Institute of Social Sciences

LAW-549 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics
Within the framework of the basic concepts within the scope of the course, the basic principles of a research and methodology are emphasized and the concept of analysis is introduced. The main topics covered together with qualitative research design and ethical issues are enriched with case studies and some experimental approaches. The aim of this course is to inform students about basic research techniques and philosophy and to raise awareness about the rules of scientific ethics.

LAW-552 Crimes Against Life, Physical Integrity and Property in the Context of Human Rights
This course examines and enables students to comprehend the legal elements of the crimes against life and bodily integrity in the Second Book, Second Part, First and Second Chapters of the Turkish Criminal Code and the crimes against property in the Tenth Chapter under the general theory of crime, the basic principles in comparison with the jurisprudence and doctrine, and the application in the investigation and prosecution phases and the development of this science. This course aims to teach crimes against life, bodily integrity and property in the context of human rights, both theoretically and practically, and also to increase the necessary knowledge and skills of lawyers working especially in the field of criminal law by explaining in detail the duties of the courts authorized and authorized to deal with these crimes.

LAW-571 Annulment Action in Administrative Jurisdiction Law
Annulment proceedings in administrative jurisdiction. The aim of this course is to teach the prerequisites of the annulment case, the trial process and the results of the annulment case to the students theoretically and practically.

LAW-599 Medical and Criminal Justice
The content of this course is to discuss the development of medical and criminal law in the world and in our country comparatively. To address the legal, material, moral, elements of illegality, sanction policy and investigation techniques of typical crimes related to the science of medicine.

LAW-555 Offenses Against Human, Life and Body Integrity and Offenses Against Property
To learn the basic concepts of Turkish Criminal Law. To know the classification of the special provisions of the Turkish Criminal Code. To know the types of crimes listed by the Turkish Criminal Code under the title of Crimes Against Property. To be aware of the decisions of the Court of Cassation on the relevant crime types.

LAW-595 Procedure of Collection of Public Receivables
Within the scope of this course, first of all, the importance of the scope and nature of the public receivable is emphasized, the systematics of the Law No. 6183, the parties, the obligation process, the emergence of the receivable, the issuance of the payment order, the forced enforcement procedure for the collection of the receivable, the seizure, sale and monetization stages, the administrative and judicial remedies of the public debtor against the allocated transactions. The aim of this course is to provide information on related issues such as payment order, attachment, liens, guarantees, precautionary attachment, precautionary accrual, claims of appropriation, sale and monetization, priority right of the public creditor, public receivable disputes that may be subject to judicial jurisdiction within the scope of the procedure for the collection of receivables in the nature of public receivables.

LAW-568 Tax Litigation Law
Administrative remedies of tax disputes and judicial remedies and processes of tax disputes constitute the content of the course. The aim of this course is to provide theoretical and practical information to the students on how the disputes arising from tax law will be resolved in administrative and judicial stages and how the process will work.

LAW-509 Government Systems
This course aims to teach the basic features, advantages and disadvantages of government systems to graduate students at Çağ University Institute of Social Sciences. Within the scope of the course, after the government systems are explained as a concept, each government system is evaluated in detail and the Presidential Government System, which is the system currently applied in our country, is explained in detail by comparing it with other systems. The aim of this course is to inform students about basic research techniques and philosophy and to raise awareness about the rules of scientific ethics.

LAW-567 Security Measures in Criminal Law
In order to protect the society against crime, the theoretical basis of the security measures, which are included in the criminal law with the contributions of the Positivist School to be applied instead of punishment or together with punishment, the theoretical basis of the security measures, the currents that developed them, and the articles 53-60 of the Turkish Criminal Code, which are reflected in Turkish Criminal Law, will be examined and the regulation formulations will be discussed. Students will prepare a short academic article by doing research on the topics they will take on this subject and present their work in the course. The aim of the course is to teach the theoretical basis of the security measures that arise in order to be applied instead of punishment or together with punishment to people who commit crimes in Criminal Law, to teach the difference from punishment and to examine the provisions regulated in Articles 53-60 of the Turkish Criminal Code in terms of quality and application conditions.

LAW-513 Law and Ethics
Approaches to the problems of philosophy of law from past to present, especially legal interpretation methods and current approaches in the reasoning of law, approaches to the concept of rights, theories, principles; In addition, current concerns about the ethics of the legal profession constitute the content of the course. It is aimed to comprehend the concept of ethics and its relationship with law, to understand the similarities and differences between law and ethics, to understand the importance and necessity of professional ethics and the place of ethical rules in terms of democracy, legality and justice.

LAW-528 Criminal Procedure Stages, Competent Authorities and Authorities
Investigation and Prosecution Phase 2/1-E and F. 160, 170, 175 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. According to the Investigation Phase Law, the Phase from the Learning of the Suspicion of a Crime by the Competent Authorities to the Acceptance of the Indictment (Duty of the Prosecutor Upon Learning that a Crime Has Been Committed 160), (Duties and Powers of the Prosecutor's Duties and Powers 161), (Duty to Open the Public Case 170), (Acceptance of the Indictment and Preparation for Trial 175), Learning of the Crime, Ex officio Learning, Learning through Notification and Complaint (CPC 158, 160, TPC 73), Other Ways, Request (TPC 12), Complaint of a Foreign State (TPC 340, 341, 342/2), Opinion (TPC 359, 367), Function of the Investigation Phase, Preparing the Prosecution, Searching and Finding Evidence, Preserving Evidence, Drawing Conclusions from the Investigation, Characteristics of the Investigation Phase, Confidentiality of the Investigation (CPC 153-157), Writtenness of the Investigation (PVSK 6/2), (CPC 169), Disorganization of the Investigation (CPC 161/1, 165) (PDPL Additional Art.4 ), Non-Rule-Boundness of the Investigation (CPC 160/1, 161/1), Publicity of the Investigation, Obligation of the Investigation, Suspicion of the Crime - Types of Suspicion, Simple Suspicion (CPC 160), Reasonable Suspicion (CPC 116), Sufficient Suspicion (CPC 170), Strong Suspicion (CPC 100, 133, 134, 135), Subjects of the Investigation Phase, Prosecution Authority - Formation of the Prosecution Authority Provincial and District C. Chief Public Prosecutor's Offices (Organization Law 16-22), Duties of the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, Initiating the Investigation, Collecting and Preserving Evidence, Drawing Conclusions from the Investigation, Issuing an Indictment, Deciding Not to Prosecute, Making Other Decisions, Attending Hearings, Going to Legal Remedies, C. Prosecutor Law Enforcement Relations, Law Enforcement; General Law Enforcement, Special Law Enforcement, General Law Enforcement, Police-Gendarmerie, Criminal Judgeship of Peace Law No. 5235 on Judicial Organization 10, Mandatory Prosecutor (CPC 163), Decisions Taken in the Investigation Phase, Decision of No Place for Investigation, Decision of No Place for Prosecution, Failure to Reach Sufficient Suspicion (172), Effective Repentance (171), Personal Impunity (171), Postponement of Public Prosecution (171/2-), Prepayment (TPC 75), Reconciliation between Perpetrator and Victim (CPC 253-255), Withdrawal of Complaint, (TPC 73), Serial Prosecution and Proposal (CPC 250/1), Way of Law, Objection, Defense Authority, Individual Defense Authority-Suspect, Spouse and Legal Representative of the Suspect, Financially Responsible, Rights of Suspect and Defendant, Social Defense Authority-Counsel (149-150), Optional Counsel, Compulsory Counsel, Appointed Compulsory Counsel, Selected Compulsory Counsel, Powers of the Counsel, Duties of the Counsel, Prosecution Phase, Prosecution Phase and Competent Authorities, Courts, Criminal Court of First Instance (Judicial Organization Law No. 5235, 9, 11), Serious Criminal Court (9, 12), Jurisdiction of the Courts in terms of Matter, Criminal Court of First Instance (Judicial Organization Law No. 5235, 11), Serious Criminal Court, Judicial Organization Law No. 5235, 12, National Jurisdiction of the Courts, Jurisdiction of the Courts in terms of Place 12 of the CPC, Jurisdiction of the Courts in terms of Duties, Law No. 5235 on Judicial Organization 11, 12, Jurisdiction of the Courts in terms of Persons, Connection CPC 8, One-way Connection 8, One-way Narrow Connection 8, In terms of Perpetrator 8, In terms of Act 8, Wide Connection 11, Mixed Connection, Jurisdiction of the Courts to Make a Pending Matter, Jurisdiction of the Courts to Conduct Relative Trial, Additional Jurisdiction of the Courts, Interim Procedure, Return of the Indictment 174 of the CPC, Opening of the Public Case, Opening of the Public Case with the Acceptance of the Indictment and the Commencement of the Prosecution Phase 175/1 of the CPC, Determination of the Hearing Date and Calling the Persons Who Should Be Present at the Hearing with the Memorandum of Tensip after the Court Accepts the Indictment (175/2) Notification of the Indictment to the Accused 176/1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, There must be at least one week between the day of the hearing, 176/4 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Simple Trial Procedure Code of Criminal Procedure 251, Objection to Simple Trial Procedure Code of Criminal Procedure 252, Recusal of Judges, Recusal of Minutes Clerks, Recusal of Expert Witnesses, Stages of the Prosecution Phase, Preparation for Trial Phase, Trial Phase, Drawing Conclusions from the Hearing - Judgment Stage, Legal Remedies - Supervisory Procedure, Ordinary Legal Remedies, Objection, Appeal, Appeal, Extraordinary Legal Remedies, Extraordinary Appeal, Renewal of Proceedings, Reversal in Favor of the Law - Written Order, Special Remedies, Individual Application to the Constitutional Court, Application to the European Court of Human Rights. This course aims to teach the phases of criminal procedure, the investigation phase and the prosecution phase, both theoretically and practically, and also to increase the necessary knowledge and skills of lawyers working especially in the field of criminal law by explaining in detail the duties of the competent authorities and authorities in these phases. It examines and ensures that they comprehend the basic principles of the investigation and prosecution phases of the Criminal Procedure law and the application of procedural procedures at national and international level and the development of this science.

LAW-534 Speedy Trial Procedure and Simple Trial Procedures in Criminal Procedure
Speedy Trial Procedure: In General, Crimes that may be subject to Speedy Trial, Information in Speedy Trial, Speedy Trial Proposal, Prosecutor's Determination of the Sentence in Speedy Trial, Options in Speedy Trial, Application of Suspension of the Announcement of the Judgment (HAGB), Application of Security Measures, Prosecutor's Request for Speedy Trial from the Court, Sentencing of the Court in Serial Trial, Prohibition of Later Use of Documents and Information Obtained in Serial Trial, Committing the Crime Subject to Serial Trial in Collaboration, Prohibition of Serial Trial, Conditions Preventing Serial Trial, Legal remedy against the Serial Trial Judgment Established by the Court.

Simple Trial Procedure: In General, The Possibility of Implementation of Simple Trial, Simple Trial Procedures to be Performed by the Court, The Judgment of the Court, Alternative Powers Granted to the Court, Legal remedy against the Judgment of Simple Trial, The Court's Withdrawal from Simple Trial, Exceptions of Simple Trial, Prohibition of Consolidation with Simple Trial, Objection in Simple Trial

LAW-531 Alternative Remedies in Criminal Procedure
To give information to the students about alternative remedies in criminal proceedings in comparative law and Turkish Law. To ensure that students have basic knowledge about alternative solutions in criminal proceedings.

OSD-555 Disaster Management
Within the scope of the course, disaster management, system and structure; disaster management models, intervention practices and examples are examined.

LAW-596 Stages of Criminal Procedure And Authorities
The main concepts and issues examined are the legal procedures carried out in the investigation and prosecution stages of the Criminal Procedure Law, their meanings, competent authorities, historical development and sources, the branches of law to which it is related, the investigation phase and procedures, the subjects of criminal procedure in terms of authority and person, their rights, obligations and duties, the rights of the accused in international law and our national law, the issuance of the indictment and the decision of non-prosecution and the cases of making this decision.

LAW-525 Judicial Review
The Constitutional Court, which entered Turkish law with the Constitution of 1961 and is regulated in detail in the Constitution of 1982, is compared with the Constitutional Judiciary in German and French law as well as with similar regulations in the United States, practical problems are discussed, the development and functions of the Constitutional Judiciary in Turkey and the Individual Application are examined. In the international framework, the concept of the Constitution, the theory of separation of powers, government systems according to the separation of powers, the theory of democracy, types of democracy, elections and electoral systems and political parties, fundamental rights and freedoms, constitutional jurisdiction and judicial review of the constitutionality of laws are the main concepts and issues examined. This course aims to provide non-field students with a comparative understanding of the universal development, basic structure and functioning of constitutional law and judiciary in the field of international law.

LAW-537 Turkey's International Law and Regional Issues
In this course, students will be informed about the current developments in international law and Turkey's regional problems in international law based on the knowledge they have received in their undergraduate education and solutions will be proposed.

LAW-501 Property Regimes in Family Law
Within the scope of this course, first of all, the importance of property regimes in family law will be emphasized, the principles regarding the property regime valid during the periods of the Turkish Civil Code No. 743 and the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721 will be explained, the conditions and formal conditions of the establishment of the property regime contract will be examined. According to the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, the property groups in the regime of participation in acquired property, which is the legal property regime, will be classified and each of them will be explained. In the legal property regime, the liquidation of the property regime and the concepts of value increase share, values to be added, equalization, participation receivable will be explained and case studies will be analyzed and examples from practice will be given. The reasons and consequences of the termination of the legal property regime and the conditions for transition to the extraordinary property regime will be explained. The establishment and liquidation of separation of property, separation of property with sharing and partnership of property regimes and the method of distribution will be explained. Precedent decisions regarding the disputes arising from the liquidation of the property regime in practice will be resolved.

LAW-527 Economic Crimes
In this course, the concept of economic crime and white collar crime, the general characteristics of economic crimes and the elements, special forms of appearance, sanctions and judgment rules of the types of crimes in special laws such as Capital Markets Law and Banking Law, as well as crimes such as fraud and abuse of trust in the Turkish Penal Code, which are frequently encountered in practice, will be examined.  The aim of this course is to examine the concept of economic crime, to determine the factors that contribute to economic criminality and to identify the problems arising in practice related to economic crimes.

LAW-551 Seminar (Non Thesis)
In seminar studies conducted under the supervision of an instructor, it is aimed to gain experience in this subject by conducting an independent research and to develop the ability to speak in front of the public by explaining the subject. Determining the subject of the study, researching secondary sources and using them in the study, field research, preparing the draft study in the light of the information obtained, making the necessary corrections and completing the report in accordance with the report writing rules and finally presenting and discussing the report to the audience constitute the scope of this course.

LAW-539 Term Project
It is an academic study to be written in accordance with the rules of writing in the field of law. The content of the course may be a comprehensive essay, a critical report, a practical project, an experimental study. The project course is evaluated as successful or unsuccessful at the end of the semester.

LAW-583 Seminar  (Thesis)
Master's degree is the first step of academic study. For this reason, they have knowledge about how to write scientific writing, how to give citations, how to organize footnotes and bibliography. The aim of this course is to teach these to students through seminars and presentations.

LAW-522 Thesis
This course provides support for students to prepare their thesis. It includes teaching research methods, explaining the principles of thesis writing, identifying the problem area, selecting research techniques, preparing a thesis proposal focused on a specific problem, constructing the research model, conducting the research, writing and presenting the thesis.

LAW-523 Thesis
This course provides support for students to prepare their thesis. It includes teaching research methods, explaining the principles of thesis writing, identifying the problem area, selecting research techniques, preparing a thesis proposal focused on a specific problem, constructing the research model, conducting the research, writing and presenting the thesis.

LAW-526 Presidential Decrees within the Framework of the Legal Security Principle

Problematic areas in the stages of norm setting-implementation-judicial decisions regarding the principle of legal certainty and presidential decrees. The aim of this course is to teach students the problematic areas in the stages of norm setting-implementation-judicial decisions within the framework of the principle of legal certainty and to bring them to a debatable level.

 LAW 587- Protective Measures in Criminal Procedure Law

The purpose of criminal procedure law is to reach the material truth, and the process aimed at achieving this purpose consists of various transactions. In this process, protective measures have an important place in terms of the purposes they serve. Protective measures, which aim to prevent the execution of the verdict from remaining on paper and to reach the material truth, are a method of obtaining evidence in this direction. In order to reach the material truth in accordance with the law, acting in accordance with the conditions in the investigation and prosecution processes is of vital importance in this respect. The course will examine the importance of ensuring the implementation of protective measures within the framework of their functions and conditions, together with judicial decisions. To examine the characteristics and types of protective measures in Criminal Procedure Law together with their conditions and to evaluate the deficiencies in their implementation.

LAW 586– Stages of Criminal Procedure in the Context of International Law, Competent Authorities and Authorities

This course aims to teach both theoretically and practically the investigation phase and the prosecution phase, which are the stages of criminal procedure, and also to increase the necessary knowledge and skills of legal professionals working in the field of criminal law by explaining in detail the duties of the authorities and authorities in these phases. Examines and provides the basic principles of the investigation and prosecution phases of criminal procedure law and the application of procedural procedures at national and international level and the development of this science.