SKY-514 Financial Management in Healthcare Institutions
This course provides a comprehensive overview of financial management in healthcare businesses. The course covers essential financial topics such as cash flow statement analysis, company valuation methods, capital structure theories, profit distribution policies, financial leasing, financial markets operations, international financial management, risk management, and derivative products. The content aims to equip students with an in-depth understanding of financial strategies and decision-making processes specific to the healthcare sector.
SKY-530 Marketing in Healthcare Institutions
This course offers a comprehensive analysis of healthcare services marketing. The content includes defining healthcare services marketing, marketing and customer mixes, types of healthcare services and institutions, competition types in different market structures, and marketing-branding strategies and applications in healthcare services. The focus of the course is to provide students with a deep understanding of effective marketing strategies and their application in the healthcare sector.
SKY-522 Seminar (Non-Thesis)
This seminar, conducted under the supervision of an instructor, aims to provide students with the opportunity to conduct independent research, gain experience in presenting a topic, and enhance their ability to speak in front of a group. The scope of the course includes selecting a research topic, investigating secondary sources, conducting field research, preparing a draft, making necessary corrections, completing the report according to writing rules, and finally presenting and discussing the report.
SKY-523 Seminar (Thesis)
Similar to the non-thesis seminar, this course, conducted under the supervision of an instructor, focuses on independent research and presentation skills. The course includes selecting a research topic, investigating secondary sources, conducting field research, preparing a draft, making necessary corrections, completing the report according to writing rules, and finally presenting and discussing the report.
SKY-525 Term Project
The Term Project is an academic work written according to the rules of writing in the field of health. The content can be a comprehensive essay, a critical report, a project with practical application, or an experimental study. The Term Project course is evaluated as successful or unsuccessful at the end of the term.
OSD-555 Disaster Management
This course provides fundamental disaster awareness training according to AFAD's guidelines to minimize the impact of disasters on individuals and families. The training covers basic disaster awareness, first aid knowledge, amateur radio knowledge, information about debris removal tools, knowledge of disaster psychology, and is delivered following national and international standards.
SKY-539 Epidemiology
This course covers the definition and historical development of epidemiology, its applications, calculation of basic health indicators, epidemiological research methods, epidemiological research design, and article evaluation. The course aims for participants to understand the applications of epidemiology, enumerate types of epidemiological research, plan and conduct research, interpret epidemiological data, and use this data in the planning, evaluation, and management of health services.
MAN-560 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics
This course covers all stages of a marketing research project, including data collection and analysis, focusing on a real research project. Various qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied, including addressing ethical issues that may arise during the research process. The course also aims to improve students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It covers finding literature for research on a specific topic, data collection, data evaluation, and report writing techniques. Practical application of quantitative data analysis and interpretation techniques using statistical software (SPSS) is also included.
SKY-532 Healthcare Accounting Management
This course focuses on how companies prepare financial statements. Students are guided to apply accounting rules and principles to obtain financial statements in the same way accountants do. After preparing financial statements, students are directed to make a general evaluation. The course aims to teach students to record, classify, and summarize important commercial and financial transactions in the accounting process.
SKY-506 Health Insurance
This course covers health insurance and payment systems, the historical development and scope of insurance, types of health insurance, health insurance globally and in Turkey, challenges in the insurance industry, and recent developments in health insurance and payment systems.
SKY-527 Health Law and Ethics
Health Law and Ethics cover fundamental concepts and institutions relevant to healthcare professionals. Topics such as medical practice errors and related issues are addressed throughout the course. The goal is for students to be knowledgeable about basic concepts in health law, patient and healthcare provider rights, criminal, legal, and professional responsibilities, informed consent, processes leading to medical practice errors, documentation, and insurance systems in health law.
SKY-517 Public Relations Management in Healthcare Institutions
This course covers interpersonal communication, mass communication and organizational communication theories, health communication, health promotion, historical development of public relations, and comparison of various theories and models related to public relations. The importance and applications of public relations in healthcare institutions are also discussed.
SKY-597 Thesis
In this course, students will be shown the procedures for writing a thesis (thesis writing plan) and will be provided with the necessary and correct technique to conduct research for their work. The course aims to make students knowledgeable about the use of sources, thesis writing style, and the correct use of techniques for their work.
SKY-598 Thesis
Similar to the third semester, this course shows students the procedures for writing a thesis (thesis writing plan) and provides them with the necessary and correct technique to conduct research for their work. The course aims to make students knowledgeable about the use of sources, thesis writing style, and the correct use of techniques for their work.