Institute of Social Sciences

PSI-101 - Introduction to Psychology

This course is an introduction to basic psychological processes such as psychological research, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning and memory. These topics will be examined in the context of basic theoretical approaches in the field of psychology, including behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic and socio-cultural. The course will emphasize how psychology as a science contributes to our understanding of human nature and behavior. In this course, it is aimed to gain a general perspective about the currents that shape the science of psychology, research methods used in psychology, basic theories and application areas of psychology.

PSI-305 - Main Theories in Psychology

In addition to current theoretical approaches, the study of theories of psychology such as structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, Gestalt and psychoanalysis. To teach students the perspective of modern psychology to science, human, external reality and the relationship between schools of psychological thought.

OSD-501 - Managerial Economics

This course aims to understand economic principles in the decision-making processes of businesses. In this context, it provides a basic framework for students to make more informed decisions within the dynamics of the business world by explaining how businesses interact with micro and macroeconomic factors. Topics such as demand theory, price and income elasticities are addressed in order to understand consumer behavior and make demand forecasts. In addition, by examining rational preferences and utility theory through consumer choice theory, basic information is provided for businesses to develop customer-oriented strategies.

OSD-505 - Turkish Economy

Regarding the Turkish economy during the course; Examining the economic developments before and after the Republic, understanding and relating the economic, political and social conditions in the period when economic policies were implemented, evaluating the causes and consequences of economic crises, establishing a relationship between globalization and the Turkish economy and drawing lessons for the future. Turkish economy, before and after the Republic; To understand current and near future economic developments by analytically examining production, employment, prices, investments, public finance, monetary policy, foreign trade, sectoral relations (agriculture, industry, energy, mining and services) and planning aspects and economic policies.

PSI-507 - Seminar (Thesis)

The seminar activities conducted under the supervision of a faculty member aim to make the student gain experience by doing independent research and to develop the ability of speaking in front of the community. Determining the subject of the study, researching the secondary sources and using them in the study, field research, preparing the draft study in the light of the obtained information, making the necessary corrections, completing the report in accordance with the rules of writing the report and finally presenting the report to the audience and discussing the scope of this course. In this course, theoretical and practical seminars will be held to help candidates who are prepared for scientific expertise to prepare papers, articles, reports, theses, books and other academic studies more effectively; analysis and proofreading of term papers in terms of form and content will be done.

PSI-509 - Seminar (Non-Thesis)

The seminar activities conducted under the supervision of a faculty member aim to make the student gain experience by doing independent research and to develop the ability of speaking in front of the community. Determining the subject of the study, researching the secondary sources and using them in the study, field research, preparing the draft study in the light of the obtained information, making the necessary corrections, completing the report in accordance with the rules of writing the report and finally presenting the report to the audience and discussing the scope of this course. In this course, theoretical and practical seminars will be held to help candidates who are prepared for scientific expertise to prepare papers, articles, reports, theses, books and other academic studies more effectively; analysis and proofreading of term papers in terms of form and content will be done.

OSD-511 - Digital Marketing

The aim of this course is to develop students' theoretical and practical skills about current digital marketing trends. digital marketing strategies, digital marketing mix, preparation of marketing campaigns on digital platforms, marketing communication on digital platforms and digital marketing applications used globally. In addition, the development of digital marketing, the current situation, problems encountered in practice and solutions will be discussed in the course. In the era of ongoing digitalization, the basic components of marketing have been reshaped and integrated with technology. The aim of this course is to provide the students with the knowledge about the basic concepts, methods and tools of digital marketing, to gain the skills of analyzing and applying digital marketing examples.

PSI-511 - Project

It is an academic study to be written in accordance with the rules of writing in the field of psychology. The content of the course can be a comprehensive essay, a critical report, a practical project, an experimental study. The project course is evaluated as successful or unsuccessful at the end of the semester.

PSI-520 - Industrial Psychology

The course will focus on topics such as personality and business values, motivation, groups and teams, leadership and power, and politics and conflict and negotiation, focusing on Industrial Psychology. One of the most important elements in the industry is to determine the causes of human behavior and the factors that affect them, revealing that the most important key to understand and manage people, to understand the human beings and to guide them positively from a psychological perspective and to explain the basic principles of the science of psychology.

PSI-525 - Current Approaches in Psychotherapy

It is concerned with the development of a perspective on the creation and implementation of an integrated therapy model that can be tailored to the needs of the people in the therapy process, as well as teaching current approaches in psychotherapy and integrating these practices with other therapy models. The aim of this course is to introduce contemporary psychotherapies and give basic information. For this purpose, different psychotherapy methods and techniques used to apply these therapies to various psychological disorders will be given. In addition, the effectiveness of examined psychotherapy approaches will be emphasized.

PSI-526 - Psychopathology in Childhood and Adolescence

The etiology and treatment methods of child and adolescent psychopathologies are examined based on different perspectives. The aim of this course is to present the basic theories and approaches on child and adolescent psychopathology. The aim of this course is to provide the students with a general knowledge about problems such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, behavior disorder, learning disability, autism and anxiety disorder.

PSI-527 - Undiscovered Awareness (MINDFULNESS)

To learn awareness techniques and improve their application skills. Through this course, students will learn the principles of awareness, develop their own tool applications and apply the principles to daily life. While learning strategies that will work skillfully with thoughts, emotions, they will develop the capacity of current experiences to raise mind-body awareness. They will explore theories and research in the field of emerging science that have beneficial effects on awareness, physical and mental health.

PSI-536 - Statistical Methods in Psychology

In this course, basic information about statistical methods used in psychology is taught. In addition to teaching basic hypothesis testing and conducting psychological data analysis, students are provided with the following statistical tests: t test, ANOVA and nonparametric tests. In addition to the basic elements underlying these tests, students will perform these tests manually. At the same time, students will learn to conduct these tests in the SPSS statistical program. The main objective of this course is to enable students to comprehend the basic functions of statistics and the concepts, measurement units and assumptions in this field, various examples covering the field of psychology, and thus to provide the student with a background on which statistical techniques will be used in various research designs. In line with this main objective, it is aimed that the students will be able to use basic statistical techniques correctly, apply them and have the ability to report and interpret the results obtained from these tests.

OSD-555 - Disaster Management

Individuals and families, which are the basis of society; Basic disaster awareness training, first aid knowledge, amateur radio knowledge, knowledge about debris removal tools, disaster psychology knowledge, prescribed by AFAD in order to overcome disasters with the least damage, are given by taking into account national and international standards.

PSI-557 - Selected Topics in Psychopathology

The etiology and treatment methods of different psychopathologies seen in adults are examined based on different perspectives. It is aimed that students acquire basic knowledge about common psychopathologies such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Phobias and acquire basic skills in subjects such as client history, psychological examination and setting therapy goals.

PSI-558 - Clinical Approaches in Psychotherapy

Application areas of clinical psychology, definition of psychopathology and psychopathological definitions, terminology and diagnostic evaluation methods, clinical intervention techniques are explained. The aim of this course is to teach the concepts of normal and abnormal behavior, psychological symptoms, mental disorders, classification, recognition, causes and treatments.

PSI-559 - Psychotherapy Theory and Techniques

This course focuses on discussing the principles of effective interviewing, interview strategies, interviewing skills, effective communication patterns. The aim of this course is to provide students with information about effective communication, interviewing skills and clinical observation.

PSI-560 - Cognitive Psychology

This course allows the study of mental processes and introduces human cognitive processes. Topics covered include perception, attention, memory, categorization, problem solving and decision-making. To understand the history and basic assumptions of cognitive approach; to provide current empirical and theoretical knowledge about some mental processes such as attention, memory, perception, information categorization, language, problem solving and decision making.

PSI-561 - Basic Concepts in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This master's course aims to teach students the fundamental concepts and techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The course is designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to understand that CBT is an effective therapeutic approach for addressing cognitive and emotional health issues. This course curriculum aims to provide students with a solid foundation in CBT and equip them with practical skills.

PSI-568 - Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics

The course will cover all stages of a research, including data collection and analysis of an actual research project. A variety of qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied, including data collection and interpretation for a specific problem. Ethical issues that may arise during the research process will also be addressed. Additionally, this course attempts to develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Finding literature, collecting data, evaluating data and writing reports techniques required to conduct research on a particular subject are also among the topics that will be discussed. It is to learn quantitative data analysis and interpretation techniques in practice using statistical software (SPSS).

OSD-571 - Industry 4.0 Applications

Industry 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, cyber physical systems, the Internet of Things, cloud computing systems, big data, modeling and simulation, smart factories. The aim of this course is to inform the students about how the paradigms that dominate the industries and industrial processes change in each period, to provide a basis for information technologies and management information systems applicable to industrial enterprises, to analyze the fundamentals of information systems, design and management of data applications of enterprises. to provide the necessary infrastructure for the design and development.

PSI-576 - Social Cognition

This course explores the psychological processes involved in social cognition, including perception, interpretation, and representation of social information. Students will examine topics such as social perception, attitudes, attribution, impression formation, and decision-making. This course explores the psychological processes involved in social cognition, including perception, interpretation, and representation of social information. Students will examine topics such as social perception, attitudes, attribution, impression formation, and decision-making.

PSI-577 - Social Psychology

This course provides an in-depth exploration of theories, research, and applications in social psychology. Students will analyze social behavior, attitudes, perception, influence, prejudice, group dynamics, and intergroup relations.  This course provides an in-depth exploration of theories, research, and applications in social psychology. Students will analyze social behavior, attitudes, perception, influence, prejudice, group dynamics, and intergroup relations.

PSI-578 - Cultural Psychology

This course provides students with an in-depth study of the cultural context of human development and behavior; It aims to provide knowledge and skills regarding a critical assessment of psychological theory and knowledge from a cultural and intercultural perspective. Students learn to evaluate the basic principles of management discipline in the global framework.

OSD-579 - Sustainable Development

The aim of this course is to examine the politics of sustainable development. The students are provided with theoretical and practical information about the structure of the climate change and the complex interaction process of this structure with political institutions. The topics to be discussed in the course are climate change, environmental movements, food justice movements, Arctic. The aim of this course is to explain to students environmental problems and the environmental problems, to draw attention to the economic, social and environmental aspects of development, and to emphasize the general features of sustainable development.

OSD-582 - Virtual Worlds

The course will be taught through Second Life, an online virtual environment through avatars. Students will see how the virtual environment works and evaluate the way virtual content is created. This lesson; students cultural differences, language barriers, time difference, technological problems, etc. It aims to teach students how to manage effective teamwork in a virtual and intercultural environment while dealing with many obstacles. This course will also provide the opportunity for collaboration and networking among participants and lecturers from different disciplines, institutions and cultures. Technological components of Virtual Worlds, ethical and social issues related to Virtual Worlds will be covered in this course. Thus, after one semester of study, students will be able to understand the role of Virtual Worlds in today's society.

OSD-587 - Learning to Learn and to Teach

To teach the main theories, basic principles, types, techniques, models of learning and teaching and the skills to apply these models and techniques.

PSI-588 - Introduction to Psychopathology

In this course, after basic information is covered through verbal and visual resources in line with the purpose of the course, psychopathology is tried to be recognized and understood through sample cases. During the course, it is aimed to discuss case studies on the subject and to understand and reinforce theoretical knowledge. This course aims for students to understand and learn the concept of psychopathology, to grasp the causality that leads to psychopathology, and to understand the biopsychosocial foundations of basic psychological symptoms. It is aimed to enable students to gain a general perspective on the field of abnormal psychology and psychological problems, and to evaluate basic psychological problems and related psychopathological disorders from a cultural and theoretical perspective.

PSI-589 - Critical Thinking

This course teaches thinking and critical thinking: theory, history, basic concepts and approaches, logical thinking, making arguments and articulating assumptions, seeking explanations and constructing theories, evaluating sources and preparing reading strategies, as well as overcoming one's own and others' prejudices. The objectives of mastering the course "Critical Thinking" are to familiarize students with the forms and techniques of rational knowledge, to form a general idea of logical methods and approaches used in the field of their professional activities, practical skills of rational and effective thinking. The modern world places very high demands on the clarity, clarity and validity of conceptual and argumentative structures. Therefore, one of the main objectives of the course is to develop a rational, problem-oriented, critical approach.

OSD-593 - BİG DATA Applications in Business

The scope of course the are examined big data, its analysis, reporting & using in business processes, applications & examples. The course aims to convey information, and current developments about the concept, and applications of big data in businesses, and to provide the necessary analysis, talents and skills on the subject.

OSD-594 - Body Perception

Developmental psychology is the study of human development from birth to death. Particular emphasis will be placed on the process of the individual reaching physical, cognitive and psycho-social maturity and the theories on this subject. It is aimed to learn cross-cultural psychology, cultural psychology and local psychology approaches and to provide knowledge and skills about psychological analysis of culture-behavior relations.

OSD-595 - Cross-Cultural Psychology

Developmental psychology is the study of human development from birth to death. Particular emphasis will be placed on the process of the individual reaching physical, cognitive and psycho-social maturity and the theories on this subject. It is aimed to learn cross-cultural psychology, cultural psychology and local psychology approaches and to provide knowledge and skills about psychological analysis of culture-behavior relations.

PSI-597 - Thesis

In this course, students will be shown the methods that should be applied in writing a thesis (thesis writing plan) and they will be provided with the necessary and correct techniques for their studies. To make students aware of the usage of resources and thesis writing procedure.

PSI-598 - Thesis

In this course, students will be shown the methods that should be applied in writing a thesis (thesis writing plan) and they will be provided with the necessary and correct techniques for their studies. To make students aware of the usage of resources and thesis writing procedure.

OSD-590 - Advanced Management Skills 

The course includes disaster management, system and structure, disaster management models, intervention practices and examples are examined. The course aims to provide information on management and management issues, and develop awareness, knowledge & skills by addressing current developments. 

OSD-591- New Technologies in Business

By focusing on the rapidly evolving technology trends in today's business world, this course aims to provide students with an understanding of the various technological tools that businesses can use to increase and maintain their competitive advantage. Starting from Industry 4.0 technologies, the basic principles of this concept and its effects on businesses will be examined in detail within the scope of the course. An in-depth review will be conducted on important topics that support Industry 4.0, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor technologies, big data and analytics applications. In the field of Artificial Intelligence, the focus will be on the role of artificial intelligence in business processes, the basic principles of machine learning and deep learning, business intelligence and predictive analytics applications.

OSD 592- Crime and Psychology of Crime

The aim of this course is to provide students with a new framework for interpreting criminal behavior, to provide them with knowledge about the etiology, risk factors, evaluation and treatment of different criminal behaviors, as well as different perspectives on criminal behavior. This course will also help students understand the thought processes of individuals who violate social norms. They will be enabled to understand the types of crimes committed as well as biological, psychological and situational factors and to take a critical approach to real or simulated crime cases. This course approaches knowledge and understanding of criminal behavior and the impact of crime on individuals and society from developmental, cognitive-behavioral, and other psychological perspectives. The basic premise of the course is that multiple variables influence people's behavior and requires attention to how these factors interact with situational variables. During the course, topics such as criminological theories, biological and psychological models of criminal behavior, crime and mental disorders, juvenile delinquency, aggression and violence, communication with criminals and judicial processes will be examined. 

PSİ 500 – Principles of Clinical Interviewing in Psychotherapy

The aim of this course is students to gain knowledge about effective communication, interviewing skills and clinical observation. This course is for discussing principles of effective communication, interviewing strategies, interviewing skills and effective communication patterns. 

PSİ 523 – Applied Social Psychology

This course aims to provide an overview of the field of applied social psychology and enable students gain hands-on experience in developing an intervention for a social issue that affects individuals and communities. It focuses on understanding social problems and developing skills to design and evaluation interventions that improve conditions for individuals, groups and societies. The goal is to introduce students the field of applied social psychology with its theoretical and methodological background as well as design and evaluation of interventions for empowering individuals and communities. The course brings up applied social psychological theories, methods and empirical findings, but also theories from the wider social psychological area, used for specific applied purposes. Particular focus will be on how social psychology can be applied to different areas of life including clinical and counseling psychology, media, health, education, organizations, community, environment, and diversity as well as to one’s own life.

PSİ 531- Social Media Management and Analysis

This course aims to provide students with the skills of using social media platforms effectively, strategic planning, content creation and analysis. It also enables students to understand the effects of social media on business, marketing and communication strategies.  The main purpose of the Social Media Management and Analysis course is to provide students with knowledge and skills on the use, strategic management and effective analysis of social media.

OSD 580- Customer Relationship Management

To establish real relationship with your customers, you need to know whom they are. Relationships, between customers, and suppliers, and the people and organizations around them are important.  Most businesses know that the company’s customers are vital to the success of the company. So, after one semester study, students will be able to understand the importance level of CRM in today’s marketplace. Addressing the strategic, organizational, commercial, and technology aspects of CRM, brings a psychology perspective, blending theory and practice to aid a full understanding of the subject. 

OSD 524- Financial Market Analysis

This course studies the assets, system and institutions of international financial markets. moreover this course content including to calculate time value of money, bonds and stocks. This course described the ways in which funds flow through an economic system from lenders to borrower and outlined the markets and instruments that lenders and borrowers employ to complete this process. Moreover, in this course, applied the time value of money formulas and the valuation of financial securities such as bonds and equities. With this respect to bond, we included a detailed examination of how change in interest rates, coupon rates, and times to maturity affect their price and price sensitivity.

OSD 586- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

This course is designed to provide an analysis and examination of significant contemporary ethical issues and challenges existing throughout the professional business arena. Emphasis will be placed upon the manager’s social and environmental responsibilities to a wide variety of stakeholders, including employees, customers and the public. Ethical dilemmas and decision-making frameworks and approaches at the personal, organizational and societal levels will be explored. Student engagement in real-world applications and issues are a critical portion of the course. Course aims to equip the students with the fundamentals of Business Ethics and Social responsibility.

OSD 590- Operation Simulation

Business Simulation course is built around a computer-based business simulation. Students taking this course will be wroking in peers. Each team should consider different decisions which are related to Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR/Organisation and Research & Development to manage their simulated company through a set time period. Business Simulation course is built around a computer-based business simulation. Students taking this course will be working in peers. Each team should consider different decisions which are related to Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR/Organisation and Research & Development to manage their simulated company through a set time period. The aim of the course is to provide an experiential learning environment where different business functions playan important role. Students will have the opportunity to apply their learning from the earlier elements of their degree programme to the problems presented by the simulation.

OSD-549 Foreign Trade Finance

This course includes topics such as foreign transactions legislation and documents used in foreign trade, payment and delivery methods in international trade for the purpose of financing foreign trade. The aim of this course is to provide students with detailed information about cash (TL and foreign currency), non-cash and in-kind loans used domestically and abroad for the purpose of financing foreign trade activities and to provide them with practical skills in providing financing.

PSI 543- Neuropsychology and its Applications

Neuropsychology explores the relationship between the brain and behavior. This course introduces the fundamental principles and applications of neuropsychology. Topics include brain structures and functions, the neuropsychological effects of neurological disorders, and their impact on behavior. Students will also learn about neuropsychological assessment methods and therapeutic interventions. The aim of this course is to understand the relationship between the brain and behavior, learn the fundamental principles of neuropsychology, and apply this knowledge in clinical and practical contexts. Students are expected to gain knowledge of neuropsychological tests and assessment methods, analyze the behavioral effects of neurological disorders, and comprehend neuroplasticity and rehabilitation processes.