Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences


Qualification Code


Qualification Title

International Business Management Undergraduate Diploma

Awarding Body

Çağ University

Awarding Body Contact

Cag University Baybogan Campus Adana Mersin Highway 33800 Yenice/Mersin/TÜRKİYE

Awarding Body URL




EQF Level


TQF Level


Thematic Areas

Management and Administration

National Occupation Classification




Credit Value


Program Duration


Program Profile

The aim of the International Business Management Program is to train students equipped with knowledge, skills and competencies in line with the needs and expectations of the business world in the field of business and management sciences.

This program provides education in English.

Learning Environments

Education and training are carried out in a formal way. Since the University’s technological facilities are sufficient, distance education method is also partially implemented. In addition, applied training is provided through research centers etc. units within the University.

Learning Outcomes (Definition)

1. Graduates master the theories and principles related to the field of international business management and can critically question these theories and principles.

2. Graduates possess basic knowledge of business science.

3. Graduates have knowledge of the basic business issues required by the field of international business management.

4. Graduates have the ability to define the basic concepts, functions and problems related to international business management.

5. Graduates have the necessary knowledge of basic business management and functions.

6. Graduates have knowledge about insurance and risk management and also knows international business and management system.

7. Graduates, as individuals or team members, take responsibility for solving unexpected problems that could arise during an operation.

8. Graduates can communicate knowledge, points of view, and proposals, orally or in writing and use English at the “European Language Portfolio B1 General Level”.

9. Graduates use acquired knowledge to produce optimal solutions in collaboration with other professional groups when problems arise.

10. Graduates possess scientific systematics and ethical values in collecting relevant data, interpreting it, announcing the results, and applying it.

11. Graduates competently use the necessary information and communication technologies.

12. Graduates have knowledge about International Businesses and markets.

13. Graduates are knowledgeable about workers’ health and safety, social responsibility, and environmental protection.

14. Graduates have knowledge and respect for basic human rights, environmental problems, sustainable development goals and are involved in social projects that make able their understanding of society.

Key Competencies

1. Competence on reading and writing

2. Competence on multilanguage

3. Competence on mathematics and science, technology, and engineering skills

4. Competence on digital skills

5. Competence on personal, social, and learning-to-learning

6. Competence on citizenship

7. Competence on entrepreneurial skills

8. Competence on cultural awareness and communication skills

Measurement and Evaluation Methods

1. Grading system, examination systems and their contributions to course grades are defined on “The Regulation for Education, Teaching, and Examination Rules for Associate and Undergraduate Degrees of Cag University” and determined by the University's Senate.

2. Different systems like homeworks, projects, practical applications, midterms, and final exams are employed for grading.

3. The grading system is based on letters and/or numbers.

4. Grades like AA, BA, BB, CB and CC reveal that course is successfully completed while grades like DC and DD reveal conditional pass that would be counted as successful if weighted average of all grades are accepted as successful that have defined in the Regulation. FD and FF show student is not successful.

       Point             Grade (letter)     GPA coefficient

      90-100                 AA                            4.0

       85-89                  BA                            3.5

       80-84                  BB                            3.0

       75-79                  CB                            2.5

       70-74                  CC                            2.0

       60-69                  DC                           1.5

       50-59                  DD                           1.0

       40-49                  FD                            0.5

       00-39                     FF                               0.0

Quality Assurance


In order to monitor the quality of higher education programs;

• Higher Educational Board (YÖK)  is responsible for the planning, organization, administration and supervision of education, training and other activities carried out in higher education institutions.

• "University Monitoring and Evaluation Reports" of higher education institutions, prepared every year within the framework of the criteria determined by YÖK, are published. YÖK publishes and shares with the public a report that prepared according to these reports, containing quantitative and qualitative evaluations for higher education institutions.

• YÖK also publishes every year the "Foundation Higher Education Institutions Report", which includes academic, administrative, and financial data of foundation higher education institutions. These reports, which include quantitative and qualitative evaluations of foundation higher education institutions, are shared with the public by YÖK.

• Quality assurance of the International Business Management undergraduate program is provided as follows:

Creation and Approval of Curriculum:

- YÖK determines the minimum standards and criteria required for the opening of associate/undergraduate programs in higher education institutions.

- The curriculum of associate/undergraduate programs in higher education institutions and the learning outcomes that each program will provide to the student are determined by YÖK. Cag University Senate has prepared its own regulation in accordance with the basic principles determined by YÖK.

Assessment and evaluation:

- The measurement and evaluation of the learning outcomes that International Business Management undergraduate program will provide to the student is carried out in accordance with the “The Regulation for Education, Teaching, and Examination Rules for Associate and Undergraduate Degrees of Cag University”, which are prepared in accordance with the basic principles determined by YÖK on these issues.


- Students who enrolled to International Business Management undergraduate program obtain associate/bachelor’s degree if they successfully complete the course credits and other obligations determined by higher education institutions.

Self-Assessment-External Evaluation:

- In the context of continuous monitoring, Cag University enters the "Institutional Internal Evaluation Reports" of the previous year into the Information System prepared by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) at the beginning of each year. The "Institutional Feedback Report",  prepared by YÖKAK regarding the external evaluation of higher education institutions, is shared with the public. In addition, accreditation decisions made by accreditation bodies, authorized or recognized by YÖKAK, also show that the quality assurance of the qualifications of the programs is ensured. It carries out regular review activities regarding the qualifications determined in accordance with the YÖKAK legislation.

Entry Requirement

To be placed in Çağ University International Businesss Management Program as a result of the central exam conducted by ÖSYM.

Conditions for Qualification

The graduation requirements for the International Business Management Program are specified in Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations. Accordingly, students can graduate when they achieve a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00, provided that they pass all the courses in the curriculum with at least DD letter grade.

Opportunities for Progress

Graduates of the International Business Management undergraduate program can apply to master's and doctoral programs.

Legal Basis for Qualification

1. Higher Education Law No. 2547

2. Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations

3. Regulation on Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Council

Validity Period

The qualification is valid indefinite times.

Website to Access Qualification

International Business Management WEB Address:
