Institute of Social Sciences

MAN-500 Marketing Management

Definition of marketing; marketing philosophies; marketing environment; market segmentation and targeting; marketing research and information systems; consumer behavior; Product price, distribution and promotion decisions, strategic marketing planning, implementation and evaluation, selected applications, service marketing, industrial marketing, international marketing and marketing for non-profit organizations are the topics of this course.

IFN-501 Financial Management

The Financial Management course examines the definition of the finance function and the fundamentals of financial analysis. In this context; Accounting-finance relations, financial statements, financial statement analysis, financial planning, risk and return relations, making financing decisions based on debt and equity, and finally profit distribution policies and time value of money constitute the main topics of the course.

OSD 591 New Technologies in Business

By focusing on the rapidly evolving technology trends in today's business world, this course aims to provide students with an understanding of the various technological tools that businesses can use to increase and maintain their competitive advantage. Starting from Industry 4.0 technologies, the basic principles of this concept and its effects on businesses will be examined in detail within the scope of the course. An in-depth review will be conducted on important topics that support Industry 4.0, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor technologies, big data and analytics applications. In the field of Artificial Intelligence, the focus will be on the role of artificial intelligence in business processes, the basic principles of machine learning and deep learning, business intelligence and predictive analytics applications.

MAN-537 Term Project

The aim of this course is to develop students' academic research skills. Students will be assisted by a lecturer of their choice for consultative purposes during the preparation of their projects. Following the preparation of the final project, its presentation will be made by the student.

MAN-556 Seminar (Non-Thesis): Case Studies in Business Management

It is aimed to broaden students' perspectives and raise their awareness on management-related issues through seminars to be presented by the faculty, graduate students of the program or invited people from the industry, government, business and academia.

MAN-554 Seminar (With Thesis): Case Studies in Business Management

It is aimed to broaden students' perspectives and raise their awareness on management-related issues through seminars to be presented by the faculty, graduate students of the program or invited people from the industry, government, business and academia.

OSD-501 Managerial Economics

This course aims to understand economic principles in the decision-making processes of businesses. In this context, it provides a basic framework for students to make more informed decisions within the dynamics of the business world by explaining how businesses interact with micro and macroeconomic factors. Topics such as demand theory, price and income elasticities are addressed in order to understand consumer behavior and make demand forecasts. In addition, by examining rational preferences and utility theory through consumer choice theory, basic information is provided for businesses to develop customer-oriented strategies.

MAN-507 Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Supply Chain and Logistics Management, all planning processes, operations, applicable techniques and innovative optimization approaches that should exist in an institution that wants to improve planning processes and operational processes will be shared comparatively and with applications. In this course, the student will analyze the supply chain and logistics problems on the basis of suppliers, manufacturers, carriers, warehouses, retailers and customers and develop the ability to apply solution techniques after repeating the most commonly used concepts of logistics and supply chain in practice with examples. It aims to achieve optimum in the "cost", "quality" and "time" components in the application of logistics and supply chain.

MAN-544 Contemporary Business Administration

The course covers the basic principles of business management; It is examined at national and international levels and in the light of the modern business concept and in the context of current business functions. This course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage employees in formal organizations.

MAN-560 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics

The course will cover all stages of marketing research, including data collection and analysis of an actual research project. A variety of qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied, including data collection and interpretation for a specific problem. Ethical issues that may arise during the research process will also be addressed. Additionally, this course attempts to develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Finding literature, collecting data, evaluating data and writing reports techniques required to conduct research on a particular subject are also among the topics that will be discussed. It is to learn quantitative data analysis and interpretation techniques in practice using statistical software (SPSS).

MAN-597 Thesis

In addition to defining the scope of a project and conducting research, different methods that can be used to convey the results are discussed. Master's thesis process; defining a topic and creating a problem definition, identifying and scanning the relevant literature, creating an experimental study design and applying this design by collecting and analyzing data, analyzing experimental data, drawing theoretical conclusions and finally creating a written report called the Master's thesis, It consists of stages.

MAN-598 Thesis

In addition to defining the scope of a project and conducting research, different methods that can be used to convey the results are discussed. Master's thesis process; defining a topic and creating a problem definition, identifying and scanning the relevant literature, creating an experimental study design and applying this design by collecting and analyzing data, analyzing experimental data, drawing theoretical conclusions and finally creating a written report called the Master's thesis, It consists of stages.

OSD-505 Turkish Economy

Regarding the Turkish economy during the course; Examining the economic developments before and after the Republic, understanding and relating the economic, political and social conditions in the period when economic policies were implemented, evaluating the causes and consequences of economic crises, establishing a relationship between globalization and the Turkish economy and drawing lessons for the future. Turkish economy, before and after the Republic; To understand current and near future economic developments by analytically examining production, employment, prices, investments, public finance, monetary policy, foreign trade, sectoral relations (agriculture, industry, energy, mining and services) and planning aspects and economic policies.

OSD-511 - Digital Marketing

The aim of this course is to develop students' theoretical and practical skills about current digital marketing trends. digital marketing strategies, digital marketing mix, preparation of marketing campaigns on digital platforms, marketing communication on digital platforms and digital marketing applications used globally. In addition, the development of digital marketing, the current situation, problems encountered in practice and solutions will be discussed in the course. In the era of ongoing digitalization, the basic components of marketing have been reshaped and integrated with technology. The aim of this course is to provide the students with the knowledge about the basic concepts, methods and tools of digital marketing, to gain the skills of analyzing and applying digital marketing examples.


OSD-549 Foreign Trade Finance

This course includes topics such as foreign transactions legislation and documents used in foreign trade, payment and delivery methods in international trade for the purpose of financing foreign trade. The aim of this course is to provide students with detailed information about cash (TL and foreign currency), non-cash and in-kind loans used domestically and abroad for the purpose of financing foreign trade activities and to provide them with practical skills in providing financing.


OSD-555 Disaster Management

Individuals and families, which are the basis of society; Basic disaster awareness training, first aid knowledge, amateur radio knowledge, knowledge about debris removal tools, disaster psychology knowledge, prescribed by AFAD in order to overcome disasters with the least damage, are given by taking into account national and international standards.


OSD-579 Sustainable Development

The course includes basic concepts related to ecology and sustainability, examining the environment-human relationship and interaction, proposing solutions to ecological problems, sustainable development, ecological planning, urban ecology, public participation, sustainable design and planning. Topics examined: Relationship between Human and Nature, Environmental Problems, Environment and Growth, Environment and Trade, Traditional Development Approach, Sustainable Development Approaches, Political Ecology, Concept of Sustainability, Economy-Society-Environment Triangle, Economic Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Social Sustainability, Nature. Its economic value is in the form of examples of environmental movements in Turkey. The aim of the course is to explain to students environmental problems and the solutions proposed to solve these problems, to draw attention to the economic, social and environmental aspects of development, and to emphasize the general features of sustainable development.

OSD-582 Virtual Worlds

The course will be taught through Second Life, an online virtual environment through avatars. Students will see how the virtual environment works and evaluate the way virtual content is created. This lesson; students cultural differences, language barriers, time difference, technological problems, etc. It aims to teach students how to manage effective teamwork in a virtual and intercultural environment while dealing with many obstacles. This course will also provide the opportunity for collaboration and networking among participants and lecturers from different disciplines, institutions and cultures. Technological components of Virtual Worlds, ethical and social issues related to Virtual Worlds will be covered in this course. Thus, after one semester of study, students will be able to understand the role of Virtual Worlds in today's society.

OSD 580- Customer Relationship Management

To establish real relationship with your customers, you need to know whom they are. Relationships, between customers, and suppliers, and the people and organizations around them are important.  Most businesses know that the company’s customers are vital to the success of the company. So, after one semester study, students will be able to understand the importance level of CRM in today’s marketplace. Addressing the strategic, organizational, commercial, and technology aspects of CRM, brings a psychology perspective, blending theory and practice to aid a full understanding of the subject. 

OSD 524- Financial Market Analysis

This course studies the assets, system and institutions of international financial markets. moreover this course content including to calculate time value of money, bonds and stocks. This course described the ways in which funds flow through an economic system from lenders to borrower and outlined the markets and instruments that lenders and borrowers employ to complete this process. Moreover, in this course, applied the time value of money formulas and the valuation of financial securities such as bonds and equities. With this respect to bond, we included a detailed examination of how change in interest rates, coupon rates, and times to maturity affect their price and price sensitivity.

OSD 586- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

This course is designed to provide an analysis and examination of significant contemporary ethical issues and challenges existing throughout the professional business arena. Emphasis will be placed upon the manager’s social and environmental responsibilities to a wide variety of stakeholders, including employees, customers and the public. Ethical dilemmas and decision-making frameworks and approaches at the personal, organizational and societal levels will be explored. Student engagement in real-world applications and issues are a critical portion of the course. Course aims to equip the students with the fundamentals of Business Ethics and Social responsibility.

OSD 590- Operation Simulation

Business Simulation course is built around a computer-based business simulation. Students taking this course will be wroking in peers. Each team should consider different decisions which are related to Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR/Organisation and Research & Development to manage their simulated company through a set time period. Business Simulation course is built around a computer-based business simulation. Students taking this course will be working in peers. Each team should consider different decisions which are related to Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR/Organisation and Research & Development to manage their simulated company through a set time period. The aim of the course is to provide an experiential learning environment where different business functions playan important role. Students will have the opportunity to apply their learning from the earlier elements of their degree programme to the problems presented by the simulation.

OSD 590- Advanced Management Skills
The course includes disaster management, system and structure, disaster management models, intervention practices and examples are examined. The course aims to provide information on management and management issues, and develop awareness, knowledge & skills by addressing current developments. 

OSD 522- Current Issues in International Trade and Logistics 

The aim of this course is to comprehensively examine recent developments in International Trade and Logistics. In this context, the course will address innovations in transportation systems, advancements in storage methods, changes in legal regulations regarding customs procedures, as well as trends and developments in international trade.

OSD 587- Learning to Learn and Teach

To teach the main theories, basic principles, types, techniques, models of learning and teaching and the skills to apply these models and techniques.