Institute of Social Sciences

First Year, First Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
LAW-552 Crimes Against Life, Physical Integrity and Property in the Context of Human Rights Supplementary Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
LAW-571 Annulment Action in Administrative Jurisdiction Law Supplementary Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
LAW-599 Medical and Criminal Justice Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
LAW-548 Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 08
Total Credit 12 32
First Year, Second Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
LAW-528 Criminal Procedure Stages, Competent Authorities and Authorities Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
LAW-534 Serial Procedure and Simple Jurisdiction Procedures in Criminal Procedure Supplementary Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 07
LAW-549 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics Supplementary Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 07
LAW-586 Stages of Criminal Procedure in the Context of International Law, Competent Authorities and Authorities Supplementary Courses Compulsory 3-0-3 08
TOS-500 Common Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 08
LAW-508 Seminar / Term Project Department Compulsory Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Compulsory 3-0-3 08
LAW-538 Elective Department Elective Courses. Click on the course name to see the lessons. Elective 3-0-3 08
Total Credit 21 54
Second Year, Third Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
LAW-522 Thesis Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 0-0-0 30
Total Credit 0 30
Second Year, Fourth Semester
Code Course Type Credit ECTS
LAW-523 Thesis Specialized Field Courses Compulsory 0-0-0 30
Total Credit 0 30