Vocational School


Program Infomation

Name of Qualification Type

Court Clerical Services Associate Degree

Awarding Institution

Çağ University



Turkish Qualifications Database Level




Program Duriation


Program Language


Head of Program

Dr. Hasan Basri Özkan


Tel:  +90 324 6514800
Fax: +90 324 6514811

Program Erasmus Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Eda Yaşa Özeltürkay


Tel:  +90 324 6514800
Fax: +90 324 6514811

Profile of Program

Court Clerical Services, in the light of contemporary and universal values, is a two-year higher education program that aims to train qualified vocational staff who have basic legal knowledge, qualified manpower requirements of all sectors, especially the judicial organization, and who will contribute effectively to the execution of court office services.

The program aims to ensure that students

-Adhere to moral and social values,

- To be equipped with technical knowledge on basic law and justice services,

- To gain problem solving skills by using scientific background gains,

- Developing communication, cooperation, questioning and taking responsibility skills; and

- Ensure lifelong professional and personal development.

Educational Atmosphere

Education and training are carried out in a formal manner. Due to the sufficient technological facilities, distance education is also partially applied. In addition, practical training is provided through research centers within the University.

Program Outputs (Qualifications)

A student who completes the program;

PO 1: Knows the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, laws and regulations, Turkish judicial system. Has basic theoretical and procedural knowledge in the field of Public Law and Private Law.

PO 2: Can develop solution suggestions for problems that may be encountered by using basic and up-to-date technical information in the field of law, share these suggestions with the parties to the problem and, when necessary, form a team and assume responsibility for this purpose. Executes the decisions taken within the limits of authority given to him. Thinks analytically and makes quick decisions when faced with problems.

PO 3: Learns how to learn by developing the skills of accessing information about law, selecting, understanding, interpreting and using the useful ones, and can apply these throughout his/her life.

PO 4: Acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ​​in the stages of collecting data on judicial and administrative issues in the field of law, following up on correspondence and case law, processing them and announcing their results.

PO5: Have awareness of the universality of human rights, social justice, quality and cultural values, protection of personal data, sustainable development and environmental protection.

PO 7: He/she can gain international competence among his/her colleagues by gaining experience abroad through the Erasmus program he/she participates in.

PO 8: Knows the general principles and rules that those working in the justice-legal services sector should know. Knows the structure and protocol order of the Ministry of Justice within the state legal entity and shapes their behavior accordingly. Makes time, place and protocol arrangements for meetings, ceremonies, invitations and visits.

PO 9: Can communicate with colleagues in written and oral form in Turkish and English at the required level on legal issues. Uses Turkish and English correctly and has proper pronunciation. Can follow information in the field of law using English at the European Language Portfolio A2 General Level.

PO 10: Has the ability to type fast, fast and without errors with ten fingers on the F keyboard, operate computers and design websites. Uses computer software at the Basic level of the International Certification of Digital Literacy, as well as UYAP information and communication technologies specific to the judicial field and other licensed products.

PÇ 11:Carries out all kinds of correspondence /notification processes. Carries out filing and archiving activities to meet the needs of the offices.

PO 12: Has the knowledge and awareness of social responsibility, ethical values, social security rights, work safety, occupational health and environmental protection required in the field of court office services and continuously improves herself/ himself in this regard.

PO 13: He/she follows the innovations related to court clerical services, learns and develops the necessary ones. He/she can clearly explain professional designs and practices to his/her colleagues, superiors and the individuals and groups he/she serves and acts in accordance with teamwork.

Key Competences

- Literacy competence

- Foreign language competence

- Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering

- Digital competence

- Personal, social and learning to learn competence

- Citizenship competence

- Entrepreneurship competence

- Cultural awareness and expressive competence

Measurement and Evaluation Methods

Measurement and evaluation methods; exam types and their contribution to the course grade are determined by the provisions of Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations and Senate decisions.

Different methods such as homework, project, application, midterm and final exam are used in measurement and evaluation.

Letter and/or numeric grading systems are used in the evaluation of student success.

Quality Assurance

To monitor the quality of higher education programs;

- CoHE is responsible for planning, organizing, managing and supervising the education and training and other activities carried out in higher education institutions.

- "University Monitoring and Evaluation Reports" of higher education institutions prepared every year within the framework of criteria determined by CoHE are published. Reports containing quantitative and qualitative evaluations of higher education institutions prepared according to these reports are also shared with the public by CoHE

- The “Foundation Higher Education Institutions Report” is published each year by the CoHE, which includes academic, administrative and financial data on foundation higher education institutions. These reports, which include quantitative and qualitative evaluations of foundation higher education institutions, are shared with the public by the CoHE 

The quality assurance of the court clerical services Associate Degree Program is provided as follows:

CoHE determines the minimum standards and criteria required for opening associate and undergraduate programs in higher education institutions.

The curriculum of associate and undergraduate programs in higher education institutions and the learning outcomes that each program will provide to students are determined by the Çağ University Senate in accordance with the basic principles determined by the CoHE on these issues.


The measurement and evaluation of the learning outcomes that the Program will provide to the student is carried out according to the Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulation, which was prepared in accordance with the basic principles determined by the CoHE on these issues.


Students enrolled in the Program receive an associate degree/undergraduate diploma when they successfully complete the course credits and other obligations determined by higher education institutions.

Self-Assessment and External Assessment:

In the context of continuous monitoring, Çağ University enters the “Internal Institutional Evaluation Reports” of the previous year into the Information System prepared by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) at the beginning of each year. YÖKAK shares the “Institutional Feedback Report” prepared by YÖKAK regarding the external evaluation of higher education institutions with the public. In addition, accreditation decisions given by accreditation institutions authorized or recognized by YÖKAK also show that the quality assurance of the qualifications of the programs is provided. YÖKAK carries out regular review activities regarding the qualifications determined in accordance with the legislation.

Enrolling Requirements

To be enrolled in Çağ University Court Clerical Services Program as a result of the central exam conducted by ÖSYM.

Conditions for Qualification

The graduation requirements for the Program are specified in the Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulation. Accordingly, students can graduate if they pass all courses in the curriculum with a minimum letter grade of DD and achieve a general grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.

Further Advantages

Students who graduated from the Court Office Services Associate Degree Program can apply to the following undergraduate programs based on the results of the Vertical Transfer Exam conducted by ÖSYM:

Public Relations and Publicity

Business Administration

Public Administration

Political Science and Public Administration

Legal Basis for Qualification

1. Code of  Higher Education, No. 2547

2. Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations

3. Regulation on Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Council

Website for Accessing Qualifications
