Assist Prof. Dr. Sena DOĞRUYOL

Assist Prof. Dr. Sena DOĞRUYOL Faculty of Arts and Sciences

A. Articles published in international journals

A1. Doğruyol, S. (in press). The Role of Forgiveness and Perceived Partner Responsiveness in the Relationship Between Victim Sensitivity and Subjective Well-Being in Romantic Relationships. Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal.

A2. Doğruyol, S., Uzun, N. B., Aygar, B. B., & Yücedağlar, A. (2024). Examining Measurement Invariance of Different SWLS Measurement Models According to Gender. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 17(3), 8-20.

B. Articles published in national refereed journals

B1. Doğruyol, S. & Zerey, A. (2024). The Online Dating Intensity Scale (ODI): Validity and Reliability Study of Turkish Form. International Anatolian Journal of Sciences, 8(1), 36-49.
B2. Doğruyol, S. & Tayınmak, İ. (2023). Do You Feel Hopeless? The Mediation Role of Self-Efficacy Between Resilience and Hopelessness in Adults. OPUS - Journal of Society Research, 20(52), 239-251.
B3. Doğruyol, S. (2023). The Role of Perceived Partner Responsiveness in the Relationship Between Subjective Well-Being and Level of Disclosure to the Partner in Romantic Relationships. Nesne, 11(27), 39-52.
B4. Doğruyol, S. (2023). Victim Sensitivity in Romantic Relationship Scale (VSRRS): A Scale Development Study, Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 15 (Suppl1), 149-160.
B5. Türkeli, A., Tayınmak, İ., & Doğruyol, S. (2023). Relationship Between Relative Deprivation, Well-Being of Women: Role of Gender Justification. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 15(Suppl 1), 394-405.
B6. Doğruyol, Ö., Okburan G. & Doğruyol, S. (2023). Evaluation of Healthy Eating Attitudes and Sleep Quality in Terms of Sports Performance in Fencing Athletes. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 25(3), 389-398.
B7. Doğruyol, S. & Yetim, Ü. (2019). The Mediational Role of Self-Esteem on the Associations Among Parental Attachment, Perceived Mother/Father Attitudes and Peer Relationships. Nesne, 7(14), 34-51.

C. Papers presented at international scientific conferences and published in proceedings:

C1. Doğruyol, S. (2024).  "Justice Sensitivity, Subjective Well-being and Forgiveness in Romantic Relationships, 33rd International Congress of Psychology."  21-26 July, Prague, Czech Republic.

D. Papers presented at national scientific conferences and published in proceedings books:

Doğruyol, S. (2022). "The Role of Perceived Partner Responsiveness in the Relationship Between Subjective Well-Being and Level of Disclosure to the Partner in Romantic Relationships." Oral Presentation, 21st National Psychology Congress, 13-16 October, İstanbul, Turkey.
D2. Doğruyol, S. (2018). "The Mediational Role of Self-Esteem on the Associations Among Parental Attachment, Perceived Mother/Father Attitudes and Peer Relationships". Poster Presentation, 20th National Psychology Congress, 2018-11-16, Ankara, Turkey.


E. Refereeing in scientific journals:

E1. Current Approaches in Psychiatry

E2. Aurum Journal of Social Sciences


F. Education

PhD:                          Mersin University, Institute of Social Sciences, Psychology.

Thesis:                      The role of forgiveness and perceived partner responsiveness in the relationship between justice sensitivity and subjective well-being in romantic relationships.

Year:                          2018-2023


Master's Degree:     Mersin University, Institute of Social Sciences, Psychology.

Thesis:                       Mediation role of self-esteem among the relationships between perceived mother/father attitudes, parental attachment and peer relationships.

Year:                          2015-2018


Bachelor's Degree:    Middle East Technical University, Psychology.

Year:                             2009-2015