Law Faculty

Program Description

Qualification Title

Bachelor’s Degree in Law

Credit Range


Standard Duration of the Program

4 Years

Language of Instruction

Turkish / 30% English

Program Director

Prof. Dr. Yücel Ertekin

Erasmus Program Coordinator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sami Doğru

Program Profile

The Faculty of Law at Çağ University was established with the aim of educating legal professionals who are proficient in at least one foreign language, possess a broad general culture, have a deep understanding of legal knowledge and reasoning, and contribute to legal science at both national and international levels.(Official Gazette: 18.11.1997, No.(R): 23174)

Learning Environment

Education is conducted in a formal (on-campus) setting. Due to sufficient technological infrastructure, distance learning methods are also partially implemented. Additionally, practical training is provided through research centers and other relevant units within the university.

Program Outcomes (Competencies)

Key Competencies

  1. Literacy skills

  2. Multilingual competence

  3. Mathematical competence and proficiency in science, technology, and engineering

  4. Digital competence

  5. Personal, social, and learning-to-learn competence

  6. Civic competence

  7. Entrepreneurship competence

  8. Cultural awareness and expression competence

Assessment and Evaluation Methods

  • Assessment and evaluation methods, including types of exams and their contribution to course success, are determined by the provisions of Çağ University’s Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations and Senate decisions.

  • Various methods such as assignments, projects, practical applications, mid-term exams, and final exams are used for assessment and evaluation.

  • A grading system based on letters and/or numerical values is applied in evaluating student performance

Quality Assurance

To ensure the quality of higher education programs:

  • The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) is responsible for the planning, regulation, management, and supervision of education, training, and other activities in higher education institutions.

  • “University Monitoring and Evaluation Reports” are published annually, prepared according to the criteria set by YÖK. These reports include both quantitative and qualitative assessments of higher education institutions and are shared with the public.

  • The "Foundation Higher Education Institutions Report", which includes academic, administrative, and financial data of foundation universities, is published annually by YÖK and shared with the public.

Quality Assurance of the Law Undergraduate Program

Program Development and Approval

  • YÖK establishes the minimum standards and criteria for opening undergraduate programs in higher education institutions.

  • The curriculum and learning outcomes of each undergraduate program are determined by Çağ University Senate in accordance with the fundamental principles set by YÖK.

Assessment and Evaluation

  • The assessment and evaluation of the learning outcomes gained in the Law Undergraduate Program are carried out according to Çağ University’s Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, which comply with YÖK’s fundamental principles.


  • Students enrolled in the Law Undergraduate Program receive an associate or bachelor's degree upon successfully completing the required course credits and other obligations set by the university.

Self-Assessment and External Evaluation

  • At the beginning of each year, Çağ University submits its “Institutional Internal Evaluation Reports” from the previous year to the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) via its Information System.

  • YÖKAK publishes the "Institutional Feedback Report" on external evaluations of higher education institutions and shares it with the public.

  • Accreditation decisions made by authorized or recognized accreditation bodies serve as proof of the quality assurance of the programs.

  • Regular review activities are conducted in accordance with YÖKAK regulations

Admission Requirements

Students must be placed in the Çağ University Law Program through the central exam conducted by ÖSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center).

Graduation Requirements

The graduation requirements for the Law Program are stated in the Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations. Accordingly, students must:

  • Successfully complete all courses in the curriculum with at least a DD grade, and

  • Achieve a minimum 2.00 GPA out of 4.00 to graduate

Progression Opportunities

  • Graduates of the Law Undergraduate Program may apply for master’s and doctoral programs.

  • Graduates of the Associate Degree in Justice Program may apply for undergraduate programs through the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) conducted by ÖSYM.

Legal Basis of the Qualification

  • Higher Education Law No. 2547

  • Çağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations

  • Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Board Regulations

Website for Qualification Access


First Year, First Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
RKT-101 Introduction to University Life Supplementary Courses Compulsory 1 2
TUR-103 Turkish I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2 3
ENG-107 Professional English I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 5
LAW-121 Civil Law I Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-155 Introduction to Law Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 2 7
LAW-157 Constitutional Law I Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3 6
HLG-101 General Elective I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 3
Total Credit 17 31
First Year, Second Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
RKT-102 The Career Planning Supplementary Courses Elective 1 2
TUR-104 Turkish II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2 3
ENG-108 Professional English II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 8
LAW-122 Civil Law II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-158 Constitutional Law II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3 5
SEC-102 Common Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 3
HLG-102 Area Elective II Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 4
Total Credit 17 30
Second Year, Third Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
TAR-201 Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2 3
ENG-207 Professional English III Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 5
LAW-241 Law of Obligations I (General Provisions) Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-255 Criminal Law I (General Provisions) Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 4 8
LAW-257 Administrative Law I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 4
HLA-202 Area Elective II Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 4
Total Credit 17 29
Second Year, Fourth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
TAR-202 Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2 3
ENG-208 Professional English IV Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 8
LAW-242 Law of Obligations II (General Provisions) Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-256 Administrative Judiciary Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-258 International Law Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 6
SEC-202 Common Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 3
Total Credit 18 30
Third Year, Fifth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
ENG-307 Communication Skills in Law I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 5
LAW-311 Law of Obligations I (Special Provisions) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-313 Criminal Law I (Special Provisions) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-315 Law of Civil Procedure I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-317 Law of Property I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-325 Commercial Law (Law of Commercial Enterprise) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-343 Administrative Justice Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 4
HLA-303 Area Elective V Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 4
HLA-302 Area Elective VI Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 3
Total Credit 22 35
Third Year, Sixth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
ENG-308 Communication Skills in Law II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 8
LAW-314 Criminal Law II (Special Provisions) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-316 Law of Civil Procedure II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-318 Law of Property II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-320 Law of Obligations II (Special Provisions) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-324 Commercial Law (Company Law) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-366 Human Rights and ECHR Judgments Department Elective Courses Compulsory 2 3
HLA-304 Area Elective VI Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 3
HLA-305 Area Elective VII Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 3
Total Credit 22 36
Fourth Year, Seventh Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
LAW-405 Execution and Bankruptcy Law I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 4
ENG-407 Legal Terminology I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 5
LAW-407 Law of Criminal Procedure I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 4
LAW-421 Commerial Law (Law of Commerial Papers) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-423 Private International Law I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-433 Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 5
LAW-449 Inheritance Law Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 4
HLA-401 Area Elective VIII Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 4
Total Credit 22 32
Fourth Year, Eighth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
LAW-406 Execution and Bankruptcy Law II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 4
ENG-408 Research Methodology in Law II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4 8
LAW-408 Law of Criminal Procedure II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3 4
LAW-412 Department Elective Courses Compulsory 2 3
LAW-424 Private International Law II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2 3
HLA-402 Area Elective IX Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3 6
HLA-403 Area Elective X Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3 3
Total Credit 19 31

GYP-101 Popular Culture and Communication

The concept of culture, mass culture, consumer culture, the development of the concept of popular culture, audience/viewership, popularity, globalization and popular culture, the concept of entertainment and lifestyles, food and beverages, popular icons and the concept of fame, fashion and identity, the music industry, popular culture and the sports industry, news, TV series, cartoons, language, and critical approaches to popular culture are covered.

RKT-101 Introduction to University Life

RKT-101 helps students gain a general understanding of university life and, more specifically, Çağ University. It serves as an orientation course for new students and includes various activities. RKT-101 is a 1-credit course that applies to all students.

RKT-102 Career Planning

The Career Planning course aims to raise students’ awareness of the importance of career planning during their preparation for the business world by introducing them to different industries and their requirements. The course helps students discover their personal competencies and correctly understand the expectations of the business world, guiding them in developing their knowledge and skills in alignment with industry requirements.

TUR-103 Turkish Language I

In Turkish Language I, the definition and characteristics of language, the relationship between language and culture, the classification of languages, the historical development of the Turkish language, its place among world languages, Turkey Turkish, the history and studies of the Turkish Language Association, phonetics, phonetic changes in Turkish, spelling rules, punctuation, and writing conventions are discussed.

TUR-104 Turkish Language II

Turkish Language II focuses on oral and written expression exercises, including presentations, novels, short stories, essays, poetry, compositions, magazine and newspaper reviews, book analyses, spelling and punctuation rules, sentence elements, sentence types, expression disorders, composition knowledge, types of written expression, opinion essays, types of oral expression, and prepared/unprepared speaking activities.

GYP-105 Life in the Universe

The birth and evolution of the Universe, the Milky Way, the Solar System, and Earth; Earth as a celestial body; the definition of life as we know it; the chemical and structural foundations of life; the definition of DNA and its role in evolution; the evolution of life and the emergence of intelligence as an evolutionary advantage; conditions for the emergence of life on a planet or other celestial bodies; the Goldilocks hypothesis; conditions in other star systems; the Drake equation; the search for extraterrestrial and intelligent life (SETI) research, findings, messages sent to the stars, and the physical foundations and challenges of space travel.

ENG-107 Professional English I

Professional English I is designed to help students use their reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills effectively in academic activities within their field.

GYP-107 Diction

Diction focuses on proper speech, effective speaking, interpretation and creativity in literature, and transforming speech into an art form.

ECO-108 Economics

The Economics course covers the subject and principles of economics, economic analysis and types of analysis, demand, supply, and price determination in perfect competition markets, elasticity, consumer and producer surplus, public economics, cost concepts, firm equilibrium, market structures including monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly. Additionally, topics such as gross national product, national income, multiplier analysis, price levels, production and economic growth, savings, investment, the financial system, employment, types of unemployment, the role and functions of money in the economy, banks, money supply, inflation, foreign economic relations, and the impact of monetary and fiscal policies on aggregate demand and supply are discussed.

ENG-108 Professional English II

Professional English II is designed to help students use their reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills effectively in academic activities within their field.

GYP-112 Theatre

Theatre course covers fundamental aspects of drama, acting, and stage performance.

GYP-113 Gender Studies

The course covers fundamental concepts related to gender studies, feminism, gender and human rights, gender and children, gender and adolescence, gender and family, gender and media, gender and violence, gender and language, gender and discourse, gender and religion, gender in music, sports, and fashion, gender in business life, and recommendations for preventing gender inequality.

BIL-115 Introduction to Computer, Information Management, and Security

An introductory course on computer science, information management, and cybersecurity fundamentals.

LAW-115 Introduction to Law

The Introduction to Law course covers fundamental legal concepts, rights, law, equity, justice, and legal distinctions.

GYP-117 Health Sociology

The course examines health from a sociological perspective, focusing on its relationship with society, institutions, and policies.

GYP-118 Political History

An overview of key political events, ideologies, and transformations in world history.

GYP-119 Film Genres

An introduction to different film genres, their characteristics, and their impact on culture and society.

LAW-121 Civil Law I

Civil Law I covers the concept of civil law, personal status issues, the beginning and end of personality, personality protection, legal capacity, and the distinction between natural and legal persons.

LAW-122 Civil Law II

Civil Law II covers engagement, marriage, marriage eligibility, marriage impediments, annulment of marriage, general consequences of marriage, property regimes in marriage, contractual property regimes, divorce, parentage, legal relationships between parents and children, guardianship, and adoption.

LAW-123 Constitutional Law I

Constitutional Law I examines the concept of the constitution, political power, constituent power, constitutional adjudication, judicial review of laws, elements of the state, theories on the origin of the state, forms of government, the theory of separation of powers, government systems based on separation of powers, democracy theory, types of democracy, elections, electoral systems, political parties, fundamental rights, and freedoms.

LAW-124 Constitutional Law II

Constitutional Law II summarizes constitutional developments during the Ottoman and Republican periods, analyzes the fundamental principles of the Republic of Turkey, the system of fundamental rights and freedoms, and the structure and functioning of the state's fundamental organs (legislative, executive, and judiciary), as well as constitutional adjudication.

LAW-127 Legal History

This course examines legal systems applied in different historical periods from a comparative and historical perspective. Topics include pre-Islamic Turkish legal practices, Islamic law, customary law in the Ottoman Empire, legal codification movements during the Tanzimat period, and legislative developments in the Republican era. The course aims to help students develop a deep historical understanding of legal issues.

LAW-137 Legal Methodology

This course teaches the necessary methods for identifying and analyzing legal problems. It also focuses on applying professional legal knowledge methodically throughout legal education. The course covers legal sources, research methods, legal problems and solutions, seminar and thesis preparation, as well as legal language and communication. Unlike traditional lecture-based courses, this course encourages active student participation.

LAW-138 Ethics

The Ethics course covers the concept of ethics, professional ethics, rules governing social life (religion, morality, law, and etiquette), legal ethics, its characteristics, areas of application, and the relationships between ethics, morality, justice, and law.

LAW-141 Judicial Organization

This course examines the concept of the judiciary, its importance and functions, an overview of the Turkish judicial system, and different branches of jurisdiction, including constitutional, civil, administrative, election, financial, and dispute resolution courts. It also explores the principles governing the judiciary, the role of judicial actors, and the structure of enforcement institutions.

LAW-143 Law and Literature

The course explores the relationship between law and literature, analyzing legal themes in literary works and discussing the legal and ethical dilemmas presented in literature.

PSY-143 Psychology of Behavior

This course examines fundamental psychological theories of behavior, decision-making processes, and their relevance to legal and social contexts.

LAW-144 Social Psychology

The course defines social psychology, explores research methods and key theories in the field, and discusses topics such as social perception, self-concept, cognitive dissonance, attitudes, prejudice, social influence, obedience, prosocial behavior, interpersonal relationships, gender, and aggression.

LAW-146 Critical Thinking

This course introduces basic and advanced levels of thinking, including critical thinking (inductive and deductive reasoning, evaluative thinking), creative thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and metacognition. Students engage in exercises and activities to develop their thinking skills.

TAR-201 Atatürk’s Principles and History of Revolutions I

This course covers the strategy of the Turkish Revolution, the fall of the Ottoman Empire, factors leading to the Turkish Revolution, modernization movements in the 19th century Ottoman Empire, internal and external events leading to the empire’s disintegration, ideological movements, World War I, the signing of the Armistice of Mudros, occupations, reactions, national resistance organizations, and the first steps toward the national struggle, including the organization of congresses.

TAR-202 Atatürk’s Principles and History of Revolutions II

This course explores the proclamation of the Republic, key figures and leaders of the revolution, constitutional solutions to issues from the Lausanne Conference, the Turkish Republic’s participation in international organizations and treaties, multi-party attempts, domestic and foreign policies, social, legal, economic, cultural, and military developments, Atatürk’s principles (Kemalism), and Turkey’s international policy of “Peace at Home, Peace in the World.”

ENG-207 Professional English III

Professional English III is designed to improve students’ reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills for academic and professional use.

ENG-208 Professional English IV

Professional English IV further enhances students’ English proficiency in academic and legal contexts.

LAW-209 Financial Law I

This course introduces financial concepts, the scope of financial law, interdisciplinary relations, approaches and objectives, the public sector, public services, public expenditures, public revenues, taxation theories, the modern tax system, the budgeting process in Turkey, budget characteristics and principles, and stages of budgeting.

LAW-210 Financial Law II

This course covers local government finance, municipal organizations, public economic enterprises, state borrowing and its management, fiscal policy goals and tools, taxation in fiscal policy, the role of public expenditures in economic stability, automatic stabilizers, fiscal policy management, international public revenue and expenditure policies, and international fiscal policy.

LAW-218 International Law II

This course covers state recognition, rights and obligations of states, state responsibility towards foreigners, maritime law, dispute resolution, jurisdiction, and air and space law.

LAW-221 International Law I

International Law I examines the definition of international law, the relationship between states and other legal entities, the sources of international law, and international treaties.

LAW-233 Criminal Law (General Provisions) I

The course covers fundamental principles of criminal law, sources of criminal law, application of criminal codes in terms of time, place, and person, general theories of crime, distinction between crime and misdemeanors, elements of crime (legal, material, and moral), concepts of intent and negligence, unlawfulness, and justification defenses.

LAW-240 Criminal Law (General Provisions) II

This course covers criminal liability, incapacity, types of penalties, mitigating and aggravating factors, attempts, participation in crime, concurrence of offenses, recidivism, individualization of penalties, statute of limitations, parole, pardon, and the consequences of criminal convictions.

LAW-241 Law of Obligations (General Provisions) I

This course examines general provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations (Articles 1–182), contractual obligations, and related legal concepts and institutions.

LAW-242 Law of Obligations (General Provisions) II

The course covers tort liability, unjust enrichment, various types of torts, negligence, strict liability doctrines, and their legal analysis.

LAW-243 Administrative Law I

This course covers sources of administrative law, the concept of the state, the position of administrative law within public law, administrative organization, central and decentralized administration, public services, public interest, independent administrative authorities, administrative supervision, public property, and expropriation procedures.

LAW-244 Administrative Law II

The course covers administrative contracts, build-operate-transfer models, administrative authorities’ powers of oversight, the rule of law, judicial review, state liability, administrative judicial institutions, procedures for filing annulment and full remedy actions, and review of administrative decisions.

LAW-245 American and British Law

This course examines the general principles of American and British law, focusing on contract law and the fundamental principles of tort liability through case law analysis.

LAW-247 Labor Rights as Human Rights

The course explores labor rights within the framework of international treaties and institutions, emphasizing their significance as fundamental human rights.

LAW-248 Communication Law

This course introduces the fundamental concepts and institutions of communication law, along with relevant legal regulations in the field.

LAW-250 Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology covers topics such as crime and punishment, criminal and legal responsibility, criminology, violence, abuse, criminal profiling, and their application in legal contexts.

LAW-251 Law and Debate

This course aims to equip students with the fundamental skills to initiate and sustain debates effectively in public settings. Discussions will focus on current legal and political issues.

LAW-252 Criminology

Criminology is a scientific discipline that examines crime, criminals, and their social, psychological, and economic contexts. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of criminal behavior, the causes of crime, offender psychology, and crime prevention strategies.

ENG-307 Communication Skills in Law I

This course focuses on improving students’ listening and comprehension skills in legal contexts. It uses textbooks and supplementary materials to help students develop their ability to express themselves in English.

ENG-308 Communication Skills in Law II

A continuation of ENG-307, this course further develops students’ listening, speaking, and comprehension skills in legal English.

LAW-311 Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) I

This course covers specific obligations and contract types regulated under the Turkish Code of Obligations, including unnamed contracts, composite contracts, and mixed contracts. It focuses on transfer obligations such as sales, barter, donation, and usage rights contracts, including lease agreements, financial leasing, and loans.

LAW-313 Criminal Law (Special Provisions) I

This course examines crimes against public morality and family order, including sexual offenses, offenses against personal liberty, and crimes against property. Specific topics include homicide, assault, defamation, theft, fraud, embezzlement, and extortion.

LAW-314 Criminal Law (Special Provisions) II

A continuation of LAW-313, this course covers crimes related to public morality, offenses against individuals (such as homicide, bodily harm, and threats), property crimes, and their legal consequences.

LAW-315 Civil Procedure Law I

This course differentiates between civil and criminal proceedings, explains the structure of courts, general and special courts, trial procedures, judicial hierarchy, the duties and authorities of courts, procedural requirements, and evidentiary rules in civil trials.

LAW-316 Civil Procedure Law II

This course focuses on oral trial procedures, special procedural conditions, appeal processes, final judgments, retrial, special courts, and arbitration.

LAW-317 Property Law I

The course introduces the concept of property law, the principle of numerus clausus, ownership rights, limited real rights, and the restrictive nature of property law. It examines the protection of ownership rights and legal remedies available to owners.

LAW-318 Property Law II

This course covers real estate ownership, movable property ownership, termination of ownership, limited real rights, possession, mortgages, real burdens, land registry, and their legal implications.

LAW-320 Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) II

This course examines various types of contracts, their formation, validity, and key characteristics. It includes discussions on contracts such as sales, barter, donation, lease agreements, financial leasing, service contracts, construction agreements, publishing contracts, agency agreements, commission contracts, credit letters, and guarantees.

LAW-324 Commercial Law II (Company Law)

The course covers the legal framework governing companies in Turkish law, the general concept of companies, elements of corporate relationships, different types of companies, and the legal distinctions between general partnerships, joint-stock companies, and limited liability companies.

LAW-325 Commercial Law I (Commercial Enterprise Law)

This course examines the concept of a commercial enterprise, the definition and legal status of traders, the consequences of being a trader, trademark law, and unfair competition.

LAW-333 Statistics

This course introduces basic statistical concepts, frequency distributions, tabular and graphical representations of data, measures of central tendency, variability, probability theory, standard scores, cross-tabulations, and basic statistical formulas.

LAW-335 Juristic Psychology

Juristic Psychology explores the relationship between psychology and law, focusing on criminal behavior, criminal justice institutions, judicial decision-making, witness testimony, victimology, and the application of psychological principles in the legal system.

LAW-337 History of Civilization

This course examines the evolution of civilizations from ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome to modern societies, including cultural, economic, and political developments.

LAW-341 International Trade Law

The course covers foreign exchange and monetary regulations, international trade and investment laws, import-export regulations, foreign credit transactions, and legal frameworks governing international trade relations.

LAW-343 Administrative Judiciary

This course examines administrative judicial systems, the scope and limits of judicial review, the structure and functioning of administrative courts, jurisdictional disputes, annulment and compensation lawsuits, and judicial remedies.

LAW-345 International Security Law

The course covers the concept of security in international relations and law, key global security issues, and emerging security challenges in the international arena.

LAW-351 Law of Notification (Service of Process Law)

The course examines the importance and function of legal notifications, types of notifications, recipients, service on legal entities, failure of service, public announcements, and the consequences of invalid service.

LAW-353 Tax Law

This course introduces fundamental concepts of tax law, sources of tax law, principles of taxation, taxpayer rights and obligations, assessment procedures, tax liability, tax penalties, tax disputes, and resolution methods.

LAW-355 Sociology of Law

The course analyzes law as a social institution, its function within society, and its relationship with other social structures. Topics include legal norms, social stratification, social control, conflict resolution, and the role of law in social change.

LAW-357 EU Law

This course explores the foundational treaties of the European Union, EU legal framework, institutions, judicial processes, and the relationship between EU law and national legal systems.

LAW-358 Consumer Law

Consumer Law examines key principles of consumer protection under Turkish and EU regulations, focusing on consumer rights, misleading advertisements, defective goods, unfair contract terms, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

LAW-359 Human Rights

The course explores the meaning and historical development of human rights, human rights theories, international human rights monitoring mechanisms, the European Court of Human Rights, non-discrimination principles, freedom of expression, freedom of association, religious freedoms, voting rights, education rights, minority rights, and human rights protection in the EU.

LAW-360 Turkish Tax System

This course provides an overview of the Turkish tax system, including the general structure of taxation, the economic effects of taxes, and an evaluation of tax policies.

LAW-361 Alternative Dispute Resolution

The course covers the concept and history of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), advantages of ADR methods, negotiation and mediation techniques, arbitration, international arbitration rules (UNCITRAL, ICC, ICSID), mediation in international private law, and the enforcement of mediation agreements. It also includes an overview of ADR practices in Turkey, including voluntary and mandatory mediation in commercial and labor disputes.

LAW-362 Philosophy of Law

This course explores fundamental questions in legal philosophy, such as "What is law?" and "What is the source of law?" It examines different schools of thought, including natural law, legal positivism, and critical legal studies. Discussions include the works of key legal philosophers from Ancient Greece to the modern era, the impact of monotheistic religions on legal traditions, the development of modern legal positivism, and critiques of legal liberalism, including Marxist and feminist legal theories.

LAW-366 Human Rights and ECHR Case Law

The course covers the historical development of human rights law, fundamental human rights instruments, national and international human rights protection mechanisms, and judicial and non-judicial enforcement bodies. A significant focus is given to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), including its application procedures and case law.

LAW-368 General Public Law

This course introduces the origins and development of the state and fundamental human rights. It discusses major political and legal theories about state organization, sovereignty, and constitutional principles. The course also examines the historical evolution of fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as national and international legal frameworks for their protection.

LAW-370 Constitutional Adjudication

This course examines the judicial review of laws, constitutional adjudication mechanisms, the Turkish Constitutional Court, principles of constitutional interpretation, limits of judicial review, constitutional complaints, and the role of constitutional courts in democratic governance.

LAW-372 Health Law

This course covers the legal framework governing healthcare services, patients' rights, medical malpractice, bioethics, and comparative legal perspectives on health law at national and international levels.

KUD-402 Moot Court

This course involves simulated court proceedings where students take on the roles of judges, attorneys, or prosecutors in a mock trial setting. The objective is to provide practical experience in legal argumentation and advocacy.

LAW-404 Commercial Law IV (Maritime and Insurance Law)

The course examines maritime law concepts, ship ownership, ship management, carrier liability, bill of lading, and international conventions on maritime transport. It also covers insurance law, including general insurance principles, types of insurance contracts, and liability issues.

LAW-405 Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law I

This course introduces fundamental concepts of enforcement law, different types of enforcement proceedings, and the procedural steps in debt collection and asset seizure.

LAW-406 Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law II

The course covers special enforcement procedures, such as promissory note enforcement and eviction of leased properties, as well as bankruptcy and debt restructuring laws in Turkey.

ENG-407 Legal Terminology I

The course introduces fundamental legal terms, sources of law, legal systems worldwide, and the main divisions of law (public law and private law). It also covers basic legal terminology used in different legal disciplines.

LAW-407 Criminal Procedure Law I

This course examines the meaning, historical development, and sources of criminal procedure law, pre-trial investigation procedures, rights and duties of judicial actors, the rights of the accused, and precautionary measures such as detention and search warrants.

ENG-408 Legal Terminology II

A continuation of ENG-407, this course delves deeper into legal terminology across various fields of law, enhancing students’ proficiency in legal English.

LAW-408 Criminal Procedure Law II

This course focuses on judicial procedures, trial processes, special procedural rules, the rights of victims and defendants, judicial decisions, and appeal mechanisms.

LAW-409 Labor and Social Security Law I

The course covers fundamental concepts of labor law, employment contracts, workers' rights, trade unions, and collective bargaining agreements.

LAW-410 Labor and Social Security Law II

This course focuses on social security law, including the legal framework for social insurance, types of social security benefits, and employer obligations.

LAW-421 Commercial Law III (Negotiable Instruments Law)

This course covers the legal characteristics and functions of negotiable instruments, including promissory notes, checks, and bills of exchange, as well as their issuance, transfer, endorsement, and legal consequences of non-payment.

LAW-423 Private International Law I

The course examines the general principles of private international law, sources of international law, conflict of laws, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, and nationality law.

LAW-424 Private International Law II

A continuation of LAW-423, this course covers legal issues related to jurisdiction, international family law, cross-border disputes, and international commercial transactions.

LAW-428 International Criminal Law

This course explores the historical development of international criminal law, international criminal tribunals, and crimes under international jurisdiction, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

LAW-429 International Commercial Disputes and Arbitration

The course provides an overview of international commercial arbitration, including legal frameworks, arbitration procedures, recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, and international conventions governing arbitration.

LAW-443 Forensic Medicine

This course covers forensic investigations, medical evidence in legal cases, cause of death determination, forensic pathology, injury analysis, criminal profiling, and medico-legal ethics.

LAW-445 Legal Clinics

Legal Clinics provide law students with practical training by engaging in real-life legal cases under supervision. The course emphasizes hands-on learning and interactive legal practice.

LAW-447 Political Psychology

The course explores the psychological theories of international politics, decision-making processes, leadership psychology, public opinion, and the role of identity and values in shaping political behavior.

LAW-449 Inheritance Law

The course provides an understanding of inheritance law, including testamentary dispositions, legal and appointed heirs, the transfer of inheritance, and legal procedures for estate distribution.

LAW-451 Moot Court

This practical course allows students to participate in mock trials, developing litigation skills in a courtroom setting.

LAW-452 Intellectual Property Law

This course examines intellectual property rights, trademarks, copyrights, patents, industrial designs, legal protections, infringement claims, and dispute resolution in IP law.

LAW-460 International Trade Law

The course covers international trade regulations, trade agreements, dispute resolution mechanisms, and legal frameworks governing global trade practices.

LAW-464 Mediation and Conciliation

The course covers negotiation, mediation, and conciliation as dispute resolution methods. It includes comparative analyses of different legal systems and practical applications in Turkey.

LAW-468 Attorney and Notary Law

This course examines the legal profession, professional ethics, the rights and obligations of attorneys, and the legal framework governing notaries.

LAW-470 International Arbitration Law

This course introduces key concepts of international commercial and investment arbitration, arbitration agreements, procedural rules, and enforcement of arbitral awards.



PO 1. Acquiring knowledge of legal methodology alongside sufficient theoretical knowledge to resolve legal disputes.

PO 2. Gaining a general understanding of national and international legal regulations, court precedents, and their applications in fundamental areas of law (e.g., Commercial Law, Tax Law, EU Law).

PO 3. Developing the ability to resolve unique legal problems in areas covered by the undergraduate program using acquired theoretical legal knowledge and legal methodology.

PO 4. Acquiring the ability to balance mutual rights and interests within the framework of an advanced sense of justice.

PO 5. Gaining the capacity to enhance and innovate positive law by utilizing insights from other disciplines (such as political science, economics, etc.).

PO 6. Developing teamwork skills through in-class activities, moot court exercises, courthouse practices, and other professional and academic visits, alongside individual academic success.

PO 7. Acquiring in-depth knowledge in specific areas of law through elective courses and adopting innovations in these fields.

PO 8. Gaining computer skills to collect and analyze research data and adopting technological advancements in legal studies.

PO 9. Acquiring a sufficient level of English to comprehend articles and books, interpret legal texts, analyze national and international judicial decisions, and express legal opinions.

PO 10. Developing oral and written communication skills.

PO 11. Internalizing universal ethical and cultural values while fostering awareness of environmental protection, occupational health, and safety.


Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (THEQF) – Law Core Field Qualifications Law Program Outcomes (PO) PO Definitions
      PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11  


1-Develops and deepens expertise-level knowledge of concepts, institutions, and methods related to public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines.

- PO 3. Developing the ability to resolve unique legal problems in areas covered by the undergraduate program using acquired theoretical legal knowledge and legal methodology.
2-Understands and establishes connections between the concepts, institutions, and methods of public law, private law, their sub-disciplines, and related social science fields.  X  X  X  X PO 4. Acquiring the ability to balance mutual rights and interests within the framework of an advanced sense of justice.
Skills Cognitive&Practical 1- Utilizes the advanced-level knowledge acquired in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines to analyze topics and issues related to legal theory and practice.  X  X  X  X  X  X  X PO 1. Acquiring knowledge of legal methodology alongside sufficient theoretical knowledge to resolve legal disputes.
2- Evaluates and interprets the advanced-level knowledge acquired in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines in conjunction with knowledge from other disciplines, and generates new insights based on this synthesis.  X PO 7. Acquiring in-depth knowledge in specific areas of law through elective courses and adopting innovations in these fields.
3- Resolves issues encountered in legal theory and practice by utilizing research methods specific to the field of law.  X  X  X PO 9. Acquiring a sufficient level of English to comprehend articles and books, interpret legal texts, analyze national and international judicial decisions, and express legal opinions.
 Competencies     Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility  1- Independently conducts a study requiring expertise in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines.  X PO 5. Gaining the capacity to enhance and innovate positive law by utilizing insights from other disciplines (such as political science, economics, etc.).
2- Develops new strategic approaches and takes responsibility for solving unforeseen and complex problems requiring expertise in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines; leads efforts aimed at achieving this goal.  X PO 2. Gaining a general understanding of national and international legal regulations, court precedents, and their applications in fundamental areas of law (e.g., Commercial Law, Tax Law, EU Law).
Learning Competence 1- Critically evaluates the advanced-level knowledge and skills acquired in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines and directs their own learning process.  -  -  - PO 8. Gaining computer skills to collect and analyze research data and adopting technological advancements in legal studies.
Communication and Social Competence   1-Systematically conveys advanced-level knowledge acquired in public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines, as well as current developments in legal theory and practice, to both field-specific and non-field-specific groups in written and oral form.  X  X  X PO 6. Developing teamwork skills through in-class activities, moot court exercises, courthouse practices, and other professional and academic visits, alongside individual academic success.
 2- Critically examines legal concepts, institutions, established legal practices, and legal rules, and takes initiative to improve or modify them when necessary.  X  -  X  -  X  -  X  X  X PO 5. Gaining the capacity to enhance and innovate positive law by utilizing insights from other disciplines (such as political science, economics, etc.).
3- Uses a foreign language at least at the B2 General Level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to follow developments in the field of law and communicate with colleagues. PO 10. Developing oral and written communication skills.
 4- Utilizes computer software, as well as information and communication technologies, at an advanced level as required by the field of law.  X  -  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X PO 7. Acquiring in-depth knowledge in specific areas of law through elective courses and adopting innovations in these fields.
Field-Specific Competence  1- Internalizes social, scientific, and ethical values in the processes of acquiring, processing, and evaluating knowledge related to public law, private law, and their sub-disciplines.  X  -  -  - PO 10. Developing oral and written communication skills.
 2- Develops and promotes the principles of honesty, justice, and ethics required by the legal profession and instills them in others..  -  -  -  -  - PO 3. Developing the ability to resolve unique legal problems in areas covered by the undergraduate program using acquired theoretical legal knowledge and legal methodology.
1. YIL / 1st. YEAR
Güz / Fall DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification   Bahar / Spring DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 121 Medeni Hukuk I
Civil Law I
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC  Law 122 Medeni Hukuk II
Civil Law II
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC
Law 123 Anayasa Hukuku I
Constitutional Law I
AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC  Law 124 Anayasa Hukuku II
Constitutional Law II
AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC
Law 115 Hukuka Giriş
Introduction to Law
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC Eco 108 Economics AZ / FC 2 5 TMD / BOC
Tur 103 Türk Dili I
Turkish I
OZ / CC 2 3 TD / SC Tur 104 Türk Dili II
 Turkish II
OZ / CC 2 3 TD / SC
Eng 107 Professional English I AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC Eng 108 Professional English II AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC
RKT 101 Üniversite Hayatına Giriş
Introduction to University Life
OZ / CC 1 2 TD / SC RKT 102 Kariyer Planlama
Career Planning
OZ / CC 1 2 TD / SC
  Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
  Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 AS / FE 3 5     Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 OS / CE 2 2  
Toplam / Total 20 32   Toplam / Total 18 30  
Güz Seçmeli Grubu / Fall Elective Group  DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification Bahar Seçmeli Grubu / Spring Elective Group DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 127 Hukuk Tarihi
Legal History
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 138  Ethics AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Law 137 Hukuk Metodolojisi
Methodology of Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 144 Social Psychology AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Law 141 Yargı Örgütü
Organization of the Judiciary
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 146 Critical Thinking AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Law 143 Law and Literature AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC OSD Evrende Yaşam
Life in the Universe
OS / CE 2 2  
PSY 143 Psychology of Behavior  AS / FE 3 5   OSD Toplumsal Cinsiyet
OS / CE 2 2  
BİL115 Introduction to Computer, Information Management and Security  AS / FE 3 5   OSD Populer Kültür ve iletişim
Popular Culture and Communication
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Tiyatro
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Diksiyon
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Film Türleri
Movie Genres
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Siyasi Tarih
Political History
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Sağlık Sosyolojisi
Health Sociology
OS / CE 2 2  
Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses
            Law 140 Çevre Hukuku
Environmental Law
AS / FE      
2. YIL / 2nd. YEAR
Güz / Fall DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification   Bahar / Spring DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 209 Mali Hukuk I
Fiscal Law I
AZ / FC 2 3 TMD / BOC Law 210 Mali Hukuk II
Fiscal Law II
AZ / FC 2 3 TMD / BOC
Law 221 International Law I AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC  Law 218 International Law II  AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC
Law 233 Ceza Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) I
Criminal Law (General Provisions) I
AZ / FC 3 4 TMD / BOC  Law 240 Ceza Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) II
Criminal Law (General Provisions) II
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC
Law 241 Borçlar Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) I
Law of Obligations (General Provisions) I
AZ / FC 3 4 TMD / BOC  Law 242 Borçlar Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) II
Law of Obligations (General Provisions) II
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC
Law 243 Yönetim Hukuku I
Administrative Law I
AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC  Law 244 Yönetim Hukuku II
Administrative Law II
AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC
Eng 207 Professional English III AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC  Eng 208 Professional English IV AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC
Tar 201 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I
OZ / CC 2 3 TD / SC  Tar 202 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II
OZ / CC 2 3 TD / SC
  Seçmeli / Elective AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli / Elective AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Toplam / Total 20 31   Toplam / Total 20 33  
Güz Seçmeli Grubu / Fall Elective Group  DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification Bahar Seçmeli Grubu / Spring Elective Group DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 245 American and British Law AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 248 İletişim Hukuku
Communication Law
AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Law 247 Labor Right as Human Rights AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 250 Adli Psikoloji
Forensic Psychology
AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
            Law 252 Kriminoloji
AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses
Law 251 Law and Debate AS / FE                  
3. YIL / 3rd. YEAR
Güz / Fall DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification   Bahar / Spring DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 311 Borçlar Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) I
Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) I
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 320 Borçlar Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) II
Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) II
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 313 Ceza Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) I
Criminal Law (Special Provisions) I
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 314 Ceza Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) II
Criminal Law (Special Provisions) II
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 315 Medeni Usul Hukuku I
Law of Civil Procedure I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 316 Medeni Usul Hukuku II
Law of Civil Procedure II
AZ / FC 3 5 UAD / SFC
Law 317 Eşya Hukuku I
Law of Property I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 318 Eşya Hukuku II
Law of Property II
AZ / FC 3 5 UAD / SFC
Law 325 Ticaret Hukuku I (Ticari İşletme Hukuku)
Commercial Law (Law of Commercial Enterprise)
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 324 Ticaret Hukuku II (Şirketler Hukuku)
Commercial Law (Company Law) II
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 343 Yönetsel Yargı
Administrative Justice
AZ / FC 2 4 UAD / SFC Law 366 İnsan Hakları ve AİHM Kararları
Human Rights and ECHR Judgments
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Eng 307 Communication Skills in Law I AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC Eng 308 Communication Skills in Law II AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC
  Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
  Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Toplam / Total 22 33   Toplam / Total 22 33  
Güz Seçmeli Grubu / Fall Elective Group  DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification Bahar Seçmeli Grubu / Spring Elective Group DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 351 Tebligat Hukuku
Service of Process Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 358 Tüketici Hukuku
Consumer Protection Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 353 Vergi Hukuku
Tax Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 360 Türk Vergi Sistemi
Turkish Tax System
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 355 Hukuk Sosyolojisi
Legal Sociology
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 368 Genel Kamu Hukuku
General Public Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 303 International Carriage of Goods by Road AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 362 Hukuk Felsefesi
Legal Philosophy
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 357 EU Law AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 370 Anayasa Yargısı
Constitutional Justice
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 359 Human Rights AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 372 Sağlık Hukuku
Health Care Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses
Law 309 Vergi Hukuku I
Tax Law I
AZ / FC       Law 310 Vergi Hukuku II
Tax Law II
AZ / FC      
Law 333 Statistics AS / FE       Law 352 Hukuk Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi
Legal Philosophy and Sociology
AZ / FC      
Law 335 Juristic Psychology AS / FE                  
Law 337 History of Civilization AS / FE                  
Law 345 International Security Law AS / FE                  
Law 361 Alternative Dispute Resolution AS / FE                  
4. YIL / 4th. YEAR
Güz / Fall DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification   Bahar / Spring DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 405 İcra İflas Hukuku I
Execution and Bankruptcy Law I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 406 İcra İflas Hukuku II
Execution and Bankruptcy Law II
AZ / FC 3 5 UAD / SFC
Law 407 Ceza Usul Hukuku I
Law of Criminal Procedure I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 408 Ceza Usul Hukuku II
Law of Criminal Procedure II
AZ / FC 3 5 UAD / SFC
Law 409 İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku I
Labour and Social Security Law I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 410 İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku II
Labour and Social Security Law II
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC
Law 421 Ticaret Hukuku III (Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku)
Commercial Law III (Law of Commercial Papers)
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 404 Ticaret Hukuku IV (Deniz Ticaret Hukuku)
Commercial Law IV (Maritime Commercial and Insurance Law)
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 423 Devletler Özel Hukuku I
Private International Law I
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 424 Devletler Özel Hukuku II
Private International Law II
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 449 Miras Hukuku
Inheritance Law 
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Eng 408 Legal Terminology II AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC
Eng 407 Legal Terminology I AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC   Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC
  Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Toplam / Total 22 31   Toplam / Total 22 33  
Güz Seçmeli Grubu / Fall Elective Group  DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification Bahar Seçmeli Grubu / Spring Elective Group DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 443 Forensic Medicine AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 460 International Trade Law AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC
Law 445 Hukuk Klinikleri
Law Clinics
AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 468 Attorney and Notary Law AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC
Law 447 Political Psychology AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 470 International Arbitration Law AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC
Law 451 Moot Court AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 452 Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku
Intellectual Property Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
            Law 464 Uzlaştırma / Arabuluculuk
Conciliation / Mediation
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
            KUD 402 Kurgusal Duruşma
Fictional Hearing
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses
Law 413 Miras Hukuku I
Inheritance Law I
AZ / FC       Law 414 Miras Hukuku II
Inheritance Law II
AZ / FC      
Law 415 Genel Kamu Hukuku
General Public Law
AZ / FC       Law 428 International Criminal Law AS / FE      
Law 429 International Commercial Disputes and Arbitration AS / FE                  
Kısaltmalar / Abbreviations:

*Ders Grubu (DG) / Course Groups (CG) :
Alan Zorunlu (AZ) / Field Compulsory (FC),
Ortak Zorunlu (OZ) / Common  Compulsory (CC),
Alan Seçmeli (AS) / Field elective (FE) ,
Ortak Seçmeli (OS) / Common Elective (CE).

**Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Temel Mesleki Dersler (TMD) / Basic Occupational Courses (BOC)
Uzmanlık Alan Dersleri (UAD) / Specialized Field Courses (SFC)
Tamamlayıcı Dersler (TD) / Supplementary Courses (SC)
Bölüm Seçmeli Dersleri (BSD) / Department Elective Courses (DEC)
***2022-2023 Eğitim-öğretim yılı esas alınarak düzenlenmiştir. Ders özellikleri yıllara göre değişiklik arz edebilir.
***It has been organized on the basis of the 2022-2023 academic year.Course features may vary from year to year.
Kod / Code Dersin Adı / Course Name Zorunlu (Z) - Seçmeli (S) / Compulsory (C) - Elective (E) Kredisi / Credits AKTS / ECTS PÇ1
 1. Yıl Güz / 1st. Year Fall                            
 Law 121 Medeni Hukuk I
Civil Law I
z/c 3 5 5 3 5 4              
Law 123 Anayasa Hukuku I
Constitutional Law I
z/c 2 4 3 3 3               3
Law 115 Hukuka Giriş
Introduction to Law
z/c 3 5 3 3 3 3 3           3
Tur 103 Türk Dili I
Turkish I
z/c 2 3                   5  
Eng 107 Professional English I z/c 4 5                 4 4  
RKT 101 Üniversite Hayatına Giriş
Introduction to University Life
z/c 1 2 3 3                  
Law 127 Hukuk Tarihi
Legal History
s/e 2 3 2 3 3 3 3            
Law 137 Hukuk Metodolojisi
Methodology of Law
s/e 2 3 2 3 3 3 3            
Law 141 Yargı Örgütü
Organization of the Judiciary
s/e 2 3 2 3 3 3 3            
Law 143 Law and Literature s/e 3 5   4 5 4 3   2   5 5 5
PSY 143 Psychology of Behavior  s/e 3 5   3 5   5   5   5   5
BİL115 Introduction to Computer, Information Management and Security  s/e 3 5     5 5   5          
1. Yıl Bahar / 1st. Year Spring                            
 Law 122 Medeni Hukuk II
Civil Law II
z/c 3 5 5 3 5 4              
 Law 124 Anayasa Hukuku II
Constitutional Law II
z/c 2 5 3 3 3               3
 Tur 104 Türk Dili II
Turkish II
z/c 2 3                   5  
 Eco 108 Economics z/c 2 5       4 4           4
Eng 108 Professional English II z/c 4 5                 4 4  
RKT 102 Kariyer Planlama
Career Planning
z/c 1 2 3 3                  
Law 138  Ethics s/e 2 4       5     5   5 5 5
Law 144 Social Psychology s/e 2 4   3 5   5   5       5
Law 146 Critical Thinking s/e 2 4       5     5       5
2. Yıl Güz / 2nd. Year Fall                            
Law 209 Mali Hukuk I
Fiscal Law I
z/c 2 3   3 3 3              
Law 241 Borçlar Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) I
Law of Obligations (General Provisions) I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5 5 5           5
Law 221 International Law I z/c 2 4 5 5 5             5 5
Law 233 Ceza Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) I
Criminal Law (General Provisions) I
z/c 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 5         4
Law 243 Yönetim Hukuku I
Administrative Law I
z/c 2 4 2 3 3 3 3            
Tar 201 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I
z/c 2 3             5        
Eng 207 Professional English III z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 245 American and British Law s/e 2 4   4 5 4 3   2   4 5 5
Law 247 Labor Right as Human Rights s/e 2 4 5     3     4        
2. Yıl Bahar / 2nd. Year Spring                            
Law 210 Mali Hukuk II
Fiscal Law II
z/c 2 3   3 3 3              
 Law 242 Borçlar Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) II
Law of Obligations (General Provisions) II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5 5 5           5
 Law 218 International Law II  z/c 2 4 5 5 5             5 5
 Law 240 Ceza Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) II
Criminal Law (General Provisions) II
z/c 3 5 4 5 5 4 3 5         4
 Law 244 Yönetim Hukuku II
Administrative Law II
z/c 2 4 2 3 3 3 3            
 Tar 202 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II
z/c 2 3             5        
 Eng 208 Professional English IV z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 248 İletişim Hukuku
Communication Law
s/e 2 4                      
Law 250 Adli Psikoloji
Forensic Psychology
s/e 2 4   3 5   5   5   5   5
Law 252 Kriminoloji
s/e 2 4   3 3 3              
3. Yıl Güz / 3rd. Year Fall                            
Law 313 Ceza Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) I
Criminal Law (Special Provisions) I
z/c 2 3 4 5 5 3 2 5         3
Law 325 Ticaret Hukuku I (Ticari İşletme Hukuku)
Commercial Law (Law of Commercial Enterprise)
z/c 2 3 4 4 4 3 2            
Law 343 Yönetsel Yargı
Administrative Justice
z/c 2 4 4 5 4 4 3 5         4
Law 317 Eşya Hukuku I
Law of Property I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5 5 5           5
Law 311 Borçlar Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) I
Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) I
z/c 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5       5
Law 315 Medeni Usul Hukuku I
Law of Civil Procedure I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5 5 4           5
Eng 307 Communication Skills in Law I z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 353 Vergi Hukuku
Tax Law
s/e 2 3   3 3 3              
Law 355 Hukuk Sosyolojisi
Legal Sociology
s/e 2 3 3   3   5         5 5
Law 351 Tebligat Hukuku
Service of Process Law
s/e 2 3 5 5 4       5        
Law 357 EU Law s/e 2 4 3 5   5 3   3   5 5 3
Law 359 Human Rights s/e 2 4   4 5   3   2   5 5 5
Law 303 International Carriage of Goods by Road s/e 2 4                      
3. Yıl Bahar / 3rd. Year Spring                            
Law 314 Ceza Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) II
Criminal Law (Special Provisions) II
z/c 2 3 4 5 5 3 2 5         3
Law 324 Ticaret Hukuku II (Şirketler Hukuku)
Commercial Law (Company Law) II
z/c 2 3 4 4 4 3 2            
Law 318 Eşya Hukuku II
Law of Property II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5 5 5           5
Law 320 Borçlar Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) II
Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) II
z/c 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5       5
Law 316 Medeni Usul Hukuku II
Law of Civil Procedure II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5 5 4           5
Eng 308 Communication Skills in Law II z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 366 İnsan Hakları ve AİHM Kararları
Human Rights and ECHR Judgments
z/c 2 3   4 5   3   2   5 5 5
Law 358 Tüketici Hukuku
Consumer Protection Law
s/e 2 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 5   5 5 5
Law 360 Türk Vergi Sistemi
Turkish Tax System
s/e 2 3   3 3 3              
Law 368 Genel Kamu Hukuku
General Public Law
s/e 2 3 5 5 5 5   5 5   5 5 5
Law 370 Anayasa Yargısı
Constitutional Justice
s/e 2 3 5 5 5 5   5 5   5 5 5
Law 362 Hukuk Felsefesi
Legal Philosophy
s/e 2 3 3   3   5         5 5
Law 372 Sağlık Hukuku
Health Care Law
s/e 2 3                      
4. Yıl Güz / 4th. Year Fall                            
Law 423 Devletler Özel Hukuku I
Private International Law I
z/c 2 3 5 5 5               5
Law 407 Ceza Usul Hukuku I
Law of Criminal Procedure I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5               4
Law 409 İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku I
Labour and Social Security Law I
z/c 3 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5       5
Law 421 Ticaret Hukuku III (Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku)
Commercial Law III (Law of Commercial Papers)
z/c 2 3 3 4 4 4              
Law 405 İcra İflas Hukuku I
Execution and Bankruptcy Law I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5 5   5   5      
Law 449 Miras Hukuku I
Inheritance Law I
z/c 3 4 4 4 4 4              
Eng 407 Legal Terminology I z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 443 Forensic Medicine s/e 2 4   4 4 4              
Law 445 Hukuk Klinikleri
Law Clinics
s/e 2 4 4       4 5 5 5   5  
Law 447 Political Psychology s/e 2 4   3 5   5   5   5   5
Law 451 Moot Court s/e 2 4                      
4. Yıl Bahar / 4th. Year Spring                            
Law 424 Devletler Özel Hukuku II
Private International Law II
z/c 2 3 5 5 5               5
Law 404 Ticaret Hukuku IV (Deniz Ticaret Hukuku)
Commercial Law IV (Maritime Commercial and Insurance Law)
z/c 2 3 5 5 5 3 5            
Law 408 Ceza Usul Hukuku II
Law of Criminal Procedure II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5               4
Law 410 İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku II
Labour and Social Security Law II
z/c 3 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5       5
Law 406 İcra İflas Hukuku II
Execution and Bankruptcy Law II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5 5   5   5      
Eng 408 Legal Terminology II z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 468 Attorney and Notary Law s/e 3 5   3 3 3              
Law 470 International Arbitration Law s/e 3 5 2 5 5       4        
Law 460 International Trade Law s/e 3 5 5           5   5    
Law 452 Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku
Intellectual Property Law
s/e 2 3         5 5          
Law 464 Uzlaştırma / Arabuluculuk
Conciliation / Mediation
s/e 2 3                      
KUD 402 Kurgusal Duruşma
Fictional Hearing
s/e 2 3                      
Toplam Ders Sayısı
Total Number of Courses
89 PÇ1
Program çıktısının etki ettiği ders sayısı
Number of courses affected by the program output
51 58 58 45 36 17 21 3 18 22 37
Ders sayısının program çıktısı ile ilişkisi (%)
The relationship between the number of courses and the program output(%)
57 65 65 50 40 19 23 3 20 25 42
Program Çıktılarının Ağırlığı
Weight of Program Outputs
206 252 266 193 150 85 109 15 96 112 187


Faculty of Law Advisory Board

President of the Adana Bar Association

Full Name: Volkan BOKE, Esq.


President of the Mersin Bar Association

Full Name: Gazı OZDEMIR, Esq.


Member of the Adana Bar Association

Full Name: Semih GOKAYAZ, Esq.


Member of the Adana Bar Association

Full Name: Mert KUSDEMIR, Esq.


Member of the Adana Bar Association

Full Name: Turan OZER, Esq.


Member of the Mersin Bar Association

Full Name: Orhan GURSOY, Esq.


Member of the Adana Bar Association

Full Name: Ibrahim EDIBOGLU, Esq.


Member of the Istanbul Bar Association

Full Name: Efe OGUZ, Esq.


Member of the Mersin Bar Association

Full Name: Burak Can ERDEN, Esq.


Member of the Mersin Bar Association

Full Name: Hatun Gunes YILMAZ, Esq.
