Prof. Dr. İlhan YÜCEL - (1997-2001)
He was born on February 1,1941 in Adana. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Adana.
He studied at İzmir Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences between 1957-1960 and received his master’s degree education in London. After obtaining his doctorate at the Vienna University of Economics between 1963 and 1967, he received the title of Associate Professor at the Adana Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences in 1972.
In 1989, he was appointed as a Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Çukurova University.
From 1979 to 1996, he served as the General Secretary of the Adana Chamber of Industry in accordance with Article 38 of Law No.2547. In 1996, he became the Deputy General Secretary of the Union Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.
Prof. Dr. İlhan Yücel was appointed as the Rector of Çağ University on 22.08.1994.
Prof. Dr. Yener GÜLMEZ - (2002-2010)
He was born on December 14, 1941 in İzmit. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the University of Arkansas in the United States, with a scholarship from the Ministry of National Education, between 1967 and 1969. He obtained his doctorate from Ankara University Faculty of Education in 1982. Between 1969 and 1973, he gave lectures at secondary and university levels in the United States. From 1974 to 1977, he worked at the Ministery of National Education. In 1977, he started working at the Middle East Technical University Gaziantep Campus, where he served as the Head of the Language School. He became an Assistant Professor in 1984 and an Associate Professor in 1987.
In addition to his duties as the head of Language School at the Faculty of Engineering, the Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of METU Gaziantep University, he also gave lectures at undergraduate and graduate levels. He served on university boards and committees. In 1994, he was appointed as a professor at Gaziantep University.
Prof. Dr. Yener Gülmez started working at Çağ University at the beggining of 1999. He served as vice rector and faculty member, and he became Rector of Çağ University in January 2002.
Prof. Dr. Halil Çetin BEDESTENCİ - (2010-2016)
Prof. Dr. Halil Çetin BEDESTENCİ was born in Isparta in 1945. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture in 1969. He completed his master’s degree at West Virginia University in the USA in 1973 with a degree. He obtained his doctorate at Ohio State University in the USA.
Afterwards, he became an Associate Professor at Çukurova University in 1990, in 2000, he obtained the tittle of Professor at Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, and he received the title of Professor again at Çağ University in 2005.
Prof. Dr. Halil Çetin BEDESTENCİ, in addition to being a faculty member at distinguished universities both in Turkey and abroad, took on high-level administrative duties. BEDESTENCİ, who also has many scientific publications and six printed books, served in senior management positions in different sectors for 15 years in the Çukurova Region, where he has lived for 35 years.
Prof. Dr. Halil Çetin BEDESTENCİ has worked as an expert, consultant, representative and advisor in various institutions and organizations (Ministry of Agriculture, Ziraat Bank, World Bank, Çukurova Development Agency, Community Volunteers Foundation, American Soybean Association, etc.) BEDESTENCİ is very fluent in English. He is married and has two children and three grandchildren.
Prof. Dr. Ünal AY - (2016-Present)
He was born in Akşehir in 1954. After graduating from Akşehir High School in 1972, he completed his undergraduate education at Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Program Development, in 1976.
In 1981, he completed his master’s degree, and in 1985, he completed his doctoral education at The Pennsylvania State University. In 1986, he started working at İSDEMİR education directorate in 1986.
In 1991, he started to work as a faculty member at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Çukurova University. In the Department of Management and Organization, he taught course subjects such as Business and Society, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational Communication, and Strategic Management and Business Policy at undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels.
He retired from Çukurova University in September 2013 and was appointed as a faculty member in the Department of International Business at Çağ University, where he currently continues his responsibilities as a faculty member in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences for undergraduate and graduate programs. In August 2016, he was appointed as the rector of Çağ University.