Institute of Social Sciences

LAW-506 Bills of Exchange in Practice
In this course, the concept and elements of negotiable instruments are examined. Bills of exchange, which are one of the most important types of negotiable instruments (policy, bond and check) are discussed in terms of their common features.  The formal elements that should be included in the policy, bill and check are determined. The concept of endorsement, which is a form of transfer specific to these bills, is discussed in detail.  The way of enforcement specific to bills of exchange and the cancellation of bills of exchange are examined. The disputes arising in practice regarding these issues and their solutions are evaluated. The aim of this course is to evaluate the problems arising in practice about the bills of exchange regulated in the Negotiable Instruments book of the Turkish Commercial Code and to propose solutions. Bills of exchange are regulated in the TCC and are determined according to the principle of limited number as policy, bill and check.  Within the scope of this course, the common features of bills of exchange are revealed. The compulsory and optional formal elements of the policy, bill and check are examined separately. Since bills of exchange are legally negotiable instruments, the concept of negotiable instruments is emphasized. Accordingly, the issue of defenses in negotiable instruments is discussed. The concept of endorsement, which is a form of transfer specific to bills of exchange, is also explained in terms of bills of exchange. In addition, the issues of the specific way of enforcement of bills of exchange and the cancellation of bills of exchange are also discussed. The aim is to determine the disputes arising in practice regarding these issues about bills of exchange and to gain a legal perspective that will be useful in resolving these disputes.

LAW-543 Protection of Child and Young Workers in Employment in the Context of Human Rights
Examination of both national legislative documents and international documents on the protection of young and child workers from employment. In addition, the course contents are shown below in weeks. The aim of this course is to provide the necessary information about both national and international legislation on the protection of child and young workers in working life. It also explains why this issue constitutes a human right.

LAW-589 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics
Within the framework of the basic concepts of the course, the basic principles of a research and methodology are emphasized and the concept of analysis is introduced. The main topics covered together with qualitative research design and ethical issues are enriched with case studies and some experimental approaches. The aim of this course is to inform students about basic research techniques and philosophy and to raise awareness about scientific ethics.

LAW-514 Responsibility of the Management Body in Civil Law Legal Entities:
The concept and results of legal personality, Theories of legal personality, Liability of the Board of Directors of the Association against the Association and the Members of the Association, Liability of the Board of Directors of the Association against Third Parties, Liability of the Foundation Management Body, Ultra Vires Principle in Civil Law Legal Entities, Liability of the members of the Board of Directors of the Trade Union, Responsibility of the members of the Board of Directors of Sports Clubs, Responsibility of Political Party Executives, Responsibility of Apartment Managers according to the Condominium Law, Theory of the Veil of Legal Entity in Civil Law Legal Entities, Release in Civil Law Legal Entities are covered. Within the scope of this course, first of all, the importance of the governing body in civil law legal entities will be emphasized and the legal regime to which the governing bodies of private law legal entities in the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721 and other laws will be explained, Theories of legal personality, Responsibility of the board of directors of the association against the association and third parties, Responsibility of the foundation management body, Ultra vires principle in civil law legal entities,  The responsibility of the members of the board of directors of trade unions, the responsibility of the members of the board of directors of sports clubs, the responsibility of political party executives, the responsibility of apartment managers according to the Condominium Law, the theory of the veil of legal personality in civil law legal entities, the release of civil law legal entities and the disputes arising in the legal liability of civil law legal entities will be examined.

LAW-515 Tools of Proof in Civil Justice
The aim of this course is to examine the means of proof and evidence in civil jurisdiction, to contribute to the professional life of lawyers by evaluating the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court.

LAW-569 Current Occupational Health and Safety Issues
Legal legislation on Occupational Health and Safety issues will be examined. The program aims to train individuals who can follow and interpret the legal legislation on occupational health and safety, act in accordance with professional ethical rules, and take all measures to ensure occupational safety. Legal legislation on occupational health and safety issues will be examined.

LAW-557 Joint Stock Company Law
Within the scope of this course, firstly, the legal and economic importance of joint stock companies is emphasized, sudden and gradual incorporation systems, the necessary permissions to be obtained at incorporation and the preparation of the articles of association of the company are examined. The general assembly, the board of directors and the auditor/auditors, which are the compulsory organs of the joint stock company, are explained, the meeting method of the general assembly and the nature of the decisions taken, the legal remedies to be applied in case of invalidity of these decisions; the rights and obligations and duties of the board of directors and their responsibilities in case they do not fulfill these duties properly. Auditing of joint stock companies is analyzed in the light of the duties of auditors and external audit practices are also explained. In addition, the termination of the joint stock company and the liquidation procedures are also examined within the scope of the course. In order to better comprehend the issues related to joint stock companies, the decisions of the Court of Cassation and the opinions in the doctrine will also be examined.

LAW-574 Current Developments in Maritime Law
The aim of this course is to evaluate the current issues in the light of the developments in Maritime Law within the scope of both international conventions and Turkish Commercial Code.

LAW-575 Bodies of the Limited Company
In this course, the concept of limited liability company and its characteristics as a capital company are examined. The establishment conditions and transactions of limited liability companies are revealed. The general assembly and the board of directors, which are the compulsory organs of the limited liability company, are examined in terms of their duties, powers and responsibilities. In terms of each mandatory body, the meeting conditions, the functioning of the meeting, the things to be done after the meeting and the legal nature of the decisions taken at this meeting, the validity conditions and the consequences of invalidity if these conditions are not met are revealed. The aim of this course is to define the organs of limited liability companies, which are specified as a capital company in Article 124 of the Turkish Commercial Code, in terms of their functions, powers, duties and responsibilities and to reveal their characteristics. The general assembly and the board of directors, which are the compulsory organs of the limited liability company, are examined separately in terms of their formation, duties, powers and responsibilities within the scope of this course. The duties and powers of the general assembly within the scope of meeting, decision making, validity of its decisions, and the responsibility and consequences of its failure to fulfill these duties and powers are evaluated. After evaluating the formation, meeting, decision-making and validity of the decisions of the board of directors, the legal and criminal liability of the board of directors in case it violates its duties and powers is determined. The examination of the general assembly and the board of directors, which are the mandatory organs of the limited liability company, within this scope aims to provide a legal perspective that will be useful in resolving the disputes arising in practice regarding the organs of the limited liability company.

LAW-517 New Developments in Cheque Law
Within the scope of our course, the issues that cause hesitation and hesitation such as the capacity to borrow in the check, payment and submission in the check, checks depending on the special form of payment, application rights in case of non-payment, involuntary disposition of the check, transfer in checks, liability, consequences of check submission in terms of follow-up law, statute of limitations in checks, authorized bearer in endorsed checks, bounced checks are also explained in a practical way with tricks. The aim of this course is to explain the concept of check and to teach the elements, distinctive features, use and functioning of the check, which is frequently used in practice, as well as new developments in this field.

LAW-536 Cheque Law
Debt capacity in cheques, payment and presentation of cheques, cheques depending on special payment methods, application rights in case of non-payment, involuntary disposition of cheques, assignment of cheques, liability, consequences of cheque presentation in terms of follow-up law, statute of limitations in cheques, authorized bearer in endorsed cheques, bounced cheques, issues that cause hesitation and hesitation such as bounced cheques are also explained in a practical way with tricks. The aim of this course is to explain the concept of check and to teach the elements, distinctive features, use and functioning of the check, which is frequently used in practice, as well as new developments in this field.

LAW-590 Service Agreements
This course provides information about the characteristics and types of service contracts, the parties to the service contract and the rights and obligations of the parties.

LAW-551 Seminar (Non Thesis)
In seminar studies conducted under the supervision of an instructor, it is aimed to gain experience in this subject by conducting an independent research and to develop the ability to speak in front of the public by explaining the subject. Determining the subject of the study, researching secondary sources and using them in the study, field research, preparing the draft study in the light of the information obtained, making the necessary corrections and completing the report in accordance with the report writing rules and finally presenting and discussing the report to the audience constitute the scope of this course.

LAW-539 Term Project
It is an academic study to be written in accordance with the rules of writing in the field of law. The content of the course may be a comprehensive essay, a critical report, a practical project, an experimental study. The project course is evaluated as successful or unsuccessful at the end of the semester.

LAW-583 Seminar  (Thesis)
Master's degree is the first step of academic study. For this reason, they have knowledge about how to write scientific writing, how to give citations, how to organize footnotes and bibliography. The aim of this course is to teach these to students through seminars and presentations.

LAW-588 Commercial Companies in the New Commercial Law
Within the scope of this course, firstly, the general amendments made in the New Turkish Commercial Code regarding commercial companies are examined. The innovations regarding the capacity of commercial companies and the capital contribution obligation of the shareholders are put forward. In terms of each type of commercial company, the amendments and innovations regarding the establishment, organs, rights and powers of the organs, rights and powers of the shareholders, termination and liquidation of the company are explained. The amendments regarding commercial companies in the New Turkish Commercial Code are presented in comparison with the former Turkish Commercial Code.

LAW-520 Health Law and Ethics
By explaining the basic concepts of health law and ethics, it is ensured that the connection between health law and ethics is appropriately addressed and understood.

LAW-566 Execution and Bankruptcy Crimes
This course includes the consequences of most of these in the place of execution bankruptcy, witnesses of crimes, crimes in the visit, the decision of the criminal court, the consequences of the criminal judgment, etc. Oral procedure, special circumstances in the case, legal remedies, final judgment institution, renewal of the proceedings, joint provisions, special courts, arbitration. The Law of Execution and Bankruptcy ensures that the debtor, who does not / cannot fulfill his debt with his consent, fulfills his debt by force through the state power-execution organs.

LAW-521 Current Developments in Enforcement Law
The aim of this course is to give information about current problems by examining the changes related to current developments in the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law.

LAW-527 Economic Crimes
In this course, the concept of economic crime and white collar crime, the general characteristics of economic crimes and the elements, special forms of appearance, sanctions and judgment rules of the types of crimes in special laws such as Capital Markets Law and Banking Law, as well as crimes such as fraud and abuse of trust in the Turkish Penal Code, which are frequently encountered in practice, will be examined.  The aim of this course is to examine the concept of economic crime, to determine the factors that contribute to economic criminality and to identify the problems arising in practice related to economic crimes.

LAW-582 Protection of Children and Young Workers in Employment
Examination of both national legislative documents and international documents on the protection of young and child workers from employment. In addition, the course contents are shown below in weeks. The aim of this course is to provide the necessary information about both national and international legislation for the protection of child and young workers in working life.

LAW-501 Property Regimes in Family Law
Within the scope of this course, first of all, the importance of property regimes in family law will be emphasized, the principles regarding the property regime valid during the periods of the Turkish Civil Code No. 743 and the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721 will be explained, the conditions and formal conditions of the establishment of the property regime contract will be examined. According to the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, the property groups in the regime of participation in acquired property, which is the legal property regime, will be classified and each of them will be explained. In the legal property regime, the liquidation of the property regime and the concepts of value increase share, values to be added, equalization, participation receivable will be explained and case studies will be analyzed and examples from practice will be given. The reasons and consequences of the termination of the legal property regime and the conditions for transition to the extraordinary property regime will be explained. The establishment and liquidation of the regimes of separation of property, separation of property with sharing and community of property and the method of distribution will be explained. Precedent decisions regarding the disputes arising with the liquidation of the property regime in practice will be resolved.

LAW-576 Thesis
This course provides support for students to prepare their thesis. It includes teaching research methods, explaining the principles of thesis writing, identifying the problem area, selecting research techniques, preparing a thesis proposal focused on a specific problem, constructing the research model, conducting the research, writing and presenting the thesis.

LAW-577 Thesis
This course provides support for students to prepare their thesis. It includes teaching research methods, explaining the principles of thesis writing, identifying the problem area, selecting research techniques, preparing a thesis proposal focused on a specific problem, constructing the research model, conducting the research, writing and presenting the thesis.

LAW-512 Civil Law and Law of Obligations Practices

Within the scope of this course, the establishment, structure and termination of lease agreements are examined separately according to their types. Later, the concept of seizure without expropriation will be examined in accordance with the annulment decisions of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. Disputes arising in practice regarding these issues examined and their solutions are evaluated. The aim of this course is to evaluate the problems that arise in practice regarding lease agreements regulated in the Turkish Code of Obligations and seizure without expropriation, which is not defined in the law, and to propose solutions. Lease agreements are regulated in the TBK and are generally determined as the provisions to be applied to residential and roofed workplace rents and the provisions to be applied according to the concept of product rent. The other scope of the course is the subject of confiscation without expropriation, which causes many disputes in practice. In this regard, the definition of seizure without expropriation is examined and the problems that arise in the restrictive intervention of the administration to the person's property right are discussed. Constitutional Court annulment decisions due to violation of the boundaries of property rights are also important in terms of presenting the issue.


LAW-510 International Arbitration

This course consists of the Concept of Arbitration, Comparison of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, Types of Arbitration, Arbitration Agreement, Law Applicable to Arbitration, Court Assistance in Arbitration, Request for Arbitration, Appointment of Arbitrators, Arbitration Proceedings, Challenge of the Arbitral Awards, Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. The aim of this course is to provide information on the fundamentals of international arbitration and concept of international arbitration considering the national legal system.


LAW-516 Analysis of Human Rights in the Context of Private International Law

The aim of the course is to enable students to gain knowledge on the topic of “The Examination of Human Rights in the Context of Private International Law” and to develop the ability to analyze cases and provide commentary. In this course covers the fundamental concepts of human rights and private international law, the connection between human rights and private international law, the factors influencing this connection, universal and regional regulations and monitoring systems, as well as some important rights currently in focus and their historical development.

LAW-529 International Carriage of Goods by Road

In this course, the contract of carriage by road, the parties to the contract of carriage by road, the law applicable to the contract of carriage, the liability of the carrier within the framework of the provisions of CMR and TCC will be discussed. The aim of the course is to teach the basic principles of carriage of goods by road, the provisions of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), to which Turkey is a party, and the provisions of the Carriage of Goods in the Fourth Book of the TCC, with reference to national and international judicial decisions on this subject.

LAW-518 Ordinary Partnership Law

In the ordinary partnerships law course, it is essential to examine the problems encountered in practice regarding the establishment, operation and termination of ordinary partnerships regulated within the scope of the Turkish Code of Obligations, which do not have a legal entity and whose partners are first-degree unlimited liable to the company's creditors. Ordinary partnerships are widely used in businesses operated by real persons in practice as well as in high-capital businesses carried out by legal persons; Since they are not regulated in detail in the Code of Obligations, they are considered as a subject that needs to be investigated and examined in particular. In order to better understand the issues related to ordinary partnerships, the decisions of the Supreme Court and the opinions in the doctrine are also examined. The aim of this course is to reveal the legal and economic importance of ordinary partnerships; elements, establishment, management and representation, partners' responsibilities and termination cases and liquidation procedures. In addition, it aims to provide a legal perspective that will be useful in resolving disputes arising in ordinary partnerships in practice.

LAW-530 Current Discussions in Labor Law

Within the scope of this course, the definition, characteristics and elements of Labor Law are examined first. Employment contracts, which are the most important source of the employee-employer relationship, are discussed in terms of their common features.  Employee protective elements that should be included in employment contracts are determined. Mutual rights and obligations arising from these agreements are discussed in detail.  The termination methods of employment contracts and the rights and receivables arising from the termination of contracts are examined. Disputes arising in practice regarding these issues examined and their solutions are evaluated. The aim of this course is to provide detailed information about the issues regulated in Turkish Labor Legislation. Labor Law, which has a very broad structure within the scope of the Labor Law, Press Labor Law, Maritime Labor Law, Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreement Law, gives rise to important discussions not only in theory but also at the practical level. Labor Legislation, which is based on the logic of ensuring the continuity of businesses but protecting workers at the same level, also reaches a broad perspective with judicial decisions. In order to solve the problems that arise as a result of national economic development as well as the social state understanding in a certain balance and to protect the social structure within these processes, it is necessary to follow current developments and especially to determine their reflections on labor law. In addition, the primary aim of this course is to not only identify current and potential problems, but also to include solution suggestions and definitions of judicial perspective. It is aimed to identify the disputes that arise in practice regarding these issues specified at the Labor Law level and to provide a legal perspective that will be useful in resolving these disputes.

LAW-532 Collateral Law

Within the scope of this course, the establishment of guarantee contracts, the types of guarantee, and the situations in which the coverage ends are examined separately according to their types. Later, the decisions of the Supreme Court of Appeals will be examined in relation to the security law course. Disputes arising in practice regarding these issues examined and their solutions are evaluated. The aim of this course is to bring the student to the level of being able to resolve disputes that may arise on issues related to Collateral Law, in the light of doctrine and knowledge in practice.

LAW505- Current Issues in Private International Law

The aim of the course is to enable the student to gain knowledge on the subject of “Current Issues in Private International Law” and to be able to comment and analyze cases. In this course includes the basic concepts and issues in the field of private international law, the connection between these issues and private international law and the factors in establishing this connection, universal and regional regulations and control systems, some important rights on the agenda and the historical development process, changes in legal regulations and the results of these changes.

LAW 533- New Developments in Family Law Within the Context of Current Developments

Problems in comparative law and Turkish family law will be identified and doctrinal and judicial solutions will be considered. Current developments in family law will be determined and studies will be carried out on the missing issues, if any, and discussions will be held on possible judicial practice and problems.  The aim of this course is to provide information about new approaches in family law through the examination of current judicial decisions in Turkish family law, opinions in the doctrine and comparative law.

LAW 550 – Contract Preparation and Review Techniques