Institute of Social Sciences

ELT-536 Scientific Research Methods & Ethical Issues-I

To provide students with the basic information needed to understand the qualitative research process, from idea formulation through data analysis and interpretation. Specifically, the course aims at helping students develop research questions, conduct literature review, distinguish between various data collection strategies and apply research using a qualitative research design.

ELT-574 Introduction to Learning Theories and ELT Methodology

This course will introduce students to learning theories and language teaching methodologies in foreign language education. Major areas of discussion include first language acquisition and second language learning theories; instructed second language learning; multiple literacies in language classrooms and the pedagogical implications of research on language teaching methodology.

ELT-577 Current Issues in ELT

As a consequence of repeatedly articulated dissatisfaction with the limitations of the concept of method and the transmission model of language education, the L2 profession is faced with an imperative need to construct a post-method pedagogy. This course discusses emerging issues relating to the language classrooms in the 21st century from post-method perspective.

ELT-507/523/581 Seminar/Term Project

This course will help students to polish their existing skills in literary research, writing and citation.

ELT-578 Second Language Acquisition      

This course will introduce students to learning theories and language teaching methodologies in foreign language education. Major areas of discussion include first language acquisition and second language learning theories; instructed second language learning; multiple literacies in language classrooms and the pedagogical implications of research on language teaching methodology.

ELT-580 Language Teaching in 21st Century

This course includes the post-method period in foreign language teaching and current issues that emerged during this period, and the innovative theories and teaching methods.

ELT-535 Scientific Research Methods & Ethical Issues II

To conceptualize basic concepts in quantitative research. They will also design various quantitative research methods.

ELT-543 Language Learning and Teaching in the Post-method Era

To develop in learners an understanding of post-method condition and its implications for English language teaching

ELT-542 Social Emotional Learning in Foreign Language Education

This course will provide students with information about social emotional learning theories and strategies in foreign language education. Major areas of discussion include Social Emotional Learning (SEL), SEL components; students' SEL needs and the pedagogical implications of the research on language teaching.

ELT-576 Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition

This course will introduce students to contemporary issues in foreign language education and examine these from individual learner perspective. Particular attention will be given to learner contributions to language learning, including the examination of critical aspects of individual learner differences and learners’ self from multiple perspectives. Other areas include identity of the language learner; a critical analysis of language learners’ individuality; emotionality in language learning; and the pedagogical implications of research on learners’ self in language teaching methodology.

ELT-503 Professional Development

To improve the student’s competencies reinforcing their professional knowledge and skills;  to develop their interest, attitude and motivation toward the teaching profession.

ELT-541 Critical Discourse Analysis

It will begin with the discussion of theoretical and methodological traditions in the field of Critical Discourse Analysis, and then it will be focused on analyzing oral, written and visual texts with some critical approaches. Critical Discourse Analysis; examines how social and power relations, identities and knowledge are constructed through the use of language and written, visual and verbal texts in social settings.

ELT-584 Studies in Applied Linguistics & ELT

This course will introduce students to learning theories and language teaching methodologies in foreign language education. Major areas of discussion include first language acquisition and second language learning theories; instructed second language learning; multiple literacies in language classrooms and the pedagogical implications of research on language teaching methodology.

ELT-516 Academic Writing

The Academic Writing course develops student writing skills in a variety of genres as a basis for their professional careers.  The course explores the structure and content of the professional research paper.

OSD-555 - Disaster Management

The course includes disaster management, system and structure, disaster management models, intervention practices and examples are examined. The course aims to transfer information about disasters experienced in the world, and to inform the society about disaster management, and enable the development of applications that will raise awareness.

ELT-597 - Master Thesis

The course will cover the basic activities the master student should perform in order to prepare their master thesis. These are; defining the specific topic or problem to be worked on, develop a thesis proposal, construct the research model, apply appropriate research techniques, defining the findings of the research, writing the thesis, presenting and defending the thesis.

ELT-598 - Master Thesis

The course will cover the basic activities the master student should perform in order to prepare their master thesis. These are; defining the specific topic or problem to be worked on, develop a thesis proposal, construct the research model, apply appropriate research techniques, defining the findings of the research, writing the thesis, presenting and defending the thesis.

 ELT 510 - Critical Pedagogy in ELT 

Critical Pedagogy in ELT explores the intersection of language education and social justice, equipping students with the theoretical frameworks and practical tools to critically analyze and transform traditional teaching practices. The course will emphasize the role of language teaching in addressing social inequalities, fostering critical awareness, and promoting democratic values. Students will  engage with fundamental texts in critical pedagogy, reflect on their teaching beliefs, and design pedagogical approaches that empower learners as agents of change in their communities.