ELSA Adana Yaşar Bayboğan Legal Debate Competition is Starting!

The ELSA Adana (European Law Students’ Association) Yaşar Bayboğan Legal Debate Competition, which will be held for the first time this year, will be organized with the main sponsorship of Çağ University and with the contributions of the Mersin Bar Association, the Adana Bar Association, and Çukurova University.

Law students in their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years who wish to participate in the competition can submit their applications in accordance with the principles specified in the "Application and Rules Booklet."

📌 Don't forget to check the booklet for detailed information and the application process!

📌 Click here for the Application and Rules Booklet

📌 Click here for the Case Text

📌 Click here for the Sanctions Directive