditions, their development, their effects on the globalization process and their results. Within the scope of the course, social movements taking place in various countries and regions are discussed together with their historical processes and background developments. In this regard, anti-globalization, anti-nuclearism, environmental movements and similar issues are among the topics to be discussed.
MAN-344 Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing Course aims to provide students with the skills to create digital marketing strategies and use social media platforms effectively. This course emphasizes to students the role of social media in business and brand management and enables students to develop their ability to plan, implement and analyze social media marketing campaigns. At the same time, it provides students with information on topics such as target audience analysis, content production, advertising, measurement, and interaction strategies. The Social Media Marketing Course provides students with the skills to gain a competitive advantage in the digital marketing world, increase brand awareness and strengthen customer relationships, while providing students with the opportunity to be aware of current marketing trends and technological developments. This course creates a strong foundation for students to succeed as social media marketing professionals in the business world.
FLF-304 Second Foreign Language II (French)
It is aimed for students to be able to make simple sentences while expressing themselves. Speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the classroom environment. At the same time, it is aimed for the student to be able to use daily, simple conversations through dialogue in the classroom where the speaking environment is prepared.
FLG-304 Second Foreign Language II (German)
It is aimed for students to be able to make simple sentences while expressing themselves. Speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the classroom environment. At the same time, it is aimed for the student to be able to use daily, simple conversations through dialogue in the classroom where the speaking environment is prepared.
FLR-304 Second Foreign Language II (Russian)
Students are expected to use simple sentences in Russian while expressing themselves. In the classroom environment, by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the lesson; Russian speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced. At the same time, it is aimed for the student to be able to use simple daily Russian conversations through dialogue in the classroom where a Russian speaking environment has been prepared.
FLS-304 Second Foreign Language II (Spanish)
It is aimed for students to be able to make simple sentences while expressing themselves. Speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the classroom environment.
ECO-403 Turkish Economy
The course focuses on the historical transformation of the Turkish economy, the economic crises, sectoral structure, foreign economic relations, main economic problems, and solutions.
ITL-409 Logistics Information Systems
This course focuses on the relationship between technology and business so that students can have a comprehensive understanding of the basic terms, concepts and definitions related to logistics information systems. Basic information about Microsoft Access is given. Students are also supported as an application by creating a database in the Microsoft Access program.
ITL-461 Internship in International Trade and Logistics
Work experience during the university education process is useful for students to develop their career goals. In this context, by taking the internship course, students carry out their internships related to their fields and have the chance to transfer the knowledge they have acquired during the university education process into practice by creating a bridge between the education process and business life. In addition, these achievements enable them to easily adapt to the sector when they move into professional business life.
ITL-463 Projects in International Trade and Logistics
In the course, where students conduct research by choosing a subject related to the field and an advisor related to the subject, students prepare a current study that will contribute to the education and training process in accordance with scientific research methods and can explain and discuss it in front of the community. In addition, successfully completed projects are an important step in shaping their academic future.
ITL-465 Entrepreneurship in International Trade and Logistics
In this course, where theoretical knowledge comes together with senior managers of the private sector and where the entrepreneurs of today and the future are trained, lecturers and relevant experts on topics such as Business Plan, Managing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Financial Statements, Financial Strategies, Tactics and Risk Management, Leadership and Ethics are taught. It is aimed to lay the foundations of a successful entrepreneurship with the active participation of subject matter experts in the courses. In addition, after learning the business plan stages, students prepare projects to be presented to KOSGEB, and at the end of the semester, successful projects are given an entrepreneurship certificate within the framework of the agreement between KOSGEB and our university.
IFN-423 Blockchain Technology
The course provides an examination of the technology aspects of digital transformation, as well as the market and business aspects, and the policy and regulatory initiatives affecting digitalization processes. This includes examining business processes and services, including network infrastructures, management and processing of data and digital services and applications made available, business models and ecosystems. Additionally, policy initiatives and regulatory measures operating at this point, including EU policies in the region, will be discussed. Thus, after one semester of study, students will be able to understand the impact of digitalization in today's society.
MAN-451 Meta Entrepreneurship
Meta-entrepreneurship means creating and managing businesses in virtual reality environments. This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to business practices in the metaverse and allows them to explore the resources available for meta-entrepreneurs on the Second Life platform. The aim is to develop a holistic understanding of entrepreneurship by equipping students with meta-strategies to create, build and deliver superior value to customers through virtual production.
MAN-443 Digital Citizenship
The Digital Citizenship Course aims to provide students with an understanding of the complexity of the digital world and the skills to act ethically, safely, and responsibly in this world. This course offers students the opportunity to develop awareness of issues such as digital ethics, online safety, privacy, cyberbullying, and digital media literacy. At the same time, it provides students with the skills to understand and evaluate the social, cultural, and economic impacts of digital technologies. The Digital Citizenship Course aims to teach students the skills to interact respectfully with others in the digital world, defend against misleading information, take data security measures, and examine digital media sources from a critical perspective. This course contributes to the development of students as active, conscious, and responsible digital citizens, while providing a strong foundation for understanding and managing the complexity in the digital world.
IFN-425 Cryptocurrency
The Cryptocurrency Course aims to develop students' awareness in the rapidly growing and changing areas of the digital finance world. This course provides the opportunity to understand the basic functioning of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, types of cryptocurrencies and the effects of cryptocurrencies on society, economy, and security. It also provides students with in-depth knowledge on topics such as cryptocurrency investment, trading, and the legal and regulatory aspects of cryptocurrency. The Cryptocurrency Course provides students with a strong foundation in understanding and managing the complexity of digital transformation, while equipping them with the skills to become savvy investors, entrepreneurs, and potential experts in this new digital financial ecosystem. This course helps students understand the future role of cryptocurrencies and stay abreast of developments in this field.
FLF-403 Second Foreign Language III (French)
In this course, there are structures that will enable students to make simple sentences while expressing themselves. The learning environment includes writing, listening, and speaking activities using the necessary materials and information to maximize the student's participation in the course.
FLG-403 Second Foreign Language III (German)
In this course, it is aimed for students to be able to form more complex sentences compared to the previous level and to conduct dialogues among themselves in order to express themselves. These skills are reinforced with visual and audio supplementary materials to support the textbook.
FLR-403 Second Foreign Language III (Russian)
Students are expected to use simple sentences in Russian while expressing themselves. In the classroom environment, by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the lesson; Russian speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced. At the same time, it is aimed for the student to be able to use simple daily Russian conversations through dialogue in the classroom where a Russian speaking environment has been prepared.
FLS-403 Second Foreign Language III (Spanish)
In this course, it is aimed for students to be able to form more complex sentences compared to the previous level and to conduct dialogues among themselves in order to express themselves. These skills are reinforced with visual and audio supplementary materials to support the textbook.
ECO-400 Global Economy
The course focuses on the historical evolution of the global economy, the structure of global employment and production, international trade, and capital movements.
MAN-406 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
This course is designed to provide analysis and examination of important contemporary ethical issues and challenges that exist in the professional business world. Emphasis will be placed on the manager's social and environmental responsibilities to a wide range of stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the public. Ethical dilemmas and decision-making frameworks and approaches at personal, organizational, and societal levels will be explored. Student engagement with real-world applications and topics is a critical part of the course.
MAN-446 Business Simulation
The Business Simulation course is built around computer-based business simulation. Students taking this course will differ from their peers. Each team must consider different decisions regarding Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR/Organization and Research and Development to manage their designated company over a certain period of time.
MAN-440 Marketing and Sustainability
The course focuses on four main topics: (i) the meaning of sustainability, the triple bottom line framework and the concept of sustainable marketing and definitions of these concepts (ii) the relationship between sustainability and marketing, (iii) preparing a marketing plan (iv) understanding and experiencing sustainability practices by organizations using a unique 3D digital platform (v) working as a virtual team on an international project. The main emphasis is on an integrated understanding of sustainability issues and how organizations and businesses behave in this regard.
MAN-452 Artificial Intelligence
The Artificial Intelligence Course offers students the opportunity to understand and apply the processes by which computer systems acquire human-like intelligence and learning capabilities. This course teaches students the basic concepts, algorithms, and applications of artificial intelligence technologies. It also provides students with knowledge on topics such as machine learning, data mining, deep learning, and artificial intelligence ethics. Artificial Intelligence Course provides students with the skills to develop artificial intelligence projects, data analysis, problem solving and understand the applications of artificial intelligence technologies in business and industries. This course aims to educate students as conscious and competent professionals in the field of artificial intelligence, while encouraging the potential to contribute to future technological developments.
LAW-408 Law in International Trade
The course covers international commercial transactions, contracts, transportation, payment methods and alternative dispute resolution methods.
FLF-404 Second Foreign Language IV (French)
In this course, it is aimed for students to be able to form more complex sentences compared to the previous level and to conduct dialogues among themselves in order to express themselves. These skills are reinforced with visual and audio supplementary materials to support the textbook. The goal is to encourage the student to express himself/herself simply in French-speaking environments.
FLG-404 Second Foreign Language IV (German)
In this course, it is aimed for students to be able to form more complex sentences compared to the previous level and to conduct dialogues among themselves in order to express themselves. These skills are reinforced with visual and audio supplementary materials to support the textbook.
FLR-404 Second Foreign Language IV (Russian)
Students are expected to use simple sentences in Russian while expressing themselves. In the classroom environment, by using the necessary materials and information to maximize student participation in the lesson; Russian speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills are reinforced. At the same time, it is aimed for the student to be able to use simple daily Russian conversations through dialogue in the classroom where a Russian speaking environment has been prepared.
FLS-404 Second Foreign Language IV (Spanish)
In this course, it is aimed for students to be able to form more complex sentences compared to the previous level and to conduct dialogues among themselves in order to express themselves. These skills are reinforced with visual and audio supplementary materials to support the textbook. The goal is to encourage the student to express himself/herself simply in Spanish-speaking environments.
INTERNATIONAL TRADE & LOGISTICS PROGRAM | Broad Based Student Learning Goals | |||||||||
Matrix for Courses & Intended Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) | 1. To equip the students with fundamental and technical knowledge in the area of international business. | 2. To improve managerial skills of the students by increasing self-confidence and self-expression efficiency. | 3. To lead the students behaving ethical and responsible towards society and environment. | |||||||
KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES | Communication | Analytical Tools | Scholarship | Environment | Scholarship | Leadership | Business Core | Teamwork | Critical Thinking | |
"IACBE" | Deliver effective and professional communications using a variety of delivery venues. | Apply decision-support tools to business decision making. | Utilize research skills in business problem solving | Apply legal, ethical, and economic standards of business within a global environment. | Utilize research skills in business problem solving | Apply strategic planning skills to effect a change initiative in a business scenario. | Apply major concepts within the traditional areas of business. | Contribute to the development of a high performing team and collaborative environment. | Demonstrate an ability to obtain and process information in order to make decisions and solve problems. | |
ISLOs for International Trade & Logistics | 1. Produce reports and presentations to accomplish effective and professional communication in different business settings, | 2. Demonstrate professionalism while using information technology tools in his/her field, | 3. Define major business concepts within the traditional areas of trade & logistics, | 4. Carry out the ethical and legal principles when making decisions in global business environments, | 5. Combine the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the system that she/he lives, | 6. Use leadership, team working and interpersonal relationship abilities, | 7. Discuss the functions and relationship among the functions of business administration such as accounting, finance, marketing, management and production. | 8. Coordinate functions of trade & logistics management such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling in different business settings. | 9. Using analytical tools and critical thinking to solve contemporary business problems. | |
("PO: Program Outputs") | ||||||||||
Course Title | PO1 | PO2 | PO3 | PO4 | PO5 | PO6 | PO7 | PO8 | PO9 | |
First Year/First Semester | X | |||||||||
FEA-101 | Orientation I | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
ITL-101 | International Trade | X | X | X | X | |||||
MAT-105 | Statistics for Business | X | X | |||||||
ECO-105 | Economics | X | X | |||||||
TUR-101 | Turkish I | X | X | |||||||
FLE -103 | Vocational English I | X | X | X | ||||||
SEC-101 (Development and Life Program) | ||||||||||
GYP-119 | Movie Types | X | ||||||||
GYP-117 | Health Sociology | X | ||||||||
GYP-101 | Popular Culture and Communication | X | ||||||||
GYP-103 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Applications | X | ||||||||
GYP-105 | Life in the Universe | X | ||||||||
GYP-107 | Diction | X | ||||||||
GYP-113 | Gender | X | ||||||||
GYP-115 | Mythology | X | ||||||||
First Year/Second Semester | ||||||||||
FEA-102 | Orientation II (Career Planning) | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
ITL-102 | International Logistics | X | X | |||||||
TUR-102 | Turkish II | X | X | |||||||
FLE-104 | Vocational English II | X | X | X | ||||||
MAN-112 | Business | X | X | |||||||
MAT-112 | Mathematics for Business | X | X | |||||||
Second Year/Third Semester | ||||||||||
ITL-201 | Transportation Systems | X | X | X | X | |||||
MAN-203 | Principles of Accounting | X | X | X | X | |||||
LAW-201 | Law I | X | X | X | ||||||
HIS-201 | Atatürk's Prin.& Hist. of Turk. Rev. I | X | X | |||||||
FLE-203 | Vocational English III | X | X | X | X | |||||
Second Year/Fourth Semester | ||||||||||
ITL-200 | Transportation Procedures | X | X | X | ||||||
MAN 204 | Financial Accounting | X | X | X | X | |||||
LAW 202 | Law II | X | X | X | ||||||
HIS 202 | Atatürk's Prin. & Hist. of Turk. Rev. II | X | X | |||||||
FLE 204 | Vocational English IV | X | X | X | X | |||||
Third Year/Fifth Semester | ||||||||||
MAN 331 | Contemporary Marketing Issues | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
ITL 301 | Supply Chain Management | X | X | X | X | |||||
ITL 303 | International Trade Applications | X | X | |||||||
FLX-303 | Second Foreign Language I (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | ||||||||
ELC-501 (Fifth Semester Elective Courses I) | ||||||||||
ITL-305 | New Technologies for Business | |||||||||
MAN-329 | Customer Relations Management | X | X | X | ||||||
ITL-313 | Virtual Worlds | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
Third Year/Sixth Semester | ||||||||||
IFN-314 | E-Commerce | X | X | X | X | |||||
ITL-300 | International Trade Organizations | X | X | |||||||
ITL-306 | International Trade Regulations | X | X | X | X | |||||
FLX-304 | Second Foreign Language II (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | ||||||||
ELC-601 Sixth Semester Elective Courses I) | ||||||||||
ITL-310 | New Technologies for Business | |||||||||
MAT-302 | Business Research Methods | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
ITL-314 | Virtual Worlds | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
Fourth Year/Seventh Semester | ||||||||||
ITL-407 | Commercial Communication | X | X | X | ||||||
ECO-403 | Turkish Economy | X | X | X | ||||||
ITL-409 | Logistics Information Systems | X | X | X | ||||||
FLX-403 | Second Foreign Language III (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | ||||||||
ITL 000 (Capstone) | ||||||||||
ITL-463 | Project in International Trade & Logistics | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
ITL-465 | Entrepreneurship in International Trade & Logistics | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
ITL-461 | Internship in International Trade & Logistics | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Fourth Year/Eighth Semester | ||||||||||
ECO-400 | Global Economy | X | X | X | ||||||
MAN-446 | Business Simulation | X | X | X | ||||||
MAN-406 | Business Ethics & Social Responsibity | X | X | X | ||||||
FLX-404 | Second Foreign Language IV (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | ||||||||
ELC-801 Eighth Semester Elective Courses I) | ||||||||||
MAN-444 | Global Marketing | X | X | |||||||
MAT-440 | Marketing & Sustainabilty | X | X | X | X | |||||
LAW-408 | International Trade Law | X | X | |||||||
Number of courses related with program competency / 43 | 20 | 14 | 16 | 21 | 17 | 21 | 10 | 15 | 20 | |
Percentage of courses related with program competency | 13% | 9% | 10% | 14% | 11% | 14% | 6% | 10% | 13% |
Tablo buraya...
Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework (THQF) & Program Outcomes (PO) RELATIONSHIPS |
Aims and Objectives |
1. To equip students with the basic and technical knowledge in the field of business and management sciences that are necessary and valid in the international business world, |
2. Strengthens students' self-confidence and self-expression competencies by improving their management skills, |
3. Encourages students to act responsibly and ethically towards society and the environment. |
Targeted Learning Outcomes |
Communication |
Solution Tools |
Basic Business Management |
Environment |
Basic Business Management |
Leadership |
Basic Business Management |
Teamwork |
Critical Thinking |
1. Expresses himself/herself professionally by using written and oral communication skills effectively in different environments of business life, |
2. Uses current and common information technology products, |
3. Defines the basic concepts of business administration, |
4. Considers social responsibility awareness and ethical values in the decisions taken in business life. |
5. Contributes to the development of the system in which he/she works by integrating the theoretical knowledge with practice, |
6. Uses leadership, teamwork, interpersonal communication skills, |
7. Question the basic functions of business such as marketing, production, human resources, accounting & finance, research & development and management and the dynamics between these functions, |
8. Coordinates the planning, organizing, executive and control functions of business management, |
9. Solves problems with analytical and creative approaches in changing business conditions. |
Business and Management Sciences Core Area Qualifications |
Theoretical & Factual |
1. Has advanced knowledge in the field. |
X |
X |
X |
X |
x |
Cognitive & Applied |
1. Has the ability to transfer information about the field to employees and teammates. |
X |
X |
x |
x |
X |
2. Has the ability to interpret and analyze data, identify problems and propose solutions by using the knowledge gained in the field in decision-making, practice and behavior. |
X |
x |
X |
X |
Ability to Work Independently and Take Responsibility |
1. Conducts research and studies on issues related to the field. |
X |
X |
x |
X |
2. Takes responsibility as a project coordinator or participant in accordance with the project objectives. |
X |
x |
3. Sets goals and objectives for the organization/institution. |
X |
x |
X |
Learning Competence |
1. Critically evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills. |
X |
x |
X |
2. Demonstrates an understanding of the continuity of the need to learn. |
x |
X |
X |
Communication and Social Competence |
1. To be able to transfer his/her thoughts and suggestions at the level of knowledge and skills acquired in his/her field to the relevant people in written and verbally. |
X |
X |
X |
2. Communicates effectively with stakeholders in the professional field. |
X |
X |
X |
3. Uses information and communication technologies together with computer software at least at the Advanced Level of European Computer Driving License required by the field. |
X |
X |
X |
4. To be able to follow the information in the field and communicate with colleagues in a foreign language at least at the European Language Portfolio B1 General Level. |
X |
X |
X |
Domain Specific Competence |
1. Acts in accordance with organizational/institutional, business and social ethical values. |
X |
X |
2. Analyzes the relations of the organization/institution with its stakeholders and conducts them effectively. |
X |
X |
X |
3. Has the ability to encourage innovations. |
X |
X |
X |
4. Think critically about the organization/institution. |
X |
X |
X |
5. Has sufficient awareness of the universality of social rights, social justice, quality and cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety. |
X |
X |
X |
Likert Scale |
5 |
4 |
3 |
We are bringing the Real Business World to the Virtual Classroom Environment with the laboratories we have actively implemented since 2017.
Senior students have the opportunity to try the knowledge and experience they have acquired over the four years in virtual environments. In this context, with the CAPITALISMLAB (Online Application Possibility Available) program purchased, our students establish a company within the framework of a capital limit allocated to them, produce goods or services in the company they establish, try marketing and growth strategies, evaluate financing opportunities by examining financial reports, and ultimately determine what they can do to increase the company's profit. They think about what they need to do, thus testing and improving their decision-making skills.
Our students experience the Real World of Finance and Financial Markets interactively in a classroom environment and prepare for the financial world they will be in by acquiring the skills to learn and use software widely used in financial institutions, especially Meta Trader 4.0 and Matrix. In other words, they learn finance lessons practically with the financial analytics approach.
Under the supervision of responsible academics and technical team, various simulations are used to ensure that students learn logistics in a hands-on manner in the computer environment. Logistics topics such as Supply Chain Management, Transportation Systems & Operations, Customs Clearance Processes, Risk Analysis, Logistics Information Systems etc. are covered practically.
Within the scope of courses such as Virtual Worlds - Second Life & Marketing - Sustainability & New Technologies in Business, different project groups are formed in virtual worlds using future technologies and they push the limits of their creativity by producing projects and gaining ideas and knowledge about the future of the e-commerce world.
Second Life
Metaverse Applications
Metaverse Certificate
Our students who take the Virtual Worlds course are given a digital metaverse certificate signed by Çağ University, Technological University of Dublin from Ireland, and Whole Brain Health, a non-profit organization from the USA. Students taking the course are entitled to receive this certificate when they fulfill various competencies throughout the semester. When students perform applications such as creating avatars, explaining virtual world terms, communicating through their avatars in the virtual world, editing their avatars, and adding content to the virtual world platform, they receive certificates signed by three institutions digitally.
Prof. Dr. İsmail TUNCER |
Mersin Üniversity F.E.A.S. Lecturer |
Gökhan KIYGA |
Rhenus Logistics, Mersin |
Olcay GÜRŞEN |
Expeditors, Mersin |
Burcu AYDIN |
Expeditors, A.B.D. |
Ertan ZİBEL |
Çukurova Development Agency |
Kerem KAVRAR |
Mersin Port Authority (MIP) Commercial Manager |
Dr.Sami SÜYGÜN |
Tarsus University F.E.A.S. Lecturer |
Goal: |
The goal of the INTERNATIONAL TRADE & LOGISTICS PROGRAM is to prepare students in trade & logistics sciences to satisfy the needs of contemporary and competitive international business world. |
Objectives: |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-101 | International Trade Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
TUR-101 | Turkish I Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
UNI-101 | Introduction to University Life Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 1-0-1 | 01 | ||
FLE-103 | Vocational English I Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 4-0-4 | 06 | ||
ECO-105 | Economics Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAT-105 | Statistics for Business Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
OSD-110 | OSD (Common Elective Courses) Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
Total Credit | 18 | 31 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-102 | International Logistics Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 07 | ||
TUR-102 | Turkish II Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
FEA-104 | Career Planning Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 1-0-1 | 02 | ||
FLE-104 | Vocational English II Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 4-0-4 | 06 | ||
MAN-110 | Business Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAT-112 | Mathematics for Business Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 16 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
HIS-201 | Atatürk's Principles & History of Turkish Revolution I Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
ITL-201 | Transportation Systems Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
LAW-201 | Law - I Basic Occupational Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLE-203 | Vocational English III Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 4-0-4 | 06 | ||
MAN-203 | Principles of Accounting Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
OSD-210 | OSD (Common Elective Courses) Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
Total Credit | 17 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-200 | Transportation Procedures Department Elective Courses | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
HIS-202 | Atatürk's Principles & History of Turkish Revolution II Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 2-0-2 | 03 | ||
LAW-202 | Law - II Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLE-204 | Vocational English IV Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 4-0-4 | 06 | ||
MAN-204 | Financial Accounting Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-401 | Fourth Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 18 | 33 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-301 | Supply Chain Management Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ITL-303 | International Trade Applications Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAN-331 | Comtemporary Marketing Issues Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLX-303 | Second Foreign Language I - Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-501 | Fifth Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 15 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ITL-306 | International Trade Regulations Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
IFN-310 | Finance in International Trade Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
IFN-314 | E-Commerce Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLX-304 | Second Foreign Language II - Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-601 | Sixth Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 15 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ECO-403 | Turkish Economy Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ITL-409 | Logistics İnformation Systems Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLX-403 | Second Foreign Language III - Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-701 | Seventh Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 6 | ||
ITL-000 | Capstone Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 15 | 30 |
Code | Course | Type | Credit | ECTS | ||
ECO-400 | Global Economy Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAN-406 | Business Ethics & Social Responsibity Specialized Field Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
MAN-446 | Business Simulation Supplementary Courses | Compulsory | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
FLX-404 | Second Foreign Language IV - Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
ELC-801 | Eighth Semester Elective Courses I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. | Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 | ||
Total Credit | 15 | 30 |
A student who has successfully completed the Internatıonal Trade & Logıstıcs Program should be able to: |
1. Produce reports and presentations to accomplish effective and professional communication in different business settings, |
2. Demonstrate professionalism while using information technology tools in his/her field, |
3. Define major business concepts within the traditional areas of trade & logistics, |
4. Carry out the ethical and legal principles when making decisions in global business environments, |
5. Combine the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the system that she/he lives, |
6. Use leadership, team working and interpersonal relationship abilities, |
7. Discuss the functions and relationship among the functions of business administration such as accounting, finance, marketing, management and production. |
8. Coordinate functions of trade & logistics management such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling in different business settings. |
9. Use analytical tools and critical thinking to solve contemporary business problems. |
INTERNATIONAL TRADE & LOGISTICS PROGRAM | Broad Based Student Learning Goals | |||||||||
Matrix for Courses & Intended Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) | 1. To equip the students with fundamental and technical knowledge in the area of international business. | 2. To improve managerial skills of the students by increasing self-confidence and self-expression efficiency. | 3. To lead the students behaving ethical and responsible towards society and environment. | |||||||
KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES | Communication | Analytical Tools | Scholarship | Environment | Scholarship | Leadership | Business Core | Teamwork | Critical Thinking | |
"IACBE" | Deliver effective and professional communications using a variety of delivery venues. | Apply decision-support tools to business decision making. | Utilize research skills in business problem solving | Apply legal, ethical, and economic standards of business within a global environment. | Utilize research skills in business problem solving | Apply strategic planning skills to effect a change initiative in a business scenario. | Apply major concepts within the traditional areas of business. | Contribute to the development of a high performing team and collaborative environment. | Demonstrate an ability to obtain and process information in order to make decisions and solve problems. | |
ISLOs for International Trade & Logistics | 1. Produce reports and presentations to accomplish effective and professional communication in different business settings, | 2. Demonstrate professionalism while using information technology tools in his/her field, | 3. Define major business concepts within the traditional areas of trade & logistics, | 4. Carry out the ethical and legal principles when making decisions in global business environments, | 5. Combine the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the system that she/he lives, | 6. Use leadership, team working and interpersonal relationship abilities, | 7. Discuss the functions and relationship among the functions of business administration such as accounting, finance, marketing, management and production. | 8. Coordinate functions of trade & logistics management such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling in different business settings. | 9. Using analytical tools and critical thinking to solve contemporary business problems. | |
("PO: Program Outputs") | ||||||||||
Course Title | PO1 | PO2 | PO3 | PO4 | PO5 | PO6 | PO7 | PO8 | PO9 | |
First Year/First Semester | X | |||||||||
FEA-101 | Orientation I | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
ITL-101 | International Trade | X | X | X | X | |||||
MAT-105 | Statistics for Business | X | X | |||||||
ECO-105 | Economics | X | X | |||||||
TUR-101 | Turkish I | X | X | |||||||
FLE -103 | Vocational English I | X | X | X | ||||||
SEC-101 (Development and Life Program) | ||||||||||
GYP-119 | Movie Types | X | ||||||||
GYP-117 | Health Sociology | X | ||||||||
GYP-101 | Popular Culture and Communication | X | ||||||||
GYP-103 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Applications | X | ||||||||
GYP-105 | Life in the Universe | X | ||||||||
GYP-107 | Diction | X | ||||||||
GYP-113 | Gender | X | ||||||||
GYP-115 | Mythology | X | ||||||||
First Year/Second Semester | ||||||||||
FEA-102 | Orientation II (Career Planning) | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
ITL-102 | International Logistics | X | X | |||||||
TUR-102 | Turkish II | X | X | |||||||
FLE-104 | Vocational English II | X | X | X | ||||||
MAN-112 | Business | X | X | |||||||
MAT-112 | Mathematics for Business | X | X | |||||||
Second Year/Third Semester | ||||||||||
ITL-201 | Transportation Systems | X | X | X | X | |||||
MAN-203 | Principles of Accounting | X | X | X | X | |||||
LAW-201 | Law I | X | X | X | ||||||
HIS-201 | Atatürk's Prin.& Hist. of Turk. Rev. I | X | X | |||||||
FLE-203 | Vocational English III | X | X | X | X | |||||
Second Year/Fourth Semester | ||||||||||
ITL-200 | Transportation Procedures | X | X | X | ||||||
MAN 204 | Financial Accounting | X | X | X | X | |||||
LAW 202 | Law II | X | X | X | ||||||
HIS 202 | Atatürk's Prin. & Hist. of Turk. Rev. II | X | X | |||||||
FLE 204 | Vocational English IV | X | X | X | X | |||||
Third Year/Fifth Semester | ||||||||||
MAN 331 | Contemporary Marketing Issues | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
ITL 301 | Supply Chain Management | X | X | X | X | |||||
ITL 303 | International Trade Applications | X | X | |||||||
FLX-303 | Second Foreign Language I (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | ||||||||
ELC-501 (Fifth Semester Elective Courses I) | ||||||||||
ITL-305 | New Technologies for Business | |||||||||
MAN-329 | Customer Relations Management | X | X | X | ||||||
ITL-313 | Virtual Worlds | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
Third Year/Sixth Semester | ||||||||||
IFN-314 | E-Commerce | X | X | X | X | |||||
ITL-300 | International Trade Organizations | X | X | |||||||
ITL-306 | International Trade Regulations | X | X | X | X | |||||
FLX-304 | Second Foreign Language II (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | ||||||||
ELC-601 Sixth Semester Elective Courses I) | ||||||||||
ITL-310 | New Technologies for Business | |||||||||
MAT-302 | Business Research Methods | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
ITL-314 | Virtual Worlds | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
Fourth Year/Seventh Semester | ||||||||||
ITL-407 | Commercial Communication | X | X | X | ||||||
ECO-403 | Turkish Economy | X | X | X | ||||||
ITL-409 | Logistics Information Systems | X | X | X | ||||||
FLX-403 | Second Foreign Language III (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | ||||||||
ITL 000 (Capstone) | ||||||||||
ITL-463 | Project in International Trade & Logistics | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
ITL-465 | Entrepreneurship in International Trade & Logistics | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
ITL-461 | Internship in International Trade & Logistics | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Fourth Year/Eighth Semester | ||||||||||
ECO-400 | Global Economy | X | X | X | ||||||
MAN-446 | Business Simulation | X | X | X | ||||||
MAN-406 | Business Ethics & Social Responsibity | X | X | X | ||||||
FLX-404 | Second Foreign Language IV (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | ||||||||
ELC-801 Eighth Semester Elective Courses I) | ||||||||||
MAN-444 | Global Marketing | X | X | |||||||
MAT-440 | Marketing & Sustainabilty | X | X | X | X | |||||
LAW-408 | International Trade Law | X | X | |||||||
Number of courses related with program competency / 43 | 20 | 14 | 16 | 21 | 17 | 21 | 10 | 15 | 20 | |
Percentage of courses related with program competency | 13% | 9% | 10% | 14% | 11% | 14% | 6% | 10% | 13% |
Tablo buraya...
Code | Course Title | Key Learning Outcomes | |
Communication | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 1. Produce reports and presentations to accomplish effective and professional communication in different business settings, | ||
Course Title | PO1 | ECTS | |
ITL 101 | International Trade | X | 7 |
TUR 101 | Turkish I | X | 3 |
FEA 101 | Orientation I | X | 3 |
FLE 101 | Vocational English I | X | 6 |
TUR 102 | Turkish II | X | 3 |
FLE 102 | Vocational English II | X | 6 |
FEA 102 | Orientation II( Carrier Planning) | X | 3 |
SEC-101 | Development and Life Program | X | 3 |
FLE 201 | Vocational English III | X | 6 |
FLE 202 | Vocational English IV | X | 6 |
FL. 303 | Second Foreign Language I (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | 6 |
ITL 306 | International Trade Regulations | X | 6 |
MAT302 | Business Research Methods | X | 6 |
FL. 304 | Second Foreign Language II (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | 6 |
FL. 403 | Second Foreign Language III (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | 6 |
MAT 440 | Marketing & Sustainability | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
FL. 404 | Second Foreign Language IV (GR) (FR) (SP) (RUS) (CHI) | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 246) | 38% | ||
Analytical Tools | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 2. Demonstrate professionalism while using information technology tools in his/her field, | ||
Course Title | PO2 | ECTS | |
MAT 112 | Mathematics for Business | X | 7 |
FEA 101 | Orientation I | X | 3 |
MAT 102 | Statistics for Business | X | 7 |
FEA 102 | Orientation II (Carrier Planning) | X | 3 |
MAN 203 | Principles of Accounting | X | 6 |
MAN 204 | Financial Accounting | X | 6 |
IFN 314 | E-Commerce | X | 6 |
ITL313-314 | Virtual Worlds | X | 6 |
MAN329 | Customer Relations Management | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
MAN444 | Global Marketing | X | 6 |
MAN 446 | Business Simulation | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 246) | 28% | ||
Scholarship | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 3. Define major business concepts within the traditional areas of business, | ||
Course Title | PO3 | ECTS | |
MAN 112 | Business | X | 7 |
ECO 105 | Economics | X | 7 |
MAT 105 | Statistics for Business | X | 7 |
ITL 102 | International Logistics | X | 7 |
ITL 200 | Transportation Procedures | X | 6 |
MAN 203 | Principles of Accounting | X | 6 |
ITL 201 | Transportation Systems | X | 6 |
MAN 204 | Financial Accounting | X | 6 |
MAN 331 | Contemporary Marketing Issues | X | 6 |
MAT302 | Business Research Methods | X | 6 |
ITL 301 | Supply Chain Management | X | 6 |
ECO 403 | Turkish Economy | X | 6 |
ITL 407 | Commercial Communication | X | 6 |
MAT 440 | Marketing & Sustainability | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 246) | 38% | ||
Environment | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 4. Carry out the ethical and legal principles when making decisions in global business environments, | ||
Course Title | PO4 | ECTS | |
ITL 101 | International Trade | X | 7 |
FEA 101 | Orientation I | X | 3 |
FEA 102 | Orientation II (Carrier Planning) | X | 3 |
ECO 105 | Economics | X | 7 |
MAN 205 | Principles of Management | X | 6 |
LAW 201 | Law I | X | 6 |
HIS 201 | Atatürk's Prin.& Hist. of Turk. Rev. I | X | 6 |
ITL 201 | Transportation Systems | X | 6 |
LAW 202 | Law II | X | 6 |
HIS 202 | Atatürk's Prin. & Hist. of Turk. Rev. II | X | 6 |
ITL 200 | Transportation Procedures | X | 6 |
MAN 329 | Customer Relations Management | X | 6 |
MAT302 | Business Research Methods | X | 6 |
IFN 314 | E-Commerce | X | 6 |
ITL 301 | Supply Chain Management | X | 6 |
ITL 306 | International Trade Regulations | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
ITL 407 | Commercial Communication | X | 6 |
MAN 446 | Business Simulation | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 246) | 45% | ||
Scholarship | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 5. Combine the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the system that she/he lives, | ||
Course Title | PO5 | ECTS | |
MAT 112 | Mathematics for Business | X | 7 |
ITL 101 | International Trade | X | 7 |
LAW 201 | Law I | X | 6 |
HIS 201 | Atatürk's Prin.& Hist. of Turk. Rev. I | X | 3 |
LAW 202 | Law II | X | 6 |
HIS 202 | Atatürk's Prin. & Hist. of Turk. Rev. II | X | 3 |
MAN 331 | Contemporary Marketing Issues | X | 6 |
MAT302 | Business Research Methods | X | 6 |
ITL 313-314 | Virtual Worlds | X | 6 |
MAN 329 | Customer Relations Management | X | 6 |
ECO-403 | Turkish Economy | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
LAW 408 | International Trade Law | X | 6 |
MAN 446 | Business Simulation | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 246) | 33% | ||
Leadership | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 6. Use leadership, team working and interpersonal relationship abilities, | ||
Course Title | PO6 | ECTS | |
INT 101 | International Trade | X | 7 |
FEA 101 | Orientation I | X | 3 |
TUR 101 | Turkish I | X | 3 |
FLE 101 | Vocational English I | X | 6 |
TUR 102 | Turkish II | X | 3 |
FEA 102 | Orientation II (Carrier Planning) | X | 3 |
FLE 102 | Vocational English II | X | 6 |
ITL 200 | Transportation Procedures | X | 6 |
FLE 201 | Vocational English III | X | 6 |
ITL 201 | Transportation Systems | X | 6 |
FLE 202 | Vocational English IV | X | 6 |
ITL313-314 | Virtual Worlds | X | 6 |
MAN 331 | Contemporary Marketing Issues | X | 6 |
IFN 314 | E-Commerce | X | 6 |
ITL 407 | Commercial Communication | X | 6 |
ITL 409 | Logistics Information Systems | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
MAN 440 | Marketing & Sustainability | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 246) | 39% | ||
Business Core | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 7. Discuss the functions and relationship among the functions of business administration such as accounting, finance, marketing, management and production. | ||
Course Title | PO7 | ECTS | |
MAN 105 | Business | X | 7 |
ITL 102 | International Logistics | X | 6 |
FLE 201 | Vocational English III | X | 6 |
FLE 202 | Vocational English IV | X | 6 |
MAN 331 | Contemporary Marketing Issues | X | 6 |
MAT302 | Business Research Methods | X | 6 |
ITL 301 | Supply Chain Management | X | 6 |
ITL 300 | International Trade Organizations | X | |
ITL 303 | International Trade Applications | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
MAN 406 | Business Ethics&Social Responsibility | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 240) | 25% | ||
Teamwork | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 8. Coordinate functions of management such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling in different business settings. | ||
Course Title | PO8 | ECTS | |
FLE 101 | Vocational English I | X | 6 |
FEA 101 | Orientation I | X | 3 |
FEA 102 | Orientation II (Carrier Planning) | X | 3 |
FLE 102 | Vocational English II | X | 6 |
ITL 201 | Transportation Systems | X | 6 |
MAN 203 | Principles of Accounting | X | 6 |
FLE 201 | Vocational English III | X | 6 |
MAN 204 | Financial Accounting | X | 6 |
FLE 202 | Vocational English IV | X | 6 |
MAT302 | Business Research Methods | X | 6 |
ITL313-314 | Virtual Worlds | X | 6 |
LAW 408 | International Trade Law | X | 6 |
ITL 409 | Logistics Information Systems | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 246) | 32% | ||
Critical Thinking | |||
ISLOs for International Trade and Logistics | 9. Using analytical tools and critical thinking to solve contemporary business problems. | ||
Course Title | PO9 | ECTS | |
MAT 105 | Statistics for Business | X | 6 |
MAN 203 | Principles of Accounting | X | 6 |
LAW 201 | Law I | X | 6 |
MAN 204 | Financial Accounting | X | 6 |
LAW 202 | Law II | X | 6 |
MAN 331 | Contemporary Marketing Issues | X | 6 |
ITL 301 | Supply Chain Management | X | 6 |
MAT 302 | Business Research Methods | X | 6 |
ITL 314 | Virtual Worlds | X | 6 |
ITL 303 | International Trade Applications | X | 6 |
IFN 314 | E-Commerce | X | 6 |
MAT 302 | Business Research Methods | X | 6 |
ECO 400 | Global Economy | X | 6 |
ITL 409 | Logistics Information Systems | X | 6 |
MAT 440 | Marketing & Sustainability | X | 6 |
MAN 444 | Global Marketing | X | 6 |
MAN 4XX | Capstone | X | 6 |
Percentage (ECTS Total / 246) | 41% | ||
Likert Scale | |||
5 | |||
4 | |||
3 |
Code | Course | Credit | ECTS |
FLE-104 | Vocational English II | 4-0-4 | 06 |
ECO-105 | Economics | 3-0-3 | 06 |
MAN-110 | Business | 3-0-3 | 06 |
MAT-112 | Mathematics for Business | 3-0-3 | 06 |
LAW-201 | Law - I | 3-0-3 | 06 |
Code | Course | Credit | ECTS |
ITL-101 | International Trade | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ITL-102 | International Logistics | 3-0-3 | 07 |
MAT-105 | Statistics for Business | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ITL-201 | Transportation Systems | 3-0-3 | 06 |
LAW-202 | Law - II | 3-0-3 | 06 |
FLE-203 | Vocational English III | 4-0-4 | 06 |
MAN-203 | Principles of Accounting | 3-0-3 | 06 |
FLE-204 | Vocational English IV | 4-0-4 | 06 |
MAN-204 | Financial Accounting | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ITL-301 | Supply Chain Management | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ITL-303 | International Trade Applications | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ITL-306 | International Trade Regulations | 3-0-3 | 06 |
IFN-314 | E-Commerce | 3-0-3 | 06 |
MAN-331 | Comtemporary Marketing Issues | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ECO-400 | Global Economy | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ECO-403 | Turkish Economy | 3-0-3 | 06 |
MAN-406 | Business Ethics & Social Responsibity | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ITL-409 | Logistics İnformation Systems | 3-0-3 | 06 |
Code | Course | Credit | ECTS |
TUR-101 | Turkish I | 2-0-2 | 03 |
UNI-101 | Introduction to University Life | 1-0-1 | 01 |
TUR-102 | Turkish II | 2-0-2 | 03 |
FLE-103 | Vocational English I | 4-0-4 | 06 |
FEA-104 | Career Planning | 1-0-1 | 02 |
HIS-201 | Atatürk's Principles & History of Turkish Revolution I | 2-0-2 | 03 |
HIS-202 | Atatürk's Principles & History of Turkish Revolution II | 2-0-2 | 03 |
IFN-310 | Finance in International Trade | 3-0-3 | 06 |
MAN-446 | Business Simulation | 3-0-3 | 06 |
FLX-303 | Second Foreign Language I - Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 |
FLX-304 | Second Foreign Language II - Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 |
FLX-403 | Second Foreign Language III - Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 |
FLX-404 | Second Foreign Language IV - Elective | 3-0-3 | 06 |
Code | Course | Credit | ECTS |
ITL-200 | Transportation Procedures | 3-0-3 | 06 |
OSD-110 | OSD (Common Elective Courses) | 2-0-2 | 03 |
OSD-210 | OSD (Common Elective Courses) | 2-0-2 | 03 |
ELC-401 | Fourth Semester Elective Courses I | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ELC-501 | Fifth Semester Elective Courses I | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ELC-601 | Sixth Semester Elective Courses I | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ELC-701 | Seventh Semester Elective Courses I | 3-0-3 | 6 |
ELC-801 | Eighth Semester Elective Courses I | 3-0-3 | 06 |
ITL-000 | Capstone | 3-0-3 | 06 |