Institute of Social Sciences

Program Description

Qualification Type Name

Master's Degree in International Relations and Globalization



Programın Normal Süresi


Programın Dili


Program Chair

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevgi BALKAN ŞAHİN

Tel : +90 324 6514800
Fax: +90 324 6514811

Program Erasmus Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat GÜLMEZ

Tel : +90 324 6514800
Fax: +90 324 6514811

Profile of the Program

The aim of the International Relations and Globalization Master's Program is to equip students with both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the profession and to ensure that they become individuals who are open to innovations.

Learning Environment

Education and training is carried out in a formal way. Due to the adequacy of our technological facilities, distance education method is also partially applied. In addition, applied trainings are carried out through research centers etc. units within the University.

Program Outcomes (Qualifications)

PO1. Produce reports and  presentations to accomplish effective and professional communication in different business settings.

PO2. Demonstrate professionalism while using information technology tools in his/her field.

PO3. Develop a world view based on an awareness of the diversity of perspectives that structure the global political, social, economic, and legal environment.

PO4. Carry out the ethical and legal principles when making decisions in global business environments.

PO5. Contribute to the improvement of the system that she/he live in by combining the acquired  theoretical and practical knowledge.

PO6. Use leadership, team working and interpersonal relationship abilities

PO7. Describe the basic actors, events, and concepts of international relations and can relate these to contemporary global issues.

PO8. Coordinate appropriate analytical and research skills to the study of international relations.

PO9. Use initiative under changing business conditions, uses analytical, innovative and creative approaches to solve problems.

Key Competencies

1. Literacy competence

2. Multilingual competence

3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering

4. Digital competence

5. Personal, social and learning to learn competence

6. Citizenship competence

7. Entrepreneurial competence

8. Cultural awareness and expressive competence

Measurement and Evaluation Methods

  1. Measurement and evaluation methods; exam types and their contribution to the course grade are determined by the provisions of Çağ University Graduate Education and Examination Regulations and Senate decisions.
  2. Different methods such as homework, project, practice, midterm and final exam are used in measurement and evaluation.
  3. Letter and/or numeric grading systems are used in the evaluation of student success.

Quality Assurance

To oversee  the quality of higher education programs;

  • YÖK is responsible for the planning, organization, management and supervision of education and training and other activities carried out in higher education institutions.
  • "University Monitoring and Evaluation Reports" of higher education institutions prepared every year within the framework of the criteria determined by YÖK are published. Reports prepared according to these reports, including quantitative and qualitative evaluations of higher education institutions, are also shared with the public by YÖK.
  • Every year, YÖK publishes the "Foundation Higher Education Institutions Report", which includes academic, administrative and financial data on foundation higher education institutions. These reports, which include quantitative and qualitative evaluations of foundation higher education institutions, are shared with the public by YÖK."


A student who wants to study in the Master's Program in International Relations and Globalization must have completed a four-year undergraduate program in any department at a domestic or foreign equivalent university, and must get at least 55 points from ALES.

Conditions for Qualification

In order to graduate, a student must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and no failed courses.

Opportunities for Progress

Graduates of International Relations and Globalization Master's program can apply to Ph.D. programs.

Legal Basis for Qualification

1. Higher Education Law No. 2547

2. Çağ University Graduate Education and Examination Regulations

3. Regulation on Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Board

Website for Access to Qualification