Regional Security Studies Application and Research Center

  1.  The article to be sent must not have been published somewhere before.
  2. Articles can be published in Turkish and English.
  3. If the article is in Turkish, the title should be in Turkish, if the article is in English, the title should be  in English; Times New Roman, 12 pt., Centered, should be written in all capital letters.
  4. The name of the author should be written under the title; The title, university, faculty, department or institution name, e-mail address and ORCID should be written under the name of the author respectively. If the number of authors is more than one, their names should be written in the same way one under the other.
  5. According to the language of the article, a Turkish or English abstract should be written first.
  6. Abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, 150-250 word spacing and double spacing. In the abstract, the scope, purpose, method and result of the study should be included briefly. 3-5 keywords should be written under the abstract.
  7. The places in the main text where figures and tables  included should be marked by specifying the figure and table numbers (such as "Figure 4. It should be placed here").
  8. Tables should be prepared according to APA 6 format.
  9.  After the main text, the bibliography part should start on a separate page. The bibliography should be arranged according to the APA 6 format.
  10. References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the author's surname. Every citation in the main text should be in the bibliography, and every source in the bibliography should be in the main text.
  11. After the bibliography, there should be figures and tables, with their titles and explanations, if any, on a separate page.