Code |
Course |
Course Content |
ING105 |
English Learning Skills-I |
The course aims to remind students of and use well-known, everyday expressions and very basic phrases that aim to meet students' concrete needs, and also to enable students to answer questions that include personal details such as the things they own, the people they know, where they live, ask questions, introduce themselves and other people, and ultimately to communicate slowly and clearly with the other person. |
TRK103 |
Turkish Language-I |
The definition and characteristics of language, language-culture relationship, classification of languages and the place of Turkish among world languages, historical development of Turkish language, Turkish of Turkey, Turkish Language Association and its studies, phonetics and sound events in Turkish, spelling rules, punctuation marks and rules related to correspondence are discussed. |
MBH103 |
Constitutional Law |
After summarizing the General Principles of Constitutional Law, the basic structure of the state according to our Constitution, legislature, executive, judiciary, fundamental rights and freedoms, elections, political parties, constitutional judiciary, etc. are examined. |
MBH101 |
Civil Law |
Course covers the concept of Civil Law, dealing with issues related to personal situations, when personality begins and ends and how it is protected, problems related to the concept of capacity of the person and the difference between real and legal persons.. |
TBT 101 |
Basic Information Technologies and Keyboard Skills |
In this course, it is aimed for the students to use the features and subroutines of the MS Word Office package program by taking advantage of current IT tools, to gain and develop the skills of structuring the worksheet, sizing the worksheet, getting a wide report, and writing quickly and without errors with the F Keyboard. |
MBH 105 |
Law of Notification |
In this course, our students are provided with the knowledge and skills to be able to notify the relevant person of domestic and international legal correspondence in terms of the procedures and conditions, to be familiar with the legislation and to gain knowledge and awareness on the legal consequences of irregular notification. |
MH107 |
Judicial Correspondence |
The aim of this course is to enable our students to master the techniques and contents of correspondence to be conducted manually and in digital environments within the judicial organization, to understand and analyze legal texts correctly, and to continue their professional lives in a clear and understandable language with correct use of Turkish. |
ING106 |
English Learning Skills-II |
The course aims to ensure that students remember sentences and frequently used expressions related to the topics that concern them the most (such as basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography and employment). At the same time, it enables students to communicate in basic and routine tasks that require simple and direct exchange of information in familiar and everyday situations, in order to describe problems in urgent situations, their immediate environment and their own lives in a simple way. |
TRK104 |
Turkish Language -II |
In this course; within the scope of oral and written expression studies, presentation, novel, story, essay, poem, composition, magazine, newspaper review and applications, book introductions, spelling and punctuation marks, elements of the sentence, sentence types, expression disorders, composition information, written expression types, opinion articles, oral expression types and prepared-unprepared speaking activities will be discussed. |
MBH102 |
Administrative Law |
In this course, subjects such as Turkish Administrative Organization (Central Administration and its extensions in the provinces, Local Administrations etc.), administrative transactions (administrative transactions, administrative contracts etc.), administrative activities (Public service, law enforcement activity etc.), Personnel Law, assets of the administration and acquisition methods (administrative assets, expropriation etc.), financial responsibility of the administration, judicial control of the administration (administrative cases, administrative trial procedure etc.) are covered. |
MBH106 |
Law of Clerical Service and Judicial Organization |
In this course, students are provided with detailed information on the legal status of judicial personnel working in the local, appellate and cassation courts of the Republic of Turkey, their job descriptions and distributions, their statutory rights, criteria for appointment and promotion, court organization and the legal relationship between them. |
MBH104 |
Law of Obligations |
General information about the Law of Obligations, the concept of debt, general examination of the sources that give rise to the debt, presentation of the elements of tort and examples from practice to the student, provision of basic information about unjust enrichment. Examination of the performance of debts, provision of information about the time of performance, place of performance and parties, explanation of the reasons that terminate the debt, discussion of examples from practice related to the subjects with the students are aimed. |
MBH 108 |
Psycholohy of Justice |
The course aims to provide students with information about Justice Psychology and its application in practice with an interdisciplinary approach. The Justice Psychology course examines the concepts of crime and criminal, institutions of criminal law, the execution system, the judicial process, the elements that affect judges' decisions, the institution of witnessing, legal concepts such as victimization, and the examination of justice psychology, which has become a separate scientific discipline today, based on contemporary data. It interprets the subconscious states affecting crime and the commission of crime due to substance use between disciplines. |
MBH110 |
Code of Conduct |
The official protocol rules and social behavior rules that must be followed are explained theoretically. Practices are carried out to provide some gains by providing information about the concepts ofcode of conduct, to teach the basic protocol and also etiquette rules, to learn the culture of applying protocol rules in business life while speaking, sitting and standing, in front of the boss, in front of the guest, in official meetings. |
ING207 |
Professional English -I |
The course aims to remind students of and use well-known, everyday expressions and very basic phrases that aim to meet students' concrete needs, and also to enable students to answer questions that include personal details such as the things they own, the people they know, where they live, ask questions, introduce themselves and other people, and ultimately to communicate slowly and clearly with the other person. |
MBH201 |
Civil Procedure Law |
Civil Procedure Law; Introduction, judicial organization, status of judges, duties and authority, lawsuit, legal remedies and arbitration are explained. Counterclaim, prohibition of amendment and expansion of defense, precautionary measure, theory of proof, legal evidence, discretionary evidence, legal remedies and arbitration are explained. |
MBH205 |
Trade Law |
Commercial Enterprise Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Company Law are covered. Necessary information is provided about the commercial legislation that the business is subject to, the problems that may be encountered in commercial life and their solutions, basic information about the establishment and management of companies, commercial promissory notes, their characteristics, types and the problems that may be encountered in commercial life regarding these promissory notes, and the responsibilities, rights and duties of businesses. |
MBH209 |
Office Management Techniques |
The content of this course includes the explanation of management-manager-office concepts, explanation of workflow communication and correspondence processes in offices, ergonomic organization of offices, time, stress, crisis and image management in offices, and explanation of filing techniques in offices. |
MBH207 |
Criminal Law |
Criminal Law Information; Concepts, Principles Governing Criminal Law, History, Sources and Interpretation of Criminal Law, Area of Application of Criminal Law (Application in Terms of Place, Application in Terms of Time, Application in Terms of Person), General Theory of Crime, Elements of Crime in General, Matters Other Than the Elements of Crime (Preconditions, Conditions of Punishment, Reasons for Personal Impunity, Conditions of Criminal Procedure), Legal Element (Typicality), Material Element (Movement), Element of Unlawfulness, Moral Element (Typicality), Special Forms of Appearance of Crime (Attempt, Consolidation of Crimes, Participation), Mistake, Perpetrator, Victim, Penalty Damaged by Crime, (Concept, Types, Results of Criminal Conviction: Accessory and Supplementary Penalties, Determination of the Penalty to be Given, Suspension of Penalty, Judicial Reprimand, Conditional Release), Restoration of the Defamated Rights and Removal of the Conviction Record from the Criminal Record, Reasons that Discontinue Criminal Relations (Death of the Defendant or Convict, Amnesty, Statute of Limitations). |
TAR203 |
Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History-I |
In the course of Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution I; the strategy of the Turkish Revolution, a collective look at the reasons that prepared the ground for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Revolution, modernization movements in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, internal and external events that occurred during the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, intellectual movements in the last period of the Ottoman Empire, World War I and the signing of the Armistice of Mudros, occupations, reactions, societies, the first steps for the national struggle and organization through Congresses are covered. |
MHB209 |
Financial Law |
Financial events, scope of fiscal law, definition of public sector, scope and functions, public services and their characteristics, definition of public expenditures and their characteristics and public revenues, their purposes and types, basic concepts of tax and Turkish tax system, budget implementation and control in Turkey, definition of budget, development, characteristics and budget principles, stages of budget, budget theory and techniques and government borrowing are discussed in general terms. |
MBH211 |
Professional Ethics |
Basic concepts and principles, ethical principles in social work, children and ethics, women and ethics, men and ethics, individuals with different sexual orientations and ethics, ethics in social work with individuals from different languages and cultures, ethical principles for individuals with special needs and old age, human rights, and children's rights are discussed. |
ING208 |
Professional English -II |
This course provides students with an understanding of the main points of clear and standard information in situations that are frequently encountered at work, at school and during leisure time. It also helps students to deal with the most likely situations that may arise, especially when travelling in a country where the language is spoken. The course also helps students to write simple and connected texts on topics of interest or familiarity. The course also enables students to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and goals, and to briefly give reasons and explanations for their opinions and plans. |
MBH208 |
Criminal Procedure Law |
In the Criminal Procedure Law course, the basic concepts, the application of the CMK in terms of place, time and person, the investigation phase, the prosecution phase, legal remedies, the state-victim relationship, special prosecution procedures, trial periods in accordance with the system of the Criminal Procedure Code, matters of duty and authority, preliminary and final investigation rules, hearing, evidence, arrest and legal remedies are emphasized. |
MBH206 |
Bankruptcy – Execution Law |
In the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law course; Enforcement law is explained in the first term in accordance with the system of the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law. Bankruptcy Law topics such as enforcement of judgments, provisional seizure, pursuit through bankruptcy, material bankruptcy law, formal bankruptcy law, bankruptcy crimes, composition law and annulment lawsuit are explained. |
MBH210 |
Labour and Social Security Law |
In this course, students are taught the basic concepts of labor law, union law and social security law. In addition, theoretical and practical solutions are provided to legal problems related to these subjects. In this course, students are taught the subject, purpose, sources, basic concepts and scope of labor law, the concept and types of labor contracts, obligations arising from labor contracts, termination of labor contracts, occupational health and safety, collective labor agreements, unions, strikes, lockouts, etc. |
MBH202 |
A general course process and evaluation will be made on the components of the UYAP System, its operation, the necessity of computer use and how to follow up cases and enforcement proceedings via UYAP. The student will be able to implement UYAP applications in accordance with the legislation using the appropriate environment and tools. |
MBH204 |
Filing and Archieving Techniques |
Within the scope of this course, our students learn how to keep and store the files of ongoing and finalized cases in physical and digital environments. |
MBH212 |
Traineeship |
Within the scope of this course, our students gain experience before working life by doing an internship in the public or private sector for a certain period of time, and then they give feedback through presentations to academics and their classmates, who will be their colleagues in the future. |
TAR204 |
Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History-II |
In the course Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History II; the proclamation of the Republic, the importance of the officials and leaders within the Revolution, constitutional solutions to the problems related to the Lausanne Conference, the participation of the new republican government in international organizations and pacts and its effective activities; attempts to establish multiple parties; the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey; social, legal, economic, cultural, military issues and developments; Atatürk's Principles and Revolution, also known as Kemalism, and Turkey's reassuring foreign policy for the future (Peace at Home, Peace in the World) are the main concepts and topics examined. |