LAW-549 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics |
LAW-552 Crimes Against Life, Physical Integrity and Property in the Context of Human Rights |
LAW-571 Annulment Action in Administrative Jurisdiction Law |
LAW-599 Medical and Criminal Justice |
LAW-555 Offenses Against Human, Life and Body Integrity and Offenses Against Property |
LAW-595 Procedure of Collection of Public Receivables |
LAW-568 Tax Litigation Law |
LAW-509 Government Systems |
LAW-567 Security Measures in Criminal Law |
LAW-513 Law and Ethics |
LAW-528 Criminal Procedure Stages, Competent Authorities and Authorities |
LAW-534 Speedy Trial Procedure and Simple Trial Procedures in Criminal Procedure |
LAW-531 Alternative Remedies in Criminal Procedure |
OSD-555 Disaster Management |
LAW-596 Stages of Criminal Procedure And Authorities |
LAW-525 Judicial Review |
LAW-537 Turkey's International Law and Regional Issues |
LAW-501 Property Regimes in Family Law |
LAW-527 Economic Crimes |
LAW-551 Seminar (Non Thesis) |
LAW-539 Term Project |
LAW-583 Seminar (Thesis) |
LAW-522 Thesis |
LAW-523 Thesis LAW-526 Presidential Decrees within the Framework of the Legal Security Principle Problematic areas in the stages of norm setting-implementation-judicial decisions regarding the principle of legal certainty and presidential decrees. The aim of this course is to teach students the problematic areas in the stages of norm setting-implementation-judicial decisions within the framework of the principle of legal certainty and to bring them to a debatable level. |
LAW 587- Protective Measures in Criminal Procedure Law
The purpose of criminal procedure law is to reach the material truth, and the process aimed at achieving this purpose consists of various transactions. In this process, protective measures have an important place in terms of the purposes they serve. Protective measures, which aim to prevent the execution of the verdict from remaining on paper and to reach the material truth, are a method of obtaining evidence in this direction. In order to reach the material truth in accordance with the law, acting in accordance with the conditions in the investigation and prosecution processes is of vital importance in this respect. The course will examine the importance of ensuring the implementation of protective measures within the framework of their functions and conditions, together with judicial decisions. To examine the characteristics and types of protective measures in Criminal Procedure Law together with their conditions and to evaluate the deficiencies in their implementation.
LAW 586– Stages of Criminal Procedure in the Context of International Law, Competent Authorities and Authorities
This course aims to teach both theoretically and practically the investigation phase and the prosecution phase, which are the stages of criminal procedure, and also to increase the necessary knowledge and skills of legal professionals working in the field of criminal law by explaining in detail the duties of the authorities and authorities in these phases. Examines and provides the basic principles of the investigation and prosecution phases of criminal procedure law and the application of procedural procedures at national and international level and the development of this science.