Law Faculty

First Year, First Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
RKT-101 Introduction to University Life Supplementary Courses Compulsory 1-0-1 02
TUR-103 Turkish I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
ENG-107 Professional English I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 05
LAW-121 Civil Law I Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-155 Introduction to Law Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 07
LAW-157 Constitutional Law I Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
HLG-101 General Elective I Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 03
Total Credit 17 31
First Year, Second Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
RKT-102 The Career Planning Supplementary Courses Elective 1-0-1 2
TUR-104 Turkish II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
ENG-108 Professional English II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 05
LAW-122 Civil Law II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-124 Constitutional Law II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 06
SEC-102 Common Elective Courses Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 3
HLG-102 Area Elective II Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2 03
Total Credit 17 27
Second Year, Third Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
TAR-201 Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
ENG-207 Professional English III Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 05
LAW-221 International Law I Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 04
LAW-233 Criminal Law I (General Provisions) Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-241 Law of Obligations I (General Provisions) Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-243 Administrative Law I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 04
HLA-202 Area Elective II Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 04
Total Credit 18 30
Second Year, Fourth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
TAR-202 Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
ENG-208 Professional English IV Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 05
LAW-218 International Law II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 04
LAW-240 Criminal Law II (General Provisions) Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-242 Law of Obligations II (General Provisions) Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-244 Administrative Law II Basic Occupational Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 04
HLA-301 Area Elective III Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 04
Total Credit 18 30
Third Year, Fifth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
ENG-307 Communication Skills in Law I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 05
LAW-311 Law of Obligations I (Special Provisions) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-313 Criminal Law I (Special Provisions) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-315 Law of Civil Procedure I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-317 Law of Property I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-325 Commercial Law (Law of Commercial Enterprise) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-343 Administrative Justice Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 04
HLA-303 Area Elective V Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 04
HLA-302 Area Elective VI Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 03
Total Credit 22 35
Third Year, Sixth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
ENG-308 Communication Skills in Law II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 05
LAW-314 Criminal Law II (Special Provisions) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-316 Law of Civil Procedure II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-318 Law of Property II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-320 Law of Obligations II (Special Provisions) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-324 Commercial Law (Company Law) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-366 Human Rights and ECHR Judgments Department Elective Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
HLA-304 Area Elective VI Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 03
HLA-305 Area Elective VII Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 03
Total Credit 22 33
Fourth Year, Seventh Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
LAW-405 Execution and Bankruptcy Law I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 04
ENG-407 Legal Terminology I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 05
LAW-407 Law of Criminal Procedure I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 04
LAW-421 Commerial Law (Law of Commerial Papers) Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-423 Private International Law I Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-433 Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 05
LAW-449 Inheritance Law Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 04
HLA-401 Area Elective VIII Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 2-0-2 04
Total Credit 22 32
Fourth Year, Eighth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
LAW-406 Execution and Bankruptcy Law II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 04
ENG-408 Legal Terminology II Supplementary Courses Compulsory 4-0-4 05
LAW-408 Law of Criminal Procedure II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 04
LAW-412 Department Elective Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
LAW-424 Private International Law II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 03
HLA-402 Area Elective IX Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 05
HLA-403 Area Elective X Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 03
Total Credit 19 27


1. Apart from the adequately covered theoretical knowledge, obtain information about legal methodology to resolve the disputes.

2. Have general information about fundamental national and international legal regulation, case law and their implementation (such as in Commercial Law, Tax Law, EU Law).

3. Research and gain resolution skills in areas specifically covered by the law degree program, by using the information derived from theoretical knowledge and legal methodology.

4. Acquire the ability to balance mutual rights and interests of the parties within the framework of an advanced notion of justice

5. Have creative and contructive talents regarding positive law through benefitting from other academic disciplines (such as politics and economy).

6. Apart from individual achievement, acquire skills for collective work through the classroom activities, moot court, court practice and other professional and academic visits.

7. Acquire in-depth legal knowledge through elective courses,encouraged and open to innovation.

8. Have the ability to use computer in order to obtain the required information for legal research.

9. Have a good level of English knowledge in order to understand an English article or book, interpret English legal texts, as well as to review and indicate opinions about national and international court decisions in the English language.

10. Improve written and oral communication skills.

11. Absorb universal ethical and cultural values, as well as being conscious about the importance of the protection of the environment, occupational health and safety issues.  

1. YIL / 1st. YEAR
Güz / Fall DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification   Bahar / Spring DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 121 Medeni Hukuk I
Civil Law I
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC  Law 122 Medeni Hukuk II
Civil Law II
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC
Law 123 Anayasa Hukuku I
Constitutional Law I
AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC  Law 124 Anayasa Hukuku II
Constitutional Law II
AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC
Law 115 Hukuka Giriş
Introduction to Law
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC Eco 108 Economics AZ / FC 2 5 TMD / BOC
Tur 103 Türk Dili I
Turkish I
OZ / CC 2 3 TD / SC Tur 104 Türk Dili II
 Turkish II
OZ / CC 2 3 TD / SC
Eng 107 Professional English I AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC Eng 108 Professional English II AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC
RKT 101 Üniversite Hayatına Giriş
Introduction to University Life
OZ / CC 1 2 TD / SC RKT 102 Kariyer Planlama
Career Planning
OZ / CC 1 2 TD / SC
  Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
  Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 AS / FE 3 5     Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 OS / CE 2 2  
Toplam / Total 20 32   Toplam / Total 18 30  
Güz Seçmeli Grubu / Fall Elective Group  DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification Bahar Seçmeli Grubu / Spring Elective Group DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 127 Hukuk Tarihi
Legal History
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 138  Ethics AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Law 137 Hukuk Metodolojisi
Methodology of Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 144 Social Psychology AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Law 141 Yargı Örgütü
Organization of the Judiciary
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 146 Critical Thinking AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Law 143 Law and Literature AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC OSD Evrende Yaşam
Life in the Universe
OS / CE 2 2  
PSY 143 Psychology of Behavior  AS / FE 3 5   OSD Toplumsal Cinsiyet
OS / CE 2 2  
BİL115 Introduction to Computer, Information Management and Security  AS / FE 3 5   OSD Populer Kültür ve iletişim
Popular Culture and Communication
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Tiyatro
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Diksiyon
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Film Türleri
Movie Genres
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Siyasi Tarih
Political History
OS / CE 2 2  
            OSD Sağlık Sosyolojisi
Health Sociology
OS / CE 2 2  
Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses
            Law 140 Çevre Hukuku
Environmental Law
AS / FE      
2. YIL / 2nd. YEAR
Güz / Fall DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification   Bahar / Spring DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 209 Mali Hukuk I
Fiscal Law I
AZ / FC 2 3 TMD / BOC Law 210 Mali Hukuk II
Fiscal Law II
AZ / FC 2 3 TMD / BOC
Law 221 International Law I AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC  Law 218 International Law II  AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC
Law 233 Ceza Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) I
Criminal Law (General Provisions) I
AZ / FC 3 4 TMD / BOC  Law 240 Ceza Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) II
Criminal Law (General Provisions) II
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC
Law 241 Borçlar Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) I
Law of Obligations (General Provisions) I
AZ / FC 3 4 TMD / BOC  Law 242 Borçlar Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) II
Law of Obligations (General Provisions) II
AZ / FC 3 5 TMD / BOC
Law 243 Yönetim Hukuku I
Administrative Law I
AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC  Law 244 Yönetim Hukuku II
Administrative Law II
AZ / FC 2 4 TMD / BOC
Eng 207 Professional English III AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC  Eng 208 Professional English IV AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC
Tar 201 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I
OZ / CC 2 3 TD / SC  Tar 202 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II
OZ / CC 2 3 TD / SC
  Seçmeli / Elective AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli / Elective AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Toplam / Total 20 31   Toplam / Total 20 33  
Güz Seçmeli Grubu / Fall Elective Group  DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification Bahar Seçmeli Grubu / Spring Elective Group DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 245 American and British Law AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 248 İletişim Hukuku
Communication Law
AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Law 247 Labor Right as Human Rights AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 250 Adli Psikoloji
Forensic Psychology
AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
            Law 252 Kriminoloji
AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC
Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses
Law 251 Law and Debate AS / FE                  
3. YIL / 3rd. YEAR
Güz / Fall DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification   Bahar / Spring DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 311 Borçlar Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) I
Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) I
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 320 Borçlar Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) II
Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) II
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 313 Ceza Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) I
Criminal Law (Special Provisions) I
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 314 Ceza Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) II
Criminal Law (Special Provisions) II
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 315 Medeni Usul Hukuku I
Law of Civil Procedure I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 316 Medeni Usul Hukuku II
Law of Civil Procedure II
AZ / FC 3 5 UAD / SFC
Law 317 Eşya Hukuku I
Law of Property I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 318 Eşya Hukuku II
Law of Property II
AZ / FC 3 5 UAD / SFC
Law 325 Ticaret Hukuku I (Ticari İşletme Hukuku)
Commercial Law (Law of Commercial Enterprise)
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 324 Ticaret Hukuku II (Şirketler Hukuku)
Commercial Law (Company Law) II
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 343 Yönetsel Yargı
Administrative Justice
AZ / FC 2 4 UAD / SFC Law 366 İnsan Hakları ve AİHM Kararları
Human Rights and ECHR Judgments
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Eng 307 Communication Skills in Law I AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC Eng 308 Communication Skills in Law II AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC
  Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
  Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Toplam / Total 22 33   Toplam / Total 22 33  
Güz Seçmeli Grubu / Fall Elective Group  DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification Bahar Seçmeli Grubu / Spring Elective Group DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 351 Tebligat Hukuku
Service of Process Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 358 Tüketici Hukuku
Consumer Protection Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 353 Vergi Hukuku
Tax Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 360 Türk Vergi Sistemi
Turkish Tax System
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 355 Hukuk Sosyolojisi
Legal Sociology
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC Law 368 Genel Kamu Hukuku
General Public Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 303 International Carriage of Goods by Road AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 362 Hukuk Felsefesi
Legal Philosophy
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 357 EU Law AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 370 Anayasa Yargısı
Constitutional Justice
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Law 359 Human Rights AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 372 Sağlık Hukuku
Health Care Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses
Law 309 Vergi Hukuku I
Tax Law I
AZ / FC       Law 310 Vergi Hukuku II
Tax Law II
AZ / FC      
Law 333 Statistics AS / FE       Law 352 Hukuk Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi
Legal Philosophy and Sociology
AZ / FC      
Law 335 Juristic Psychology AS / FE                  
Law 337 History of Civilization AS / FE                  
Law 345 International Security Law AS / FE                  
Law 361 Alternative Dispute Resolution AS / FE                  
4. YIL / 4th. YEAR
Güz / Fall DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification   Bahar / Spring DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 405 İcra İflas Hukuku I
Execution and Bankruptcy Law I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 406 İcra İflas Hukuku II
Execution and Bankruptcy Law II
AZ / FC 3 5 UAD / SFC
Law 407 Ceza Usul Hukuku I
Law of Criminal Procedure I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 408 Ceza Usul Hukuku II
Law of Criminal Procedure II
AZ / FC 3 5 UAD / SFC
Law 409 İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku I
Labour and Social Security Law I
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Law 410 İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku II
Labour and Social Security Law II
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC
Law 421 Ticaret Hukuku III (Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku)
Commercial Law III (Law of Commercial Papers)
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 404 Ticaret Hukuku IV (Deniz Ticaret Hukuku)
Commercial Law IV (Maritime Commercial and Insurance Law)
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 423 Devletler Özel Hukuku I
Private International Law I
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC Law 424 Devletler Özel Hukuku II
Private International Law II
AZ / FC 2 3 UAD / SFC
Law 449 Miras Hukuku
Inheritance Law 
AZ / FC 3 4 UAD / SFC Eng 408 Legal Terminology II AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC
Eng 407 Legal Terminology I AZ / FC 4 5 TD / SC   Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC
  Seçmeli 1 / Elective 1 AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC   Seçmeli 2 / Elective 2 AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Toplam / Total 22 31   Toplam / Total 22 33  
Güz Seçmeli Grubu / Fall Elective Group  DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification Bahar Seçmeli Grubu / Spring Elective Group DG / CG Kredi / Credits AKTS / ECTS Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Law 443 Forensic Medicine AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 460 International Trade Law AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC
Law 445 Hukuk Klinikleri
Law Clinics
AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 468 Attorney and Notary Law AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC
Law 447 Political Psychology AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 470 International Arbitration Law AS / FE 3 5 BSD / DEC
Law 451 Moot Court AS / FE 2 4 BSD / DEC Law 452 Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku
Intellectual Property Law
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
            Law 464 Uzlaştırma / Arabuluculuk
Conciliation / Mediation
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
            KUD 402 Kurgusal Duruşma
Fictional Hearing
AS / FE 2 3 BSD / DEC
Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses Pasif Dersler / Passive Courses
Law 413 Miras Hukuku I
Inheritance Law I
AZ / FC       Law 414 Miras Hukuku II
Inheritance Law II
AZ / FC      
Law 415 Genel Kamu Hukuku
General Public Law
AZ / FC       Law 428 International Criminal Law AS / FE      
Law 429 International Commercial Disputes and Arbitration AS / FE                  
Kısaltmalar / Abbreviations:

*Ders Grubu (DG) / Course Groups (CG) :
Alan Zorunlu (AZ) / Field Compulsory (FC),
Ortak Zorunlu (OZ) / Common  Compulsory (CC),
Alan Seçmeli (AS) / Field elective (FE) ,
Ortak Seçmeli (OS) / Common Elective (CE).

**Ders Sınıflandırması / Course Classification
Temel Mesleki Dersler (TMD) / Basic Occupational Courses (BOC)
Uzmanlık Alan Dersleri (UAD) / Specialized Field Courses (SFC)
Tamamlayıcı Dersler (TD) / Supplementary Courses (SC)
Bölüm Seçmeli Dersleri (BSD) / Department Elective Courses (DEC)
***2022-2023 Eğitim-öğretim yılı esas alınarak düzenlenmiştir. Ders özellikleri yıllara göre değişiklik arz edebilir.
***It has been organized on the basis of the 2022-2023 academic year.Course features may vary from year to year.
Kod / Code Dersin Adı / Course Name Zorunlu (Z) - Seçmeli (S) / Compulsory (C) - Elective (E) Kredisi / Credits AKTS / ECTS PÇ1
 1. Yıl Güz / 1st. Year Fall                            
 Law 121 Medeni Hukuk I
Civil Law I
z/c 3 5 5 3 5 4              
Law 123 Anayasa Hukuku I
Constitutional Law I
z/c 2 4 3 3 3               3
Law 115 Hukuka Giriş
Introduction to Law
z/c 3 5 3 3 3 3 3           3
Tur 103 Türk Dili I
Turkish I
z/c 2 3                   5  
Eng 107 Professional English I z/c 4 5                 4 4  
RKT 101 Üniversite Hayatına Giriş
Introduction to University Life
z/c 1 2 3 3                  
Law 127 Hukuk Tarihi
Legal History
s/e 2 3 2 3 3 3 3            
Law 137 Hukuk Metodolojisi
Methodology of Law
s/e 2 3 2 3 3 3 3            
Law 141 Yargı Örgütü
Organization of the Judiciary
s/e 2 3 2 3 3 3 3            
Law 143 Law and Literature s/e 3 5   4 5 4 3   2   5 5 5
PSY 143 Psychology of Behavior  s/e 3 5   3 5   5   5   5   5
BİL115 Introduction to Computer, Information Management and Security  s/e 3 5     5 5   5          
1. Yıl Bahar / 1st. Year Spring                            
 Law 122 Medeni Hukuk II
Civil Law II
z/c 3 5 5 3 5 4              
 Law 124 Anayasa Hukuku II
Constitutional Law II
z/c 2 5 3 3 3               3
 Tur 104 Türk Dili II
Turkish II
z/c 2 3                   5  
 Eco 108 Economics z/c 2 5       4 4           4
Eng 108 Professional English II z/c 4 5                 4 4  
RKT 102 Kariyer Planlama
Career Planning
z/c 1 2 3 3                  
Law 138  Ethics s/e 2 4       5     5   5 5 5
Law 144 Social Psychology s/e 2 4   3 5   5   5       5
Law 146 Critical Thinking s/e 2 4       5     5       5
2. Yıl Güz / 2nd. Year Fall                            
Law 209 Mali Hukuk I
Fiscal Law I
z/c 2 3   3 3 3              
Law 241 Borçlar Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) I
Law of Obligations (General Provisions) I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5 5 5           5
Law 221 International Law I z/c 2 4 5 5 5             5 5
Law 233 Ceza Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) I
Criminal Law (General Provisions) I
z/c 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 5         4
Law 243 Yönetim Hukuku I
Administrative Law I
z/c 2 4 2 3 3 3 3            
Tar 201 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I
z/c 2 3             5        
Eng 207 Professional English III z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 245 American and British Law s/e 2 4   4 5 4 3   2   4 5 5
Law 247 Labor Right as Human Rights s/e 2 4 5     3     4        
2. Yıl Bahar / 2nd. Year Spring                            
Law 210 Mali Hukuk II
Fiscal Law II
z/c 2 3   3 3 3              
 Law 242 Borçlar Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) II
Law of Obligations (General Provisions) II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5 5 5           5
 Law 218 International Law II  z/c 2 4 5 5 5             5 5
 Law 240 Ceza Hukuku (Genel Hükümler) II
Criminal Law (General Provisions) II
z/c 3 5 4 5 5 4 3 5         4
 Law 244 Yönetim Hukuku II
Administrative Law II
z/c 2 4 2 3 3 3 3            
 Tar 202 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II
z/c 2 3             5        
 Eng 208 Professional English IV z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 248 İletişim Hukuku
Communication Law
s/e 2 4                      
Law 250 Adli Psikoloji
Forensic Psychology
s/e 2 4   3 5   5   5   5   5
Law 252 Kriminoloji
s/e 2 4   3 3 3              
3. Yıl Güz / 3rd. Year Fall                            
Law 313 Ceza Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) I
Criminal Law (Special Provisions) I
z/c 2 3 4 5 5 3 2 5         3
Law 325 Ticaret Hukuku I (Ticari İşletme Hukuku)
Commercial Law (Law of Commercial Enterprise)
z/c 2 3 4 4 4 3 2            
Law 343 Yönetsel Yargı
Administrative Justice
z/c 2 4 4 5 4 4 3 5         4
Law 317 Eşya Hukuku I
Law of Property I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5 5 5           5
Law 311 Borçlar Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) I
Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) I
z/c 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5       5
Law 315 Medeni Usul Hukuku I
Law of Civil Procedure I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5 5 4           5
Eng 307 Communication Skills in Law I z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 353 Vergi Hukuku
Tax Law
s/e 2 3   3 3 3              
Law 355 Hukuk Sosyolojisi
Legal Sociology
s/e 2 3 3   3   5         5 5
Law 351 Tebligat Hukuku
Service of Process Law
s/e 2 3 5 5 4       5        
Law 357 EU Law s/e 2 4 3 5   5 3   3   5 5 3
Law 359 Human Rights s/e 2 4   4 5   3   2   5 5 5
Law 303 International Carriage of Goods by Road s/e 2 4                      
3. Yıl Bahar / 3rd. Year Spring                            
Law 314 Ceza Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) II
Criminal Law (Special Provisions) II
z/c 2 3 4 5 5 3 2 5         3
Law 324 Ticaret Hukuku II (Şirketler Hukuku)
Commercial Law (Company Law) II
z/c 2 3 4 4 4 3 2            
Law 318 Eşya Hukuku II
Law of Property II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5 5 5           5
Law 320 Borçlar Hukuku (Özel Hükümler) II
Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) II
z/c 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5       5
Law 316 Medeni Usul Hukuku II
Law of Civil Procedure II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5 5 4           5
Eng 308 Communication Skills in Law II z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 366 İnsan Hakları ve AİHM Kararları
Human Rights and ECHR Judgments
z/c 2 3   4 5   3   2   5 5 5
Law 358 Tüketici Hukuku
Consumer Protection Law
s/e 2 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 5   5 5 5
Law 360 Türk Vergi Sistemi
Turkish Tax System
s/e 2 3   3 3 3              
Law 368 Genel Kamu Hukuku
General Public Law
s/e 2 3 5 5 5 5   5 5   5 5 5
Law 370 Anayasa Yargısı
Constitutional Justice
s/e 2 3 5 5 5 5   5 5   5 5 5
Law 362 Hukuk Felsefesi
Legal Philosophy
s/e 2 3 3   3   5         5 5
Law 372 Sağlık Hukuku
Health Care Law
s/e 2 3                      
4. Yıl Güz / 4th. Year Fall                            
Law 423 Devletler Özel Hukuku I
Private International Law I
z/c 2 3 5 5 5               5
Law 407 Ceza Usul Hukuku I
Law of Criminal Procedure I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5               4
Law 409 İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku I
Labour and Social Security Law I
z/c 3 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5       5
Law 421 Ticaret Hukuku III (Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku)
Commercial Law III (Law of Commercial Papers)
z/c 2 3 3 4 4 4              
Law 405 İcra İflas Hukuku I
Execution and Bankruptcy Law I
z/c 3 4 5 5 5 5   5   5      
Law 449 Miras Hukuku I
Inheritance Law I
z/c 3 4 4 4 4 4              
Eng 407 Legal Terminology I z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 443 Forensic Medicine s/e 2 4   4 4 4              
Law 445 Hukuk Klinikleri
Law Clinics
s/e 2 4 4       4 5 5 5   5  
Law 447 Political Psychology s/e 2 4   3 5   5   5   5   5
Law 451 Moot Court s/e 2 4                      
4. Yıl Bahar / 4th. Year Spring                            
Law 424 Devletler Özel Hukuku II
Private International Law II
z/c 2 3 5 5 5               5
Law 404 Ticaret Hukuku IV (Deniz Ticaret Hukuku)
Commercial Law IV (Maritime Commercial and Insurance Law)
z/c 2 3 5 5 5 3 5            
Law 408 Ceza Usul Hukuku II
Law of Criminal Procedure II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5               4
Law 410 İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku II
Labour and Social Security Law II
z/c 3 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5       5
Law 406 İcra İflas Hukuku II
Execution and Bankruptcy Law II
z/c 3 5 5 5 5 5   5   5      
Eng 408 Legal Terminology II z/c 4 5                 4 4  
Law 468 Attorney and Notary Law s/e 3 5   3 3 3              
Law 470 International Arbitration Law s/e 3 5 2 5 5       4        
Law 460 International Trade Law s/e 3 5 5           5   5    
Law 452 Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku
Intellectual Property Law
s/e 2 3         5 5          
Law 464 Uzlaştırma / Arabuluculuk
Conciliation / Mediation
s/e 2 3                      
KUD 402 Kurgusal Duruşma
Fictional Hearing
s/e 2 3                      
Toplam Ders Sayısı
Total Number of Courses
89 PÇ1
Program çıktısının etki ettiği ders sayısı
Number of courses affected by the program output
51 58 58 45 36 17 21 3 18 22 37
Ders sayısının program çıktısı ile ilişkisi (%)
The relationship between the number of courses and the program output(%)
57 65 65 50 40 19 23 3 20 25 42
Program Çıktılarının Ağırlığı
Weight of Program Outputs
206 252 266 193 150 85 109 15 96 112 187