Doç. Dr. Mustafa KALE

Doç. Dr. Mustafa KALE Meslek Yüksekokulu

CV İndir



KALE MUSTAFA,ASLAN DURMUŞ (2021).  Pastoral nomadic parents’ beliefs and practices about child safety: an ethnographic study.  Early Child Development and Care, 191(9), 1401-1416. (Yayın No: 6360392)

KALE MUSTAFA, HURŞİDİ SARA, BALCI KARABOĞA FUZİYE AYŞE (2021).  Okul Öncesi Dönemde Beden Algısı.  OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17(34), 1408-1435., Doi: 10.26466/opus. (Yayın No: 6961698)

KALE MUSTAFA,Dikici Sığırtmaç Ayperi (2020).  The participation of children in caregiving of their siblings with special needs and peer relationship in rural Turkey.  Early Child Development and Care, Doi: (Yayın No: 6243096)

KALE MUSTAFA,ASLAN DURMUŞ (2020).  The caregiving practices of nomadic Yuruk Turkmen families for their children in terms of developmental well-being: an ecocultural perspective.  Early Child Development and Care, 1-16., Doi: 10.1080/03004430.2020.1718123 (Yayın No: 6026162)

KALE MUSTAFA,ALAPTARLI HASAN CEM (2019).  Description of children’s daily life participation processes in the sea gypsies community: visual narrative technique.  Early Child Development and Care, 2, 1-15., Doi: 10.1080/03004430.2019.1703112 (Yayın No: 5617960)

NUR İMRAY,AKTAŞ ARNAS YAŞARE,ABBAK BURCU SULTAN,KALE MUSTAFA (2018).  Mother-Child and Teacher-Child Relationships and Their Associations with School Adjustment in Pre-school. Educational Sciences: Theory  Practice, 18(1), 201-220., Doi: 10.12738/estp.2018.1.0608 (Yayın No: 5230956) 

Uluslararası Kitap Editörlüğü:

Aslan, D., Kale, M. , Nur İ., Ed., "Kültür ve Çocuk", Pegem A Yayıncılık, ANKARA, 2019.


Kitap Bölümleri:

FARKLI KÜLTÜRLERDE AİLE VE ÇOCUK, Bölüm adı:(GELİŞİMSEL NİŞ VE EBEVEYNLİK ETNOKURAMLARI) (2021)., KALE MUSTAFA,  VİZE YAYINCILIK, Editör:ARZU ÖZYÜREK, ASYA ÇETİN, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 498, ISBN:ISBN: 978-625-7103-03-?, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Yayın No: 7238223)

Farklı ülkelerde erken çocukluk eğitimi, Bölüm adı:(RUSYA  FEDERASYONU’NDA ERKEN ÇOCUKLUK EĞİTİMİ) (2020)., KALE MUSTAFA,YYılmaz Yuliya,  PEGEM AKADEMİ, Editör:Durmuş ASLAN, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 405, ISBN:978-625-7052-93-1, Türkçe(Ders Kitabı), (Yayın No: 6312372)

Erken Çocuklukta Sosyal Beceri Eğitimi, Bölüm adı:(Sosyal Gelişim Kuramları) (2020)., NUR İMRAY,KALE MUSTAFA,  PEGEM, Editör:Durmuş ASLAN, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 378, ISBN:ISBN:978-625-7228-28-2, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Yayın No: 6594871)

Farklı Ülkelerde Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi, Bölüm adı:(HONG KONG’DA ERKEN ÇOCUKLUK EĞİTİMİ) (2020)., KALE MUSTAFA,  Pegem Akademi, Editör:Durmuş ASLAN, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 405, ISBN:ISBN 978-625-7052-93-1, Türkçe(Ders Kitabı), (Yayın No: 6312362)

Erken Çocuklukta Özel Eğitim ve Kaynaştırma, Bölüm adı:(ÖZEL GEREKSİNİMLİ ÇOCUK VE AİLE) (2020)., KALE MUSTAFA,  PEGEM AKADEMİ, Editör:Ayperi DİKİCİ SIĞIRTMAÇ, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 398, ISBN:978-625-7228-29-9, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Yayın No: 7092864)

ERKEN ÇOCUKLUK EĞİTİMİNE GİRİŞ, Bölüm adı:(ERKEN ÇOCUKLUK DÖNEMİNDE ÇOCUK REFAHI) (2020)., KALE MUSTAFA,  İZGE YAYINCILIK, Editör:DURMUŞ ASLAN, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 336, ISBN:ISBN:978-605-9763-28-8, İngilizce(Bilimsel Kitap), (Yayın No: 6481328)

Çocukta Hareket Gelişimi ve Eğitimi, Bölüm adı:(Hareket Eğitimine Yönelik Eğitim Ortamlarının Planlanması veDüzenlenmesi) (2020)., KALE MUSTAFA,  PEGEM AKADEMİ, Editör:Ebru DERETARLA GÜL, Gonca İNCE, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 237, ISBN:ISBN 978-625-7880-060, Türkçe(Ders Kitabı), (Yayın No: 6458373)

Kale.,M. “ÖZEL GEREKSİNİMİ OLAN ÇOCUKLARIN GÜNLÜK YAŞAMA KATILIMI”, Özel Eğitim ve Kaynaştırma. Ed.Ebru DERETARLA GÜL. NOBEL Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2019.

Kale M.& Aslan D."ÇOCUKLARIN SOSYOKÜLTÜREL BAĞLAMA KATILIMI VE KÜLTÜREL ÖĞRENME", Kültür ve Çocuk, Aslan D., Kale M., Nur İ., Ed., Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.163-187, 2019.

Kale M.& Aslan D." KÜLTÜR VE ÇOCUK ARAŞTIRMALARINDA KULLANILAN YÖNTEMLER ", Kültür ve Çocuk, Aslan D., Kale M., Nur İ., Ed., Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.163-187, 2019.

Kale M.& Aslan D."ÇOCUK GELİŞİMİNDE KÜLTÜREL MODELLER", Kültür ve Çocuk, Aslan D., Kale M., Nur İ., Ed., Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.1-26, 2019.

Kale.,M.&.,Özgün,Ö." (2016). Cinsiyet Rol Gelişimi ve Bu Gelişimi Etkileyen Faktörler, Erken Çocuklukta Cinsel Eğitim ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Sevcan YAĞAN GÜDER.Eğiten Kitap , Ankara, ss.79-95.



Kale M. , Nur İ., Aslan D. (2018). "Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Matematiksel Deneyimlerin İncelenmesinde Kuramsal Bir Çerçeve: Sosyomatematiksel Niş", e-Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi (elektronik), cilt.12, ss.1-31, 2018.

Kale, M , Dikici Sığırtmaç,A , Nur, İ , Kara, İ . (2017). A Survey about Inclusive Education in Early Childhood: The Reflections to Practices of the Recommendations in the Thesis. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (1), 220-234. DOI: 10.17679/inuefd.306517

Kale,M.&Yaşar,M.(2016,November). Okul Öncesi Öğretmen Adaylarının Bireysel Farklılıklara Yönelik Algılarının İncelenmesi.I. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMİC RESEARCH CONGRESS. Antalya.Turkey.(Tam Metin).

Kale,M.,Dikici Sığırtmaç,A.,Nur,İ.,Abbak,B.,(2016).''Investigating Pre-school Teachers’ Opinions about Inclusive Education Applications''International Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies.Vol.2,pp.38-48,2016.

Kale M. , Siğirtmaç A., Nur İ., Abbak B.S., "Okul Öncesi Öğretmenlerinin Kaynaştırma Eğitimi Açısından Mevcut Eğitim Ortamlarına İlişkin Görüşleri", 25. Ulusal Özel Eğitim Kongresi, İSTANBUL, TÜRKIYE, 2-5 Aralık 2015, ss.10-11

Kale,M.& Dikici,A.(2016,November).Yaratıcı Drama  Kursuna Katılan ve Katılmayan Okul Yöneticilerinin Yaratıcı Düşünmeye Yönelik Algılarının İncelenmesi. I. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMİC RESEARCH CONGRESS. Antalya.Turkey.(Tam Metin).


Kale, M. & ALAPTARLIOĞLU, H.C. (2019) ‘’Children’s daily activities and knowledge acquisition: Bajau Laut (Community of Sea Nomads)”" Uluslararası Oyun Kongresi-2019 – ICEC 2-30 EKİM Gaziantep-Türkiye.

Aydilek Çiftçi, M., Kale, M., Yücesan, Y. ‘’Children’S Self-Perception During Early Childhood Period Towards Their Participation Right And Analysis From Parents’ Perspective: “I And Don’T Agree!”" Uluslararası Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kongresi – ICEC 2-5 EKİM 2019 KARS-Türkiye.

Kale, M., Aslan, D. ‘’Nomadic Yuruk Turkmen Parents’ Developmental Goals And Expectations For Their Children" Uluslararası Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kongresi – ICEC 2-5 EKİM 2019 KARS-Türkiye.

Kale, M., Nur, İ. ‘’Ayşegül Çocuk Kitabı Serisinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Açısından İncelenmesi: Üç Kuşak Bir Kitap" Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Konferansı – ICOSS 16-20 April 2018 Kapadokya-Türkiye.

Kale, M., Nur, İ.,Aslan, D. ‘’Erken çocuklukta Matematiksel Deneyimlerin İncelenmesinde Kuramsal Bir Çerçeve: SOSYOMATEMATİKSEL NİŞ" Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Konferansı – ICOSS 16-220 April 2018 Kapadokya-Türkiye.

Kale, M., Nur, İ. ‘’Farklı Bağlamlarda Yetişkinlerin Rİskli Oyun İnançları ve Uygulamaya Yansıması " Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Konferansı – ICOSS 16-220 April 2018, Kapadokya-Türkiye.

Nur İ. , Aktaş Arnas Y., Abbak B.S., Kale M.,(2017). "Effects of Mother-Child and Teacher-Child Relationships on Children's School Adjustment", Pedagogy Congress, Havana, KÜBA, 30 Ocak - 2 Şubat 2017, pp.315-325.

Kale, M ,  A , Nur, İ , Aktaş,Y.,Nur, İ. (2017) . Sıblıng Parenting ın Transıtıon families ın Turkiye. 69th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference “Early Childhood Relationships: The Foundation for a Sustainable Future” 19 - 24 June 2017 CROATIA, OPATIJA.

 Kale, M., Nur, İ., Öztürk, İ., ‘’Examination of Preschool Teachers Views on Organizational Toxicity Based on Spiral of Silence Theory’’ Internatıonal Conference on Contemporary Issues In Educatıon(ICCIE 2017).0-8 October2017, Gazimağusa, Cyrprus. 

Abbak,B.S., Kale,M., Günay Bilaloğlu,R., Nur,İ.(2016). Okul Öncesi Dönem Çocukların Yetersizliği Olan Bireylere Yönelik Algılarının ve Deneyimlerinin Betimlenmesi 

Pesen, A., Kara, İ., Kale, M. & Abbak, B., S. (2016). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Algısı İle Çatışma ve Şiddete İlişkin Farkındalık Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi, OPUS – Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(11), s.325-340.



Funded Projects

 Does the Air-Water-Soil friends? or brother?’’ EU Comenius Project .

As project manager.( With seven different European countries)



’I share my toys’’ I.Campaigne , As project managerMinistry of Education,Mersin,Turkey.

’I share my toys’’II. Campaigne , As project manager,

Ministry of Education,Mersin,Turkey.


Total Quality Management as a Tool for Change in Education Process.

(As a participants). Educatıon and culture ,Prıncipal of  Nene Hatun Kındergarden, EU Life-Learning Programe,Turkey.

Preschool Education Dissemination. As project manager,

Ministry of Education,Mersin,Turkey.


Conference Organization / Scientific Committee Member

2005-2010   Provincial Coordinator of Early Childhood Education Department, Ministry of Educatıon, Mersin, Turkey.


2009  Member of  the Commission Lesson Planning, Ministry of educatıon, Mersin, Turkey.

2008   Mersin Coordinator of Early chıldhood Education Department, Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir,Turkey.

2007  Mersin Coordinator of Early Chıldhood Education Department,Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir,Turkey.

2007 Member of the Commission of 17.National Education Council Meeting (provincial meeting)Ministry of Educatıon,Mersin, Turkey.

2007 Member of the Commission of 17.National Education Council Meeting, (mediterranean region meeting), Ministry of Educatıon ,Adana, Turkey.

2006   Mersin Coordinator of Early Chıldhood Education Department, Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir,Turkey



University Service / Appointments



PrelectorDepartment of Child Development, Plato of Hıgher Educatıon, İstanbul, Turkey.




Public Relations AssistantInternatıonal Geo-Exper Surveying Ltd. Co. Ankara,Turkey.


Preschool Teacher and principal assistant & principal, Ministry of Education, Different city, Turkey


Invited Talks / Seminars

Kale, M. (2017,April). Gender. Invited talk given to the bus drivers, city council of Mersin, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.

Kale, M. (2017,March).Gender. Invited talk given to the bus drivers, city council of Mersin, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2010).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2009).Effects of Popular Culture on Children's Culture. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2009).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.



Kale, M. (2009).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Police officers ,Turkısh National Police, departmant of special force, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2009).Communication methods and mimics reading. Invited talk given to the Police officers ,Turkısh National Police, departmant of special force, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2009).Etiquette. Invited talk given to the Police officers ,Turkısh National Police, departmant of special force, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M.(2008).Development of Creativity in Children. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2008).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2008).Creative Drama and Communication Skılls. Invited talk given to theeducation inspectors, Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2007).Effects of Popular Culture on Children's Culture. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2006).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2006).Creativity in Management and Organizational Culture. Invited talk given to the School Prıncıpals ,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2005).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers, Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2005).  Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.



Kale, M. (2003).Sexual Education. Invited talk given to the Teachers and Parents, Zubeyde Hanım Kındergarden Mersin, Turkey.


Academic Honors and Awards


2009  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2008 Winner of the poster competition, Pre-school education dissemination Project,Ministry of Education, Mersin Turkey.


2008 Third of the poster competition, Pre-school education dissemination Project, Ministry of Education, Mersin Turkey.


2008  Salary award, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2008  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2008  Certificate of appreciation, Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu Univesty,  Eskişehir,Turkey


2007  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2006  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2006  Certificate of appreciation,Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir,Turkey.


2005  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education,Mersin,Turkey.


2002  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Kütahya,Turkey.


1999  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Kütahya,Turkey.


1998  Certificate of appreciation, Disabled Children Protection Association, Konya,Turkey.




Funded Projects

 Does the Air-Water-Soil friends? or brother?’’ EU Comenius Project .

As project manager.( With seven different European countries)



’I share my toys’’ I.Campaigne , As project managerMinistry of Education,Mersin,Turkey.

’I share my toys’’II. Campaigne , As project manager,

Ministry of Education,Mersin,Turkey.


Total Quality Management as a Tool for Change in Education Process.

(As a participants). Educatıon and culture ,Prıncipal of  Nene Hatun Kındergarden, EU Life-Learning Programe,Turkey.

Preschool Education Dissemination. As project manager,

Ministry of Education,Mersin,Turkey.


Conference Organization / Scientific Committee Member

2005-2010   Provincial Coordinator of Early Childhood Education Department, Ministry of Educatıon, Mersin, Turkey.


2009  Member of  the Commission Lesson Planning, Ministry of educatıon, Mersin, Turkey.

2008   Mersin Coordinator of Early chıldhood Education Department, Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir,Turkey.

2007  Mersin Coordinator of Early Chıldhood Education Department,Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir,Turkey.

2007 Member of the Commission of 17.National Education Council Meeting (provincial meeting)Ministry of Educatıon,Mersin, Turkey.

2007 Member of the Commission of 17.National Education Council Meeting, (mediterranean region meeting), Ministry of Educatıon ,Adana, Turkey.

2006   Mersin Coordinator of Early Chıldhood Education Department, Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir,Turkey



University Service / Appointments



PrelectorDepartment of Child Development, Plato of Hıgher Educatıon, İstanbul, Turkey.




Public Relations AssistantInternatıonal Geo-Exper Surveying Ltd. Co. Ankara,Turkey.


Preschool Teacher and principal assistant & principal, Ministry of Education, Different city, Turkey


Invited Talks / Seminars

Kale, M. (2017,April). Gender. Invited talk given to the bus drivers, city council of Mersin, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.

Kale, M. (2017,March).Gender. Invited talk given to the bus drivers, city council of Mersin, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2010).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2009).Effects of Popular Culture on Children's Culture. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2009).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.



Kale, M. (2009).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Police officers ,Turkısh National Police, departmant of special force, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2009).Communication methods and mimics reading. Invited talk given to the Police officers ,Turkısh National Police, departmant of special force, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2009).Etiquette. Invited talk given to the Police officers ,Turkısh National Police, departmant of special force, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M.(2008).Development of Creativity in Children. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2008).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2008).Creative Drama and Communication Skılls. Invited talk given to theeducation inspectors, Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2007).Effects of Popular Culture on Children's Culture. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2006).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2006).Creativity in Management and Organizational Culture. Invited talk given to the School Prıncıpals ,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2005).Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers, Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.


Kale, M. (2005).  Creative Drama. Invited talk given to the Teachers,Ministry of Education, Cervice Training, Mersin, Turkey.



Kale, M. (2003).Sexual Education. Invited talk given to the Teachers and Parents, Zubeyde Hanım Kındergarden Mersin, Turkey.


Academic Honors and Awards


2009  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2008 Winner of the poster competition, Pre-school education dissemination Project,Ministry of Education, Mersin Turkey.


2008 Third of the poster competition, Pre-school education dissemination Project, Ministry of Education, Mersin Turkey.


2008  Salary award, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2008  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2008  Certificate of appreciation, Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu Univesty,  Eskişehir,Turkey


2007  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2006  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Mersin,Turkey.


2006  Certificate of appreciation,Open Educatıon Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir,Turkey.


2005  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education,Mersin,Turkey.


2002  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Kütahya,Turkey.


1999  Certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education, Kütahya,Turkey.


1998  Certificate of appreciation, Disabled Children Protection Association, Konya,Turkey.