Faculty of Arts and Sciences

First Year, First Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
TUR-101 Turkish I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 02
UNI-101 Introduction to University Life Department Elective Courses Compulsory 1-0-1 01
HIS-103 History of the Ataturk's Revolutions and Principles I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 02
FLE-115 Freshman English I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 7
PSY-119 Introduction Psychology 1 Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 8
PSY-121 Statistics in Social Sciences 1 Department Elective Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 7
OSD-120 OSD (Common Elective Courses) Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 03
Total Credit 17 30
First Year, Second Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
PSY-102 Introduction to Psychology II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 07
RKT-102 The Career Planning Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 1-0-1 02
TUR-102 Turkish II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 02
HIS-104 History of Atatürk’s Revolutions and Principles II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 02
PSY-104 Statistics in Social Sciences II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
PSY-113 Introduction to Sociology Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
FLE-116 Freshman English II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 07
Total Credit 18 32
Second Year, Third Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
PSY-205 Research Methods I Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
PSY-225 Computer App. in Psychology Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 6
PSY-231 Social Psychology Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
PSY-233 Developmental Psychology Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
FOR-201 Pedagogical Formation Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 4
OSD-210 OSD (Common Elective Courses) Department Compulsory Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Compulsory 3-0-3 3
PSX-201 Elective II-I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 05
Total Credit 20 35
Second Year, Fourth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
PSY-230 Physiology Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
PSY-234 Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
PSY-236 Int. to Clinical Psychology Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
PSY-256 Academic Writing & Presentation Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
PSY-260 Research Methods II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
PSY-264 Psychology of Crime Department Elective Courses Compulsory 2(2-3) 6
FOR-202 Pedagogical Formation Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 4
PSX-204 Elective II-IV Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 05
Total Credit 24 41
Third Year, Fifth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
PSY-337 Psychopathology 1 Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 7
PSY-339 Physiological Psychology Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 7
PSY-341 Clinical Observation and Interview Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 07
FOR-301 Pedagogical Formation Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 4
PSX-303 Elective III-III Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 05
Total Credit 15 30
Third Year, Sixth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
PSY-332 Cognitive Psychology Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 07
PSY-334 Theories of Personality I Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 07
PSY-336 Psychopathology II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
FOR-302 Pedagogical Formation Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 4
PSX-302 Elective III-II Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 05
Total Credit 15 31
Fourth Year, Seventh Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
PSY-401 Graduation Project I Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
PSY-445 Theories of Personality II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
PSY-447 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
FOR-401 Pedagogical Formation Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 3
PSX-401 Elective IV-I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 06
PSX-405 Elective IV-V Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 06
Total Credit 17 33
Fourth Year, Eighth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
PSY-402 Graduation Project II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
PSY-430 Ethics in Psychology Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 07
PSY-468 Applications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
PSY-470 Industrial Psychology Department Elective Courses Compulsory 3(0-3) 6
FOR-402 Pedagogical Formation Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 5-0-5 10
PSX-406 Elective IV-VI Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 5-0-5 06
Total Credit 20 41