Institute of Social Sciences

First Year, First Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
ELT-536 Scientific Research Methods and Ethical Issues - I Supplementary Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
ELT-574 Learning Theories and Introduction to ELT Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 05
ELT-577 Current Issues in ELT Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
ELT-540 Seminar / Term Project Department Compulsory Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Compulsory 0-0-0 07
ELT-508 Elective 1 Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 07
Total Credit 11 35
First Year, Second Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
ELT-516 Academic Writing Supplementary Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 07
ELT-535 Scientific Research Methods and Ethical Issues – II Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
ELT-543 Language Learning and Teaching in the Post-method Era Supplementary Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
ELT-574 Learning Theories and Introduction to ELT Supplementary Courses Compulsory 2-0-2 05
ELT-500 Elective 2 Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 07
OSD-554 Joint Elective Course Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 08
Total Credit 17 43
Second Year, Third Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
ELT-597 Master Thesis Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 0-0-0 30
Total Credit 0 30
Second Year, Fourth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
ELT-598 Master Thesis Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 0-0-0 30
Total Credit 0 30